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Question for the guys and girls who date girls

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So, I have a question. Would you date a girl who wore and wet her pampers?? I know due to the nature of this site, I would expect a ton of people to say yes... but before you do, think about it. You are dating a girl outside of this forum of pee talk. She would be peeing when you are with her, Your friends and family would know you are dating a girl in diapers, that holiday party at the office?,Β the cookout at your best friends house?, you know, everyday life. Not just that it's "hot" on this forum. So thinking about all of that, I ask again...

Would you date a girl in pampers??

Stay wet,

Mia πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’•

Edited by MiaDarling
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In all honesty, speaking from my own personal perspective, diaper wetting is something I have more of a "live and let live" attitude about. If someone is into diaper wetting, I'm not going to yuck their yum, but it's not something I personally find erotic. I prefer exposed peeing/peeing in naughty places.

Having said that, as far as having a relationship with a diaper wetter, it wouldn't bother me if it was for a legitimate reason like incontinence but if they had a fetish around diapers as opposed to pee itself, I wouldn't be interested. That isn't to suggest diaper fetishism is an illegitimate reason but i'm sure you understand what i'm trying to say.

I hope that explains my position without causing offence.

Edited by PissOnMyParade
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3 minutes ago, PissOnMyParade said:

In all honesty, speaking from my own personal perspective, diaper wetting is something I have more of a "live and let live" attitude about. If someone is into diaper wetting, I'm not going to yuck their yum, but it's not something I personally find erotic. I prefer exposed peeing/peeing in naughty places.

Having said that, as far as having a relationship with a diaper wetter, it wouldn't bother me if it was for a legitimate reason like incontinence but if they had a fetish around diapers as opposed to pee itself, I wouldn't be interested.

I hope that explains my position without causing offence.

No offense at all, and I appreciate your honest answer. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, pizzapeople said:

I'd probably treat this as any other sexual or bathroom-related thing, which is to say if you are involving bystanders in your kink or sex for me personally that is a line I wouldn't cross. Walking around in a big obvious diaper?Β  Not for me. But just as a reasonable person wouldΒ speculate whether someone is wearing boxers or briefs or a thong or nothing I wouldn't go out of my way to investigate whether they are wearing a diaper - fine (and fun) by me.

Thank you for your reply! 😊

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2 hours ago, MiaDarling said:


So, I have a question. Would you date a girl who wore and wet her pampers?? I know due to the nature of this site, I would expect a ton of people to say yes... but before you do, think about it. You are dating a girl outside of this forum of pee talk. She would be peeing when you are with her, Your friends and family would know you are dating a girl in diapers, that holiday party at the office?,Β the cookout at your best friends house?, you know, everyday life. Not just that it's "hot" on this forum. So thinking about all of that, I ask again...

Would you date a girl in pampers??

Stay wet,

Mia πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’•

I would say yes and if others had an issue with it then it would be their issue. Whilst I wouldn't personally partake by wearing diapers myself it wouldn't bother me if my partner did. I like to try and be really open minded so I wouldn't discount it especailly if it made them feel happy. I like to try and ensure others are happy.

If you don't mind me asking why are you asking? Just curious to see if you are in a situation where you want to date someone but you aren't sure how they would react or are you asking out of curiosity? Just wanting to see if there is anything that we as a community can help you with?

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Personally diapers are not my thing but i wouldn’t mind if my partner wore them all that matters is what she has on the inside for me that’s number 1 if shes lovable and an absolute honey then there would be no problem at all and as to what comes to friends and family well im not close to my family at all so wouldn’t really care and i would proudly show her off to my friends if they don’t like it i don’t care its their problem then if shes happy and she makes me happy then that’s all that matters to me ❀️

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9 hours ago, MiaDarling said:


So, I have a question. Would you date a girl who wore and wet her pampers?? I know due to the nature of this site, I would expect a ton of people to say yes... but before you do, think about it. You are dating a girl outside of this forum of pee talk. She would be peeing when you are with her, Your friends and family would know you are dating a girl in diapers, that holiday party at the office?,Β the cookout at your best friends house?, you know, everyday life. Not just that it's "hot" on this forum. So thinking about all of that, I ask again...

Would you date a girl in pampers??

Stay wet,

Mia πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’•

Like you've said yourself, here on this forum you're definitely preaching to the converted.

But taking a wider view, thinking about the example ofΒ any fetish - or not just a fetish but any significantly encompassing hobby. Like perhaps being into a particular movie fandom to the point of obsession... Β  First and foremost I'd be considering YOU as a person, your personality, your warmth, honesty, how much love you give. Β It's hard to be in a relationship if the other person doesn't have the same morals and values as you. Do I love, or can I fall in love with your soul? Β Do you have a positive and upbeat personality, is this likely to be an energy neutral relationship?Β 

Once that's decided then it's the practicalities - do you have 27 kids that drain all your energy and would somehow become my problem too? Does your convicted psychopath brother hate you dating anyone?

Assuming no major issues there, then where you choose to tinkle really isn't too big a deal.

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12 hours ago, lovestoseepee said:

I would say yes and if others had an issue with it then it would be their issue. Whilst I wouldn't personally partake by wearing diapers myself it wouldn't bother me if my partner did. I like to try and be really open minded so I wouldn't discount it especailly if it made them feel happy. I like to try and ensure others are happy.

If you don't mind me asking why are you asking? Just curious to see if you are in a situation where you want to date someone but you aren't sure how they would react or are you asking out of curiosity? Just wanting to see if there is anything that we as a community can help you with?

Hi. Thank you for your response.Β 

As far as why, .. I am just curious. It came up in a chat and I was curious as to how people in this community would respond. I know I am a bit different with what or how I like wetting, certainly not how most people here like wetting, so since my preference is a bit different I was looking for some feedback. Thank you again!

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6 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Like you've said yourself, here on this forum you're definitely preaching to the converted.

But taking a wider view, thinking about the example ofΒ any fetish - or not just a fetish but any significantly encompassing hobby. Like perhaps being into a particular movie fandom to the point of obsession... Β  First and foremost I'd be considering YOU as a person, your personality, your warmth, honesty, how much love you give. Β It's hard to be in a relationship if the other person doesn't have the same morals and values as you. Do I love, or can I fall in love with your soul? Β Do you have a positive and upbeat personality, is this likely to be an energy neutral relationship?Β 

Once that's decided then it's the practicalities - do you have 27 kids that drain all your energy and would somehow become my problem too? Does your convicted psychopath brother hate you dating anyone?

Assuming no major issues there, then where you choose to tinkle really isn't too big a deal.

Thanks Goose! I'm so glad you chimed in. Yea, I was looking at it from the perspective of if you felt a connection with a woman, would the fact that she wears pampers be a "dealbreaker" for you. Doesn't sound like it would be. Thank you!! 😘

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6 hours ago, DxD said:

Personally diapers are not my thing but i wouldn’t mind if my partner wore them all that matters is what she has on the inside for me that’s number 1 if shes lovable and an absolute honey then there would be no problem at all and as to what comes to friends and family well im not close to my family at all so wouldn’t really care and i would proudly show her off to my friends if they don’t like it i don’t care its their problem then if shes happy and she makes me happy then that’s all that matters to me ❀️

Thank you DxD!! Very sweet answer! 😘

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11 minutes ago, MiaDarling said:

Thanks Goose! I'm so glad you chimed in. Yea, I was looking at it from the perspective of if you felt a connection with a woman, would the fact that she wears pampers be a "dealbreaker" for you. Doesn't sound like it would be. Thank you!! 😘

I've thought about this too, as diapers / nappies aren't really my thing. And I have to say that I'm with several of the people who have commented here: it's much more about the person and much less about the fetish. In fact, we all have funny things we do that irritate or amuse partners. They can be immediately obvious (maybe piercings, tattoos, hairstyles, dress sense, ways of talking) or become discovered quite quickly (political views, music taste, interests etc) or only become apparent after some time (never emptying the bins or doing the wahsing up, being really good - or bad - at cooking, being creative in bed etc). When you think of all those things, the diaper fetish is no big deal ... certainly wouldn't be for me if the person was otherwise sweet and lovely and made me happy πŸ™‚

Edited by Kupar
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I don't wear diapers myself, but I'd be thrilled to date a girl who does.Β One problem would be me walking around hard all the time, because knowing it's such a turn-on for her would turn me on to no end!Β Watching her as she's wetting would drive me absolutely crazy, in the good way. Yes, there's the bias of me being someone who loves everything about pee, but more than that,Β in a good relationship, there's trust and there's a basic desire to see the other personΒ happy. So it's simple in that way β€” if she's happy wearing diapers, and is able to embrace it in the face of a society that tends to have all sorts of hangups about things that do no harm and only help particular people feel good, then I would love being a part of that. And it would also make me feel I could be open about the kinks I have, and ideally she would feel the same desire to see me enjoy those as well.Β 

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32 minutes ago, Kupar said:

I've thought about this too, as diapers / nappies aren't really my thing. And I have to say that I'm with several of the people who have commented here: it's much more about the person and much less about the fetish. In fact, we all have funny things we do that irritate or amuse partners. They can be immediately obvious (maybe piercings, tattoos, hairstyles, dress sense, ways of talking) or become discovered quite quickly (political views, music taste, interests etc) or only become apparent after some time (never emptying the bins or doing the wahsing up, being really good - or bad - at cooking, being creative in bed etc). When you think of all those things, the diaper fetish is no big deal ... certainly wouldn't be for me if the person was otherwise sweet and lovely and made me happy πŸ™‚

Thank Kupar! ( I think I fall into the sweet and lovely category ) πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡

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Interesting question......Β  with a multitude of factors to consider.

For me, the use of nappies doesn't turn me on.Β  However, if my wife were to have some kind of medical issue that made her need to use them then it wouldn't stop me loving her and there could be some fun to be had as well.Β  Β If I was young free and single and looking for a date, then I would expect that I would get to know the person as an individual before it became a relationship and therefore I would hope that by the time it came to finding out about the person using nappies then I would already know whether I liked the person.Β  Β I don't think that the nappies would be something that would make or break a relationship for me.Β  If the person was using them for a medical reason then I would support them in the same way as I would any other medical issue.Β  It they wear them for pleasure and enjoyment then - whatever floats your boat.Β  I have plenty of things that I do which would make a lot of people run a mile so I'm hardly likely to take offence if someone happens to enjoy peeing in a nappy.

How you present that to others would be up to you - i.e. if you wear nappies for fun and want to admit it to other people in my family then that's fine - as others have said, that's up to them to make their own judgement and it would be their problem if they don't like it. I would still be supportive.Β  Β If you wear nappies for a medical reason then I would hope my family would be sympathetic to the situation.Β  If you wear them for fun and want to tell others that it is for a medical reason then I would have no issues with that.

Whenever you meet someone and start to consider dating/relationships then you have to consider everything about them and most people will have something that is not a perfect fit for your lifestyle or interests.Β  My wife isn't interested in some of the things I do, I'm not interested in some of the things she does, but we do have a lot of common ground and a very strong love for each other and therefore it works.

So, in summary wearing nappies would not be something that would stop me seeing someone that I wanted to see.Β Β 

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Depends on the woman. I wouldn't date her in spite of wearing them, that's for sure, but I would have to take into deep consideration on why she's wearing them. Especially having this fetish and have used diapers in my own play, for clean up purposes mainly. Wouldn't want her to think I was making light of her condition, if she had one, or taking advantage of it. That aside, hell yeah.

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