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Cool urinals

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15 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Apologies if these have featured before, but in the NW of England, this pink marble block of four is quite famous. It's in a very ornate pub.

If @Eliminature wants to see the photo of me using one if them she only has to ask and I'll happily post it in the 'Men peeing' section 🙂

If they have been featured (and I feel they may) then no problem with a refresh.   The first ever pub to achieve Grade I listed building status, so those toilets aren't going to get ripped out anytime soon.


The interior includes rich work in copper, mahogany, plaster and glass. Unusually, the gentlemen's toilet also survives from its original Victorian design and features high quality decoration.

Quite a unique and magnificent venue in my favourite English city - if Eli or anyone else wants to pop in for a pint I'd happily keep them company.

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9 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Very unusual and quirky - I never normally suffer from pee-shyness, but there’s something  creepy about the eyes there.  Maybe the floor drain is an option…

for some reason, it's always the single person urinals that are weird, never the troughs. 

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On 4/4/2022 at 7:12 PM, yellowii said:



I have seen and used a toilet like this.  It was temporarily installed on the sea front in Brighton outside a bar when Covid restrictions were in place and the bar was only doing take away.  The inside toilets were closed and there was a toilet like this on the beach with a standard portaloo each side of it.  It isn’t that the door is missing so much as it was never there in the first place. It is the same on the opposite side.  The positioning was such that the closed side faced forward with the portaloos positioned each side by the openings, with a 2m gap between which allowed people to enter.   Best bit for me was that the portaloo had a couple of girls each queuing at them, so I went into this urinal and was able to pee in full view of the girls queuing. Other men also used it.  The shy ones went to the middle and used the urinal trough on the front wall, which meant they couldn’t be seen.   The less shy used the ends of the urinal - either on the back wall which meant that the girls had a view 45 degrees from behind and could see the stream, or the front wall which meant that the man was facing the queue and could see the girls queue whilst peeing, but if they stood well forward the girls could see less.   However, if they stood back a little, the the girls had a 45 degree view from the front, which was pretty much a full on view.

I noticed that some of the girls were happily enjoying the views whilst others deliberately faced the other way.

I peed right at the end of the trough, facing the short queue.  I moved in close to the urinal to get started, but then moved back slightly so I could see the ladies and they could, if they wished, see everything.   The lady at the front of the queue and the one behind her definitely had a could look and I looked back at them.  The second one lifted her gaze monetarily and we made eye contact.  She smiled and the looked back down at what I was owing.

As to whether you could get a law suit on it, I certainly doubt it in the UK.  There are quite a few types of outdoor facilities which leave you pretty much exposed.

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@runningback - I’ve shortened your post to keep to the main point of discussion.

As @Alfresco has correctly described, the urinal cabin would never be used as shown there - it would always be placed so that the opening is shielded from view by other temporary buildings, screens etc.  minimising the chances that a casual user would spied upon.

And between our two countries there’s very little difference legally.  A conviction can only come about following prosecution and that process requires an allegation to be reported.  Either a member of the public reports witnessing an event, or a police office or CCTV operator witnesses it themselves.

However I’m closing the discussion at this point - no further discussion is needed about law and criminality - back to the topic of cool urinals.


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On 3/9/2022 at 6:06 AM, Alfresco said:

I have been to public toilets that have this kind of arrangement with a grill on the floor beneath the urinal.   I did wonder whether there was actually any need for the urinal at all.   Surely just pee on the tiled wall or directly onto the grill on the floor.   Certainly makes cleaning easier with no puddles on the floor.

I love the wallpaper, the grill is super smart. I still have yet to pee in a urinal…I’d be tempted with this one thiugh. 

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3 minutes ago, Havelock said:

I can't find a photo but I remember German bathrooms in the 80s where the urinal was just a tiled wall with a slight recess and slope at the floor level so pee would run to a drain in the corner or middle. Growing up I loved these because you could pee anywhere on the wall. I remember walking into one in the alps somewhere and the tile started next to the door and ran all the way across the wall. I stood right next to the door seeing how close I could direct my stream to the door. Right above me was a light switch on the tiled wall with no clear border between the tiles below. Naturally I decided to push the boundaries and see if I could get my stream up the tiles to the light switch plate. I mean, where does the urinal end and the wall begin in a bathroom like that?

Very practical and innovative 🙂

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