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Re-Writing The Movie Script

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Ok, I’ve just had one of my very odd random thoughts...

Imagine you can rewrite the script of any movie, your choice - to add in a scene of your own pee related choice. 

It’s your free choice - if you’re into male wetting and you want to see Patrick Swayze pissing on Jennifer Grey’s breasts then fine,  if you want to see Sigourney Weaver wetting her white skimpy’s then so be it.

Don’t hold back - tell us which movie, which characters, describe the scene for us... 

Edited by Sophie
Moved to Pee Talk & Questions ~ Sophie
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2 hours ago, Sophie said:

Speed - 1994

I'm sure most of you are familiar with this movie. There is a bomb on a bus and if it goes below 50 MPH, it will explode. That's not the only thing that will explode however, Annie (Sandra Bullock) really needs to pee. Her bladder was aching when she climbed onto the bus and now she is ready to burst. Unfortunately, she cannot just pull over at the side of the road to squat.

As she clocks up the miles she reaches the point of no return and has no other option. She glances over apologetically at Jack (Keanu Reeves) as a faint hissing can be heard over the sound of the engine. "I couldn't wait any longer" she quietly says as the camera pans down to the seat, a dark stain slowly spreading across the fabric.

When they finally get off the bus Annie looks relieved in more ways than one. The back of her dress shows the full extent of her pee with her dress very visibly wet at the bottom as it clings to her skin.

Too bad Annie hasn't yet learned how to use a bottle. 

(BTW, I happen to be a big Sandra Bullock fan. If only she had come to me before taking on this role.)

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  • 9 months later...

Obviously. When Harry Met Sally (1989).

Sally: How do you know?

Harry: What do you mean how do I know? I know.

Sally: Because they...

Harry: Yes, because they...

Sally: And how do you know that they really...

Harry: What are you saying, that when you think they're faking an orgasm at the restaurant they're really peeing under the table?

Sally: It's possible.

Harry: Get outta here!

Sally: Why? Most women at one time or another have peed under the table.

Harry: Well they haven't peed with me.

Sally: How do you know?

Harry: Because I know.

Sally: Oh, right, that's right, I forgot, you're a man.

Harry: What is that supposed to mean?

Sally: Nothing. It's just that all men are sure it never happened to them and that most women at one time or another have done it so you do the math.

Harry: You don't think that I could tell the difference?

Sally: No.

Harry: Get outta here.

Sally: Ooo...Oh...Ooo...

Harry: Are you OK?

Sally: Oh...Oh God...Ooo Oh God...Oh...Oh...Oh...Oh God... Oh yeah right there Oh! Oh...Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...Oh...Oh... Yes Yes Yes....Oh...Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...Oh...Oh... Oh... Oh God Oh... Oh... Huh...

(Sally finishes, looks at Harry and smiles. Harry looks under the table, looking a little uneasy)

Lady from another table: I'll have what she's having.


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Just now, gldenwetgoose said:

I'd forgotten all about posting this.... great bumping @Kupar


You're welcome 🙂 I forget now how I even found it earlier today. I made a note to do the WHMS thing when I finished work. I like the photo. 

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I wanna see Claire Deering from Jurassic World have a pee in one of the old abandoned buildings lol. I could see her pretty self squat in the corner relieving herself because they're all abandoned anyway. Who cares?

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This isnt from the movie but i think it will fit right in, so i think lot of people have heard about the Netflix miniseries called Queen´ gambit i believe. Starring with amazing Anya Taylor-Joy.

So there is a quite a few scenes which could have included peeing but anyways i will pick up two scenes here. First one is where Beth has passed out in the bathtub in the hotel room, so she would wake up and realized that there is just something another liquid in there than water aswell. Could have easily happen as she was totally drunk when fall asleep, would have love that.

The second scene i pick up here is when Beth has a quite of a bender/gutter and she is dancing around the house with her panties and are totally wasted, when she finally pass out and hit her head in the table aswell. She was so drunk and totally really deep drunken sleep and might knocked unconcsicious while hitting her head that table. When she woke up she would had a quite a puddle under herself and totally soaked panties, that would be even be most likely to happen after that kind of drinking. Would love that, also there is a scene where she play with the russian master first time with serious hangover. In that scene she drinks a tons of water so she would getting quite desperate while the game continues.

Well here is my contribution for now on this topic, might post more when decided which movie i will use.

Edited by willinglywet
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Pretty Woman

[Edward (Richard Gere) and Vivian (Julia Roberts) are planning some major league shopping.]

Edward: Wake up. Time to shop. Now, if you have any trouble using this card, have them call the hotel. All right?

Vivian: More shopping.

Edward: Mm-hmm. I'm surprised you didn't buy more than one dress yesterday.

Vivian: Wasn't as much fun as I thought it was gonna be. They were mean to me. People are looking at me. And no chance to do my pee thing.

Edward: They're not looking at you; they're looking at me.

Vivian: The stores are not nice to people. I don't like it.

Edward: Stores are never nice to people; they're nice to credit cards. Okay, get rid of your gum. And are you filled up?

Vivian: Yes – I need to go pretty bad now.

[Later … they enter a shop…]

[Edward clears his throat]

Store manager: I am Mr. Hollister, the manager. May I help you?

Edward: Edward Lewis. You see this young lady over here. Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

Store manager: Oh, yes …. I mean no, no, I'm saying we have many things as beautiful as she would want them to be.

Edward: I think we can all agree with that. We're gonna need a few more people helping us, and you might need to arrange for some carpet cleaners to come in tomorrow morning. I'll tell you why.

We're going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here, and this beautiful lady needs to pee, and she wants to do it in your store – maybe on the floor, maybe on the clothes, maybe in the changing rooms – her choice.

So we're going to need a lot more help sucking up to us, and things might get quite wet. That's what we really like. You understand that?

Store manager: Sir, you're in the right store and the right city for that matter. Anything you see here, we can do, by the way. And whatever you want to do by way of peeing – that’s just fine with us. Get ready to have some fun. Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, Tovah, let's see it! Come on. Bring it out, girls.

Vivian [jiggling a little]: Oh, this is absolutely divine … I simply have to pee on it!

Store manager: Excuse me, sir, uh … Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just profane or really offensive?

Edward: Really offensive. So offensive that if this lady says she has to pee on that dress, your staff will help her do it.

Store manager: Very well, sir. Girls, lay that dress on the floor, then help our customer to soak it.

Vivian [squirming, with her hand jammed into her crotch]:That’s right! I want all of us to pee on the dress!

[Vivian and the store assistants all stand over the Gucci dress, legs apart, and let go through their knickers, so that puddles form in patches on the fabric, spreading and merging, then soaking in. Edward watches, with a growing bulge in the front of his trousers – but he has to leave.]

Edward [to Vivian]: You're on your own. I have to go back to work. You look great!

[To store manager]: She has my card.

Store manager: And we'll help her use it, sir.

Later… in the boutique from yesterday; Vivian is immaculately dressed in clothes from Hollister’s  store.

Vivian [to assistant]: Hi. Do you remember me?

Assistant: No, I'm sorry.

Vivian [opening her legs and peeing powerfully, with a loud hiss, on to the carpet]: I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me.

Assistant: Oh. And what do you think you’re doing?!

Vivian: I’m pissing on your carpet because I can. You work on commission, right?

Assistant: Uh, yes.

Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now.

[Vivian turns on her heel and, still pissing down her legs, walks out of the store.]


I thought @Paulypeeps might like this one.


Julia Roberts 3.jpg

Julia Roberts 2.jpg

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On 3/10/2020 at 11:53 AM, steve25805 said:

Scene from Terminator 2.

The friendly terminator payed by Arnold Schwarzenegger has been sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor. The evil shapeshifting terminator has them holed up in a building and wants to flush them out rather than go in after them. He has acquired a gun firing tear gas cannisters which he is firing into the building. Sarah Connor is starting to cough. Arnie suggests making an escape down into the sewers but the tear gas is growing too thick. He knows Sarah may not make it. He says "you need to make a gas mask so you can make it to the drain downstairs so we can escape into the sewers. Take off your underwear." 

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Take off your underwear. Hurry. There is little time."

Sarah is beginning to cough more badly as the tear gas takes hold. Her eyes are closed against it. But she steps out of her jeans and removes her underwear with difficulty.

"Pee on the underwear."

Sarah squats over the discarded panties and pees on them.

When she is done, Arnie says, "Now hold those panties up to your nose and mouth. It will protect you from the gas."

Sarah does so with one hand, grabbing her discarded jeans with the other. With her eyes closed Arnie leads her into the basement where there is a manhole leading to the sewers. They make their escape, Sarah bottomless but clutching her jeans to put on later.....

I would have thought she would have let loose outside the lift as she's trying to escape, as the doors open and Arnie's right there - massive pants pissing moment. Sorry for the crap picture but its the only one i can find



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@willingly Great idea about Queen's Gambit. My preferred scenario for that show would be to have her desperate while over the board during a match and struggling to maintain concentration. I actually wonder if that ever happens in real life.

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2 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

Yes, it is rather good.

Thank you! I did wonder about the rather old fashioned gender roles, but then I thought the combination of clothes shopping and peeing nonchalantly and deliberately would probably appeal enough 😉

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On 1/5/2021 at 12:06 AM, Bacardi said:

I wanna see Claire Deering from Jurassic World have a pee in one of the old abandoned buildings lol. I could see her pretty self squat in the corner relieving herself because they're all abandoned anyway. Who cares?

love that whole series!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here comes oldie, as a car enthusiast i like to watch movies which includes driving and nice high speed chases with a nice cars with it. So in the movie "Smokie and the bandit" there is scene where the bandit has made a huge jump with his firebird the girl played by Sally Field told that she need to pee by using the truck drivers code. Would have love to see those jeans get wet.

Movie trivia fact #217. In the 1977 movie Smokey and the Bandit, actors  were not required to wear their seat belt at all times. - Imgur

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