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Liberal pee attitudes vs anti-pee extremism


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Whilst I appreciate it's a massive oversimplification to generalise an entire country's attitude to something, I was wondering if any countries come to mind as being a bit more liberal when it comes to peeing, and any that you think of as being extremely against it?

Both in terms of peeing outdoors, and general taboo-ness of the subject?


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Generally in the UK I would say that attitudes towards sexual topics have become more liberal and openly discussed, probably due to the internet.

That said, is pee really becoming 'more acceptable?' 


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In old conservative India peeing outdoors was the norm due to lack of facilities and even though strict cultural values for women were followed, when it came for them to seek relief outdoors, an exception was made and males were obliged to give them an invisible privacy. No one condemned or discussed the topic as it was taken as a norm and even the exposure associated part of living with the conditions and nothing connotation was applied then. With the advent of modern global lifestyle, cities and small town attitudes have changed vastly with peeing considered an act thats wrong in every sense from hygiene to the issue of woman's impending exposure. Even though the ladies now have far more sense of freedom in dress codes as well as cultural norms and freedom to mix freely with the opposite sex or talk and discuss sexuality in media ( an act that would have been scandalous ) in past. When pee is concerned its a gross act that has to be done in privacy and also the fact that men now ogle and taunt as well as harass ladies peeing outdoors. So for the pee voyeur in me I would rather have India of past that as a teen gave me some up close detailed sightings of ladies peeing and the paraphernalia associated with the act before I left for US.

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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

I know for personal reasons that Spain has a 0-fucks-given about public urination, but only during parties. There is some kind of "don't ask don't tell" silent deal between party animals and common people, that on friday and saturday night common people simply won't go outside, and you see scenes like those from Galician Nights actually everywhere. Half a dozen of girls pissing in a row in full street-lights with thousands of people passing nearby, taking pics of them, chatting with them as they pee, and thirty feet away another group of ten girls pissing serenely in the middle of the city main streets while drinking, smoking and chatting.

During daytime, Spain is more open anyway, though not to such extent.

In France, there is a subtle concept of, to quote an old glorious band, "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" thus people pissing along the streets are sanctioned sometimes by police, but it's a "national spirit" to allow anything Others wouldn't dare to do. I cannot forget this HOT (boy help me spell HOT) brunette with straight hair to the waist level and a baking suit on, all sweat over the skin, smoking on the door of her shop, people walking all around, chatting with a friend, and then letting out this THUNDEROUS fart like nothing, no giggling, and just keep on with the conversation. Needless to say I got wet to the point of feeling sticky between my tighs.

Italy is complex: if you do your business hidden and somebody sees you, embarass will be so strong that people would likely ignore you, not because they accept, but because they are so grossed out that they wouldn't know how to express such disgust in a proper amount beside shooting at you, thus they remain paralized and simply look the other way. If you cross boundaries and actually pee exceedingly in public, then you got arrested. Italy is the most morally repressed state I have knowledge of. during parties, everybody pees everywhere… but with a negative attitude: they think themselves to be doing something wrong, "and then let us be evil!" Through Rome first, and the Vatican later, Italians consider self-containment a matter of good manners and honour, and freedom as laxism. Guess why there are much more neo-fascists in Italy then neo-nazis in Germany.

East europe is different, yet complex. They care not for public urination, indeed fines are pathethic, people could pee in front of a cop and get ignored, they have a consideration (a derivation from the ancient Bogatyr lifecode) of things in terms of simply bothering or actually unacceptable for society, but not in terms of morality. They consider rude to pee where you shouldn't, but rude, not immoral, that's why all ExtremePublicPiss movies are shot in East Europe (with few exceptions), and likely they will just look the other way, because they are impregnated with this psychology that "complaining for little things is for pussies". The Bogatyr, or "Heroes", were the first wandering knights of the newborn Russian empire, dating back to the end of the Roman Empire. Their moral code was that all that was human was fine, until it dirsupted the chance to peacefully enjoy other human things in the future. Thus, they loved all form of sex, many stories refer of them drinking piss from gentle maidens before calling their servants for great bukkakes on the girl. They also practiced violent sports like first kinds of bare-handed boxing, but recurred to actual violence only when needed, because Death would disrupt a serene lifestyle. Witchcraft sees existence in a Jung-ian way, if you want an instinct controlled, you must first accept the fact that Nature was right in giving it to you and it is not wrong to have it, thus we explore violence beside strictly personal defence, but on the actual stance of daily behaving, the Bogatyr lifecode is the best of History. Guess why they say east europe girls are so unhinibited!


China is strict in theory, very strict, but dark alleys are open toilets.

India, same thing, with the add that men pissing in public is more accepted than women; it's not sexism, is more complicated: Indian culture firmly believes that men should be assertive to the point of being rude, and girls should be stealthy in all they do, and seduce and drive men mad with secrets only hinted at. Thus an openly peeing girl disrupts this heartfelt way of behaving. They have anyway a "backdoor" for Sadhus ( called Aghori for men, and Dakini for women) worshippers of Shiva (which is the core of Witchcraft, by the way), feared and respected, that unless bothering citizens and tourists, are free to do more or less anything they want.


Japan si strict. There and then. In public. Among bedpans they do EVERYTHING. And some rebellious Youth pees everywhere also in public, but if caught their asses are kicked.

In South america and Mexico, public pissing is frowned upon, but tolerated, yet more out of a "not my business" attitude than not because they endorse the right of humans to pee freely.

USA, I prefer to leave words to people of the forum living in it… and I really know little of Canada, but we have a great man from there in the forum, @speedy3471


Africa is a problem. Anthropological studies denotes that africans have been completely mind-washed by white settlers, introducing christians and muslims practices and limitations. For what I came to know during my studies with black people (I was being trained in Voodoo), they are an explosion of sexuality and would gladly do anything visceral, but something rooted in their brains compels them to stick to the lifecode inherited from the europeans. Modern african sensibility and spirituality, called Umbanda, is a lot like New Age. Rebels of this conjoined the ways of Kiumbanda (another core of Witchcraft), with all taboos acts freely and destrucitvely enjoyed. But Kiumbanderos are few, and hunt by the police for their anarchist practices, that in some places reach the levels of actual terrorism. So in Africa you will see girls serenely pissing along the road, but to make them let go on their inhibitions is harder. Black girls are HOT and they smell DIVINE (try one and then tell me) but are more shy than people could believe. They reach a pre-set point faster than any other cultures… but from that on… no ways… unless they are among those who actually rebel against this. The black girl I fucked with Alex last spring was a great experience...

Here in Canada public urination is severely frowned on, if caught the ticket is quite expensive. It varies from province to province, the charge is public indecency. Same charge applies if you are caught having sex in a public place

In the alleys around bars and other places public urination happens all the time tho, especially in small towns. I've peed in alot of parking lots and on the road side when driving. We canadians are a bit more uptight than you Europeans about public nudity and such things. Iam not that uptight at all about those things haha

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Thanks @spywareonya- very detailed analysis of a wide variety of countries.   I want to move to Spain!

As for UK - we are quite a complex bunch with a wide variety of points of view and tolerance to rules and behaviours.    Without doubt, male and females pee outside during nights out as I have been witness on many occasion (and also participated myself).   Any decent size town or city will have its fair share of public peeing on pretty much any Friday or Saturday nights.   The people who are peeing vary greatly in their efforts to be discrete - I have seen some girls almost bent double in agony whilst trying to find suitably hidden locations to relieve their bladders - yet, conversley, I have seen some girls bare all and pee in total view.  The most common is that they will try to find somewhere with at least a bit of cover, so that they look like they have tried to be discrete, but they are not that fussed if someone sees them.    However, many of the same people during the daytime wouldn't dream of peeing in public during the day time.  It just seems that there is an unwritten rule that peeing outside is much more accepted in the late evenings - it is also encouraged by the reduction in inhibitions and the increased bladder pressures brought on by alcohol.

The legal side is also complex.  As far as I know, it is not generally illegal to urinate in public, but you can be charged for indecent exposure or outraging public decency.  There is also the possibility of being charged with wilful damage to property.  To be charged with indecent exposure or outraging public decency, it has to be considered that you have set out with the intention of offending someone and someone has to have been offended.   i.e. you could probably quite easily talk your way out of a charge for peeing in a back alley behind a bin because you were peeing discretely and not exposing yourself, but if you stood and peed in full view in front of a group of the opposite sex then that might be a different matter.

Many towns and cities have introduced by-laws, which include local restrictions on public urination and also local ways of dealing with it.  These include on the spot fines (around £80) and also an attempt to embarrass you into thinking twice in the future by presenting you with a mop and bucket and getting you to clean up.

The other area of common public urination is the outdoor life.   Most outdoor activities involve spending hours away from toilets - e.g. when walking, cycling, kayaking, etc. etc.  Most regular participants of these activities accept that it is part of the deal to need to pee outside.   Most will try to be discrete about it, but there isn't any embarrassment about the need to pee whilst outside.   e.g. when I have been on kayaking trips, we stop for lunch, guys and girls will quite happily walk a little way into the woods on the bank to go and pee.  They don't make any secret about what they are doing and it is very obviously the reason for withdrawing from the group.   There tends to be an unwritten rule that girls will go one way and guys will go the other, but I have caught girls peeing in these circumstances.   They have never got that bothered - I have just apologised and moved to another place to get my own relief. 

Having said all the above, probably the vast majority of average town/city dwellers still wouldn't pee outside as a matter of course.   It is only really the nightlife reveller and the outdoor activity people that take full advantage of peeing wherever and whenever they like.  Even those same people in normal day to day life would probably be very relucant to pee outside during the day - especially if they thought they may get caught - not so much for risk of being arrested or fined but more just out of embarrassment.

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14 hours ago, Admin said:

Generally in the UK I would say that attitudes towards sexual topics have become more liberal and openly discussed, probably due to the internet.

That said, is pee really becoming 'more acceptable?' 


Attitudes in the UK towards watersports have definitely been watered down a little, if you'll pardon the pun. You can tell your pee secret to your partner freely without fear of them running a fucking mile.

Peeing in public is still as taboo as ever, though.


In terms of countries who are dead set against watersports in whatever form that takes, I would say a lot of countries with a high Muslim population are generally more prudish, because if you read the Qur'an there is a section on fetishes involving urination and how they are repulsive and anti-islamic. Obviously none of us in this particular community agree with that point of view...

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18 minutes ago, PeeFan said:

In terms of countries who are dead set against watersports in whatever form that takes, I would say a lot of countries with a high Muslim population are generally more prudish, because if you read the Qur'an there is a section on fetishes involving urination and how they are repulsive and anti-islamic. Obviously none of us in this particular community agree with that point of view

It is so true that if you see my post wich overlaps more or less all the planet, I totally forgot to write about the arabic peninsula ahahahahahaha!!!!!!!


Yes, that portion of the Qu'ran particularly enrages us Witches because it was added later to hit and outlaw the Yazidis, a subgroup of Islam which remained faithful to the ways of the Ancients, and whose extermination continues today in border lands. Yazid secret rituals involve urine (like all magick worthy of this name).

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In the UK at least, I think there's a general and steady increase in the 'I can do what I want' attitude and also in public acceptance of bodily functions - albeit a very slow changing of attitudes.

However, I don't think the acceptance of pee related fetish activities has become any more widespread - although of course more accessible in the online media.

Peeing in general and public visibility of it does seem to have increased - the tabloids will publish pictures of a Z list celeb squatting in a doorway on a night out, it's public knowledge that Holly Willoughby has nearly / maybe has leaked on live TV whilst giggling. Incontinence products are freely advertised and as @Alfresco has outlined, when alcohol is involved, the bodily function isn't held as shameful - just part of being wasted.

I think though that all of that is true for peeing as a bodily function. Mention for example golden showers and people think of an activity taking place between Russian prostitutes and Donald Trump - not something that Sharon from the next street does. Similarly deliberate holding, wetting, peeing in naughty places etc etc probably aren't practised any more widely?  I could be wrong though?

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23 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

In the UK at least, I think there's a general and steady increase in the 'I can do what I want' attitude and also in public acceptance of bodily functions - albeit a very slow changing of attitudes.

However, I don't think the acceptance of pee related fetish activities has become any more widespread - although of course more accessible in the online media.

Peeing in general and public visibility of it does seem to have increased - the tabloids will publish pictures of a Z list celeb squatting in a doorway on a night out, it's public knowledge that Holly Willoughby has nearly / maybe has leaked on live TV whilst giggling. Incontinence products are freely advertised and as @Alfresco has outlined, when alcohol is involved, the bodily function isn't held as shameful - just part of being wasted.

I think though that all of that is true for peeing as a bodily function. Mention for example golden showers and people think of an activity taking place between Russian prostitutes and Donald Trump - not something that Sharon from the next street does. Similarly deliberate holding, wetting, peeing in naughty places etc etc probably aren't practised any more widely?  I could be wrong though?

almost all girls do naughty peeing, when they got a chance to do

Every piece of carpet they can pee on, and NOT clean up after..is welcome.

For Islam People, just my meaning..they should stay, or go back in the countries, they come from.

They are NOT People of the free western world.

They do not good here.

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Australia is on par with the U.K. The fines are pretty stiff, $500 or so. It's mainly aimed at smelling up the place more than public indecency. I guess reporting on the smell makes more sense than people getting half naked while you do your thing.

They tell us that there are plenty of places to go, but the people who tell us that obviously don't go out at night. 


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I traveled throughout the Mediterranean in the 90's when I was in the Navy. Greece, France and Turkey to an extent were very liberal about outdoor public urination.  I was in France when a rather young restroom attendant watched me pee while cleaning the urinal next to me. In Turkey there was a lot of evidence of solid and liquid waste on the beaches and parks but only one poor siting the week we were there. 

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Guest UnabashedUser

Also in the Navy and stationed for a year in Sasebo, Japan.  In the rural hinterlands there still exists squat toilets and most of them are unisex many without dividers. It was common to walk in on women taking care of business, or be right n the middle of  peeing or dropping a deuce and have some giggling josans come in and together use the benjo next to you.  It's rather like sex over there, just another thing you do in life, like breathing.

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On 2/27/2019 at 6:26 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

Mention for example golden showers and people think of an activity taking place between Russian prostitutes and Donald Trump - not something that Sharon from the next street does. Similarly deliberate holding, wetting, peeing in naughty places etc etc probably aren't practised any more widely?  I could be wrong though?

Yes, you are spot on.   I didn’t mention the fetish or interest side of peeing.  I would say that it is not generally widely discussed.  I would say it is a fairly small percentage of people that are interested in it - but, pee fetishes were discussed on one of the late evening programs about sex lives and there is certainly some coverage in the media of people who have peed outside.  There was a time when such things wouldn’t be discussed on TV or radio but I have seen several programs where the host or guest has discussed pee related things and even on the BBC there was a program about nightlife that showed a girl squatting outside a nightclub. I can’t find the link at the moment  

as an example of casual talk about peeing in mainstream media

BBC radio1 breakfast show Jennifer Lawrence talks about peeing on set https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2bNRDTj0bPC3101GFfbN8t8/if-i-can-sit-down-to-pee-ill-come-back-jennifer-lawrence-and-james-mcavoy-talk-to-greg-james-about-making-x-men-apocalypse


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On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 2:25 AM, Admin said:

Generally in the UK I would say that attitudes towards sexual topics have become more liberal and openly discussed, probably due to the internet.

That said, is pee really becoming 'more acceptable?' 


I think UK people are much more aware of it as a potential sexual thing than they used to be, and much less likely to be totally freaked out by it. This does not mean that more people are into it, but I think it does mean that more of those who are not are fairly liberal minded about it.

UK people have become vastly more sexually open and liberal in comparison to earlier decades, and it shows in age profiles, with young people for example often markedly more open and live and let live minded than, say, pensioners. We are gradually becoming a less judgemental society than we were. But we still have a long way to go. There are still too many people willing to deride anyone into something they personally don't like as disgusting perverts, their own personal preferences arrogantly deployed to define the boundaries of acceptability.

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12 minutes ago, durianfury said:

kinda surprised nobody's mentioned Germany yet... the Germans always seem to have the most amazing pissing videos - the most daring, the most brazen, the most filthy. and all the women doing it are drop dead gorgeous. lilli vanilli, mira grey, lara cumkitten, mary haze, horny roxy/roxy royal, and many many others are incredibly sexy piss freaks. just wish i knew German because they always talk dirty (or it sounds dirty anyway) in the videos and i love dirty piss talk.

I did not mentioned Germany because I have dutch friends and they describe me a Germany different from what we see from outside.

According to them, dutch porn is so "mighty" because dutch people is like used to being hard and energetic in all they do, as a psychological habit underlying all society. BUT this also means they consider normal to work, if needed, something like 14 hours per day, or to invent Always new goals to be reached economically speaking at all cost. This means that when they get out from work they are mentally exhausted and need something powerful and direct to ease the tension.


This description sounds somehow realistic to me, not in the guise that I think we can understand a nation from outside so I have a prejudice that this description met, I mean that this kind of descriptions, inside descriptions of curious/bizarre reasons why people of a certain nation are the way they are, usually prove to be correct


Indeed, dutch porn is often… a bit violent. Exceedingly immediate and physical. Harsh.

Not that it is bad, I just mean it quite fit the description these friends gave me.

Thus I prefer to let it go as it goes, because I know this description I gave from my friends can sound "negative" and I never like to give negative thoughts about people

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Generalisations are always risky because there always exceptions to a general rule.  However my observations have led me to a view that in general Brits are more laid back about peeing than their American counterparts.  Not quite sure why that should be, especially as the UK has a history of providing public facilities on a much more lavish scale than the US.  One would logically have expected the opposite to be true.  

Edited by Adyguy6970
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21 hours ago, durianfury said:

kinda surprised nobody's mentioned Germany yet... the Germans always seem to have the most amazing pissing videos - the most daring, the most brazen, the most filthy. and all the women doing it are drop dead gorgeous. lilli vanilli, mira grey, lara cumkitten, mary haze, horny roxy/roxy royal, and many many others are incredibly sexy piss freaks. just wish i knew German because they always talk dirty (or it sounds dirty anyway) in the videos and i love dirty piss talk.

There has been a long acceptance of pee porn as normal in Germany.....it was standard legal fare in the 1970s when the UK still thought standard vanilla hardcore unacceptable. And I never heard wind of any groundswell of opposition to it in Germany. Whether they are into it themselves or not, I have always gained the impression that most individual Germans regard watersports as a normal sexual interest that they see no point in being judgemental about.

I hope my impressions are correct.

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21 hours ago, spywareonya said:

I did not mentioned Germany because I have dutch friends and they describe me a Germany different from what we see from outside.

According to them, dutch porn is so "mighty" because dutch people is like used to being hard and energetic in all they do, as a psychological habit underlying all society. BUT this also means they consider normal to work, if needed, something like 14 hours per day, or to invent Always new goals to be reached economically speaking at all cost. This means that when they get out from work they are mentally exhausted and need something powerful and direct to ease the tension.


This description sounds somehow realistic to me, not in the guise that I think we can understand a nation from outside so I have a prejudice that this description met, I mean that this kind of descriptions, inside descriptions of curious/bizarre reasons why people of a certain nation are the way they are, usually prove to be correct


Indeed, dutch porn is often… a bit violent. Exceedingly immediate and physical. Harsh.

Not that it is bad, I just mean it quite fit the description these friends gave me.

Thus I prefer to let it go as it goes, because I know this description I gave from my friends can sound "negative" and I never like to give negative thoughts about people

I am slightly confused by this response to the lack of mention of Germany. Because you start by mentioning Germany but then spend your entire post talking about the Dutch and Dutch porn. All very interesting, but a separate country from Germany.

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14 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

I am slightly confused by this response to the lack of mention of Germany. Because you start by mentioning Germany but then spend your entire post talking about the Dutch and Dutch porn. All very interesting, but a separate country from Germany.



I meant that Germany is something I tend to shun in my mind at all, because of the embarass it unleashes in my mind when remembering the explainations of my friends. I idolized it a bit during my teenage for its "underground" scene, and those infos… hurt a bit my tender side ihihihihi

So I had a silly emotional backlash and from that on… I just decided never to resume the subject HAHAHAHAHA

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3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:



I meant that Germany is something I tend to shun in my mind at all, because of the embarass it unleashes in my mind when remembering the explainations of my friends. I idolized it a bit during my teenage for its "underground" scene, and those infos… hurt a bit my tender side ihihihihi

So I had a silly emotional backlash and from that on… I just decided never to resume the subject HAHAHAHAHA

Lol, fair enough.

Have always felt an affinity towards Germans and Germany myself, albeit much less so now than in younger years.

I used to feel so strongly drawn to it that I suspected I was a German in my previous life, though not so sure now.

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8 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Lol, fair enough.

Have always felt an affinity towards Germans and Germany myself, albeit much less so now than in younger years.

I used to feel so strongly drawn to it that I suspected I was a German in my previous life, though not so sure now.

I have been from East Europe in my last life, but it didn't go exeedingly well and I don't like to talk about it...


For Germany, they are tough, but somehow (careful now, it's difficult to explain) limited by their own toughness. Like they stick to 9 refusing to risk falling down to 8 while chasing for 10. They keep 10 as a goal only in matters of employement.

Dutch girl has no shame at all, but more because they are… ehm… tough… than not because they are actually fetishistic. They resemble much Japanese girl on this, which are rarely fetishistic but excited to do anything new and daring, loving it for the intensity of it while not necessarily the very subject

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