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Posts posted by lovestoseepee

  1. I also agree about not limiting new posters or posts in anyway since as has already been said, this would potentially put new members off from coming here and also we want activity to improve and not decline. By doing this we run the risk of this happening. I appreciate I am not a mod or admin here but I just wanted to give my two cents to speak as a member.

    • Agree 1
  2. One thing that can help with keeping us healthy is to ensure you are washing your hands properly please see the image below for how to do this. Also I am glad you are still around @glad1 you are in my thoughts though and I hope you get better soon.


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    • Agree 2
  3. Hi @nickie420wilson I just wanted to drop by to say that I really admire your courage to put yourself back out there especially after the tragic incident you were involved with. Whilst I have not purchased your content before I really respect you for trying to get back on the road so to speak. I can appreciate some of what you have been through since I have worked in burns theatre so know all about skin grafts and how painful it can be. You are amazing for returning and can only imagine how hard it must have been for you. I really hope you don't become the victim of online trolls since you don't deserve that, you deserve to do well and be respected for coming back when quite a few people may just go into a 'bubble' and shut themselves off from the world. For putting yourself back out there you have my upmost respect and admiration ( I know I started this message off with saying I admired you but I just wanted to repeat it again). Maybe in future we can talk about me maybe purchasing some of your content as a way to support you. I really do look forward to seeing you around both the forum and the internet. If you are having any days where you are struggling then feel free to send me a message on here and I would be more than happy to chat with you.

  4. Hi @gldenwetgoose firstly sorry to hear about the loss of your father that's never easy even if it's expected. I am glad that this place could help you though during that difficult time

    I am going to talk from a personal perspective here whilst I would love to chat more I struggle to do this since I feel that people have their groups and I am an outsider. I know that's just me but I struggle with this I do appreciate that for this to get easier I need to make an effort and actually start a conversation. The time zone thing does contribute towards this well for me personally. However I will try to use the chat more and if I see you online I will be sure to try and strike up a conversation with you. I will however understand if you don't want to talk to me since you don't really know me. Anyway sorry I can't be more helpful in terms of improving the chat and getting more people to chat.

  5. Hello and welcome @naughtyjane it's great to have you join the family. Feel free to make yourself at home drinks and food are in the kitchen (first door on the right) so freel free to help yourself. If you are unsure of anything then feel free to ask and someone will most likely help you. I look forwad to seeing you about the forum. We are a friendly bunch. 🙂 

    • Hot 1
  6. Unfortunately whilst sites like piss rip exist there is only so long a site like PeeInDetail can survive especially when their videos are on there and people can get them for free. I wonder if PeeInDetail have tried having the videos removed. I know that boud2burst was successful in this but it did take a while for them to be removed. I am not trying to be a party pooper so to speak since I would like PeeInDetail to survive.

  7. @Sophie In terms of moderation the current moderators are the staff on here so steve25805 and Scot_Lover so I think if it was made an offical one it would most likely be moderated by the staff that currently moderate this place. That would of course include yourself. So I am not sure you need to be concerned in that respect. Also I apprecitate what you say in terms of having people you don't want to talk to, but there could also be people you enjoying talking to who uses it. I have that as well I do come accross pepole who I don't want to talk to, so I do understand your thoughts in that respect.

    @Sweets When I am awake I am online there but due to the time zones not many others are since there aren't many users at the moment. But as @GenericUsername has said if it was public it would get more use. Also I am usually there quite a lot of the time but wasn't when you first joined since I was on vacation and not online. So it would be good to chat with you there. I appreicate I am only 1 person but that's where it starts. I do hope I can catch you there sweets.

    • Cheeky 1
  8. We currently have a discord server but it's currently only for gold members and given that a few people have mentioned this ( by non gold memebers) I have been in discussion with @Admin regarding general members having access to it. I suggested creating a poll to ganer the general member's opinion on it. So, he has given me permission to post this. Admin is still consdiering this and hasn't decided what he wants to do so nothing is changing currently but if enough people want one then it may change. I can't promise though since ultimately it's up to admin, but I know that he wants the best for this place and does listen to members.

    I appreciate that gamers will know discord and that it's primarily used for that, and this idea could appeal to the gamers here. But discord isn't only limited to gamers it is also being used by pornsites both pee and non pee related (I am a member of several servers). As an example of non pee related there is an official pornhub discord server which is very succesful it has around 100,000 members and it's growing.

    For people who don't know what a discord server is, it allows for voice and video streaming of computer games or other content, as well as faster group chats with different "channels" for different topics. Bots can also be added to the server to help with moderation and also to enhance the user experince by being able to listen to music within the server, play text based games etc.

    For more information regarding Discord please either see here: https://discordapp.com/ or post in this thread with any questions or concerns you may have.

    So, please vote in the poll to let us know if you would use it.

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/29/2019 at 2:41 PM, peeingone said:

    What about Experience Project? It had some really hot pee stories there sadky the site got shut down some time ago. Does anyone else remember that site?

    For anyone else interested Experience Project has been relaunched and is now known as Similar Worlds: https://similarworlds.com/

    I agree it did have some great stories on there but i do remember before it got shut down they did start removing them and also groups that were related to pee.

    This is what it says about it:


    Our Goal is to continue the Experience Project vision, rebuilding a fresh new website with notable improvements to Privacy, Security and Functionality.

    We aim to regroup and strengthen the Experience Project community, placing a lot of focus on listening to our members, providing what THEY want, while intelligently balancing the costs of running such an operation, so that this new site will not fall the same way as the old did.

    We are a small team of very skilled and experienced individuals, with a strong history in managing very large online communities.
    Day-to-day professionals in Programming, Design, Servers & Databases, Email Delivery Reputation and many other critical areas in relation to operating a large-scale membership platform.

    Having built very large communities of hundreds of thousands of members, from the ground up, as well as previously moderating even larger communities of tens of millions of members on one of the world’s largest social networks, we know exactly what it is like to take on such a monumental task.

    Together with YOUR help, we believe that we will successfully continue and grow the vision that the good people at Experience Project once started.

    Thank you for being here with us!


    • Thanks 1
  10. Hi @GenericUsername I have already created an official discord server for PeeFans but this is currently being trialed by gold members. In regards to video chat as far as I am aware this isn't possible in the sense of having multiple people video chatting at the same time. I am aware you can stream games on there and share your desktop but you can only view one stream at a time. In terms of sending the link via DMs if this was opened up to the entire site then this wouldn't be necessary and all that would be needed is for admin to create a section on the forum that is only viewable to logged in members then put the link in there.

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