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What has surprised you the most about our fetish?

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A few things have surprised me, including just how common it is and how many people like it, but what surprised me the most is how many different aspects there is!

Just off the top of my head I can think of :-

  1. Wetting
  2. Desperation
  3. Peeing outdoors
  4. Peeing on carpets
  5. Drinking
  6. Destroying furniture
  7. Golden showers
  8. Voyeurism
  9. Peeing on hardwood floors
  10. Power pissing
  11. Measuring

and I am sure there is plenty more i have either forgotten, or just don't know about.


What has surprised you the most?

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I'm surprised how easy it is sometimes to strike up a conversation with a stranger (it takes care and skill to do it) and find they are so willing to start to talk about peeing, sometimes in a curious way, sometimes showing an undiscovered passion in the subject. Love of peeing is the most undiscovered and unrealised pleasure on the planet, yet it is so freely available to all. I will encourage anyone who I think might be interested to dip their toe in the water, like the memorable conversation I had (which I described here) with that lovely lady at the german beer stand, the pub without any toilets (truly)! She was on her fourth pint, (remember?), when she suddenly had to make a swift exit down an alleyway. I'm sure she loved the conversation as much as I did, and that is my surprising thing about our love of peeing.  

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I guess the most surprising thing I've learned - since being online at any rate - is just how many people are also into so-called naughty peeing. Either doing it themselves or watching the ladies do it. I used to think my interest in it was part of such a vanishingly small niche, that there might well be hardly anyone else in the country also into it, and I felt like a weirdo. It is very good and reassuring to know that I am not alone. It is even more fun to know that ladies are into it too.

Another small surprise was the actual existence of a fetish for desperation. Not having any interest in that myself nor having heard of anyone in real life being into that I had no inkling that such a fetish existed.

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Realizing the fetish is more common than I thought. Also, that drinking lots of it turns me on. And that wetting myself in public is my exhibitionist kink!

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There are a few things which have surprised me about our hobby (I think that is a better word than fetish because peeing can be fun in ways which aren't sexual).  I am amazed how many people from such diverse backgrounds enjoy and participate in our hobby.  When I first realized I liked / enjoyed peeing my pants, which was my first foray into this hobby when I was five, I never would have thought there could be so many different variations to "fun-peeing" (as I called it at the time). 

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40 minutes ago, BB1BB said:

I can spring one just from a girl telling me she needs to pee.

I was out on a walk the other week and two girls out for a jog past by. One said 'I really need a wee - let's go down there' and they went off to pee in a bush. I didn't follow them (although if I'd known them, I totally would have). That was enough to feed a couple of days worth of fantasies, easily.

I got it bad. 😄

I feel you man, I got it just as bad lol. I definitely would’ve followed them if I were there, probably would’ve staged a little scene where I ‘came across’ them peeing in a bush and acted all surprised 😂. That would’ve fed my fantasies for weeks.

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Guest UnabashedUser
1 hour ago, BB1BB said:

I can spring one just from a girl telling me she needs to pee.

Yes! If a girl tells me she has to "go to the powder room"  or winks at me as she gets up to go, or says she has to pee it's boner time.  If I hear  the hisssshhh hisssshhh of a woman peeing even more so.

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Guest UnabashedUser
11 hours ago, Sophie said:

and I am sure there is plenty more i have either forgotten, or just don't know about.

Revenge peeing. While walking through a parking garage once a car almost brushed into my wife and me, prompting the wife to give the driver the finger and a curse. 

As we continued walking to the entrance she noticed the guys car already parked and vacant and said "Let me leave him our calling card" and proceded to squat and hose down his right wheel.


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19 hours ago, Specter said:

Honestly, what has surprised me the most about our fetish is how varied the degree of interest in it can be. For instance, I've met people who spring a hard-on from watching a girl pee, and that's about it, but I've also met people who prefer peeing to be part of most sexual interactions and only jerk off/rub one out to porn or fantasies involving peeing. I myself haven't ever in my life jerked off to just sex without pee. Like, not once, ever. That doesn't mean I can't have sex without some pee-related stuff happening -- I can, and I enjoy vanilla sex/sex with other kinks involved a lot, but when it comes to jerking off, I just never find a reason to search up non-pee-related material when I can just watch watersports porn. I suppose that goes with a lot of other fetishes too, but the magnitude of it all just surprises the hell out of me. I guess personal involvement matters too, lol.

For me it's either piss or futanari. 

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7 hours ago, Dr.P said:


Then she told me this story: She had been born and raised to believe that female excretory functions were disgusting and repulsive, especially to men. On the other hand there was a couple, among her relatives, who always went to the bathroom together, at family gatherings, which was a little confusing to her. Immediately previous to our dating, she had a devastating experience with a lover. She peed all over his hand, during her orgasm, when he was getting her off, manually. His reaction was to shake her pee off of his hand, in obvious disgust, then wash his hands, take a shower alone, and leave, immediately afterward. He never called her again...

Oh, my god. That’s horrible, doing what he did.

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Guest UnabashedUser
11 hours ago, Dr.P said:

She responded by enthusiastically taking my hand and pulling me into the bathroom with her, asking, "Do you want me to sit or stand?

Love all your writings here Dr. P. over the years. Very descriptive and recall fond memories of other wet experiences in my past.

A girl who takes you by the hand into the bathroom, spreads wide on the  pot and opens her pussy for you to see all is a pearl of great price. I have had two wet experience girls: one is my wife with whom we play many wet games.

The other was a surprise stranger I met at a party in college which led to a 5 month semiserious romance. Very straight and unassumingly quiet in demeanor, but when suitably fortified with a couple of drinks would become an eager participant in bathroom activities, including risky pissings in semiprivate locations like elevators, parking garages, city parks.

And then, next day, forget that any of it happened.

But then give you that secret knowing smile which would encourage another raging hardon.

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Guest UnabashedUser

A lot of aversion women have to being watched while peeing probably goes back to early training by mothers who say “nice girls don’t do that” as they grow up.

Let alone that they should gain any pleasure by being viewed by a male while she performs these secret rituals of peeing, wiping, or defecating.

Most guys will develop a raging hardon if they pass a girl in the woods (or anywhere) taking a leak or bent over. It’s what we do – we’re all voyeurs to a degree and although they won’t often admit it most women would take a look if they saw a guy openly peeing or getting sucked.

Of course the person must be socially acceptable to them-- not a bedraggled drunk, old guy, or someone they don’t “approve” of.

As a teen riding an off-road bicycle down a woods trail saw 3 teen girls from a nearby summer camp all squatting and pissing in unison.

Of course I stopped to watch not wanting to pedal past their exposed rumps which were only a foot or so off the trail .

One of them heard the sound of the chain and glanced backwards at me and said to her friends:

“Oh hurry up and finish there’s a boy watching us” as she hurriedly pulled up her panties and stood up.

The others took a look at me, one of them smiled, the other quickly dabbed at her pussy with a kleenex and hoisted her drawers too.

The last one kept pissing until empty while smiling and looking embarassed while the two others turned their backs to me and said nothing.

When finally done the last girl took her time wiping, and then said to me directly seeing my hardon said: “Enjoying your fucking self, buddy?”

She seemed to be older than the others in both size and age and might have been the leader of the hike.

Sneering she then gave me the finger and they all strode off up the trail.

I didn’t resume biking until a few minutes later as it would have been awkward to pass them on the trail so soon and I had to investigate the puddles and left behind tissues as well as take a leak myself and leave some cum behind too.


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I am pleasantly surprised to fine out that so many people have an interest in pee.  I never would have thought that there could be so many ways pee would affect people.

Sophie I will add number 12 to your list, listening!! that has been my connection since I was interested for many years.

It is so nice to be able to read postings here and exchange questions and thoughts with other members here.  I am happy to know that I am not weird for having an interest in female pee.  It is nice to know that women can have an interest in male pee related topics.

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oliver2 said, "Oh, my god. That’s horrible, doing what he did."

@oliver2, Yes, I certainly thought that it was. He caused her to become very inhibited and ashamed of something which was nothing to be ashamed of, and caused her some long term psychological damage. She had relaxed and had a very enjoyable orgasm, in response to his actions. He should have been happy for her, at the very least, and even proud of himself, for being able to give her such uninhibited pleasure. It could have been a beautiful, extremely intimate moment, that they shared.

During the first six or eight months that we dated, I was puzzled by the fact that she was very liberated, sexually, with respect to everything but peeing. After she told me this story, and found out that I was genuinely turned on by her peeing, she cried with relief, in my arms. After that, she was very liberated about her peeing, too, and we had many delightful adventures together, involving this bodily function. If you are interested, you can read my stories about "Lisa" in the True Stories section of Pee Fans, from several years ago, for details.

@UnabashedUser, Thanks again for your very kind words. Glad my stories have helped you to recall some fond memories of your past experiences. I always enjoy reading about them.

I totally agree with your other recent post, in which you say,

" A lot of aversion women have to being watched while peeing probably goes back to early training by mothers who say “nice girls don’t do that” as they grow up."

"Lisa" and other women I have known, report that they were heavily conditioned by their mothers, in exactly that way. To me the mystery is why do their mothers condition them in this way, and teach them that their excretory processes are unattractive, disgusting, and ugly to men, especially, when the exact opposite is true, in many cases?

"Let alone that they should gain any pleasure by being viewed by a male while she performs these secret rituals of peeing, wiping, or defecating."

Yes, the ritualistic and secret aspects of all of this have always intrigued me. Back in the day (1970's and 1980's), many women would talk quite freely about details of their sexual activities, and even their periods, but would go silent and change the subject, when comments or questions turned to their peeing.

"Most guys will develop a raging hard-on if they pass a girl in the woods (or anywhere) taking a leak or bent over. It’s what we do – we’re all voyeurs to a degree and although they won’t often admit it most women would take a look if they saw a guy openly peeing or getting sucked."

"Of course the person must be socially acceptable to them-- not a bedraggled drunk, old guy, or someone they don’t “approve” of."

I think you're right about the reactions of most guys to seeing girls peeing, or even listening to them, or hearing them talk about peeing. But I think a large number of guys are very hypocritical about their turn-ons, and may say that they find peeing to be gross, ugly, or a turn-off, at the same time as their hard-ons betray their true feelings! Obviously, this tends to confuse most girls, and reinforces their mothers' teachings, as it did in the case of my g.f., "Lisa."

Enjoyed your story about the three girls on the bike path, in the woods, also.



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Guest UnabashedUser
49 minutes ago, Dr.P said:

Back in the day (1970's and 1980's), many women would talk quite freely about details of their sexual activities, and even their periods, but would go silent and change the subject, when comments or questions turned to their peeing.

Indeed I agree. Like fellatio, which I think most women secretly enjoy up to a point, admitting that peeing feels good, sometimes makes even a female horny, and causing a desire to witness others doing is something  many women do not want to confess as that may embarrass them.

So they're uncomfortable about talking about that secret enjoyment or desire and feel guilty about perhaps liking the sensation or the turn on that it might cause.

Oddly in Japan and the Phillippines where I was stationed in the navy, many women there are open about it.  I've witnessed many times in coed benjo's in Nippon women urinating in company of men and other women openly, side by side.  In the PI outskirt public toilets in the boondocks are commonplace with a section for defecating and another for peeing, sometimes a shed roofed cubical over a ditch or mountain stream.

As long as you make no big deal about it no one takes exception to you getting a good furtive look at what's going on either.


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UnabashedUser said,

"Oddly in Japan and the Philippines where I was stationed in the navy, many women there are open about it.  I've witnessed many times in coed benjo's in Nippon women urinating in company of men and other women openly, side by side.  In the PI outskirt public toilets in the boondocks are commonplace with a section for defecating and another for peeing, sometimes a shed roofed cubical over a ditch or mountain stream."

"As long as you make no big deal about it no one takes exception to you getting a good furtive look at what's going on either."

Yes, I am married to a Chinese woman, who was born and raised in China, and have learned that Asian women's attitudes toward urinating are far more relaxed than those in the Western world, especially the States. I often wonder if this is a lingering hangover from the Puritans, who originally settled this country. So your experiences in Asia are not so odd, after all. My wife has explained to me that basic human desires and curiosities, like those about sex and urination, are accepted very calmly, in the ancient cultures of Asia.


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Guest UnabashedUser
5 minutes ago, Dr.P said:

UnabashedUser said,

"Oddly in Japan and the Philippines where I was stationed in the navy, many women there are open about it.  I've witnessed many times in coed benjo's in Nippon women urinating in company of men and other women openly, side by side.  In the PI outskirt public toilets in the boondocks are commonplace with a section for defecating and another for peeing, sometimes a shed roofed cubical over a ditch or mountain stream."

"As long as you make no big deal about it no one takes exception to you getting a good furtive look at what's going on either."

Yes, I am married to a Chinese woman, who was born and raised in China, and have learned that Asian women's attitudes toward urinating are far more relaxed than those in the Western world, especially the States. I often wonder if this is a lingering hangover from the Puritans, who originally settled this country. So your experiences in Asia are not so odd, after all. My wife has explained to me that basic human desires and curiosities, like those about sex and urination, are accepted very calmly, in the ancient cultures of Asia.


There's much to be said for the good vibes of that lifestyle. Had a Japanese GF in my Sasebo days. She was good for a sailor's soul and a miracle in bed.  There are times I miss her stoic approach to life.

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