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Posts posted by lovestoseepee

  1. @wetmanjf sorry to chime in late here but only just joined. I personally think it's sound business sense to not offer a membership based site, since I have been on sites where hackers/crackers give out passwords to membership sites then people go and rip the entire site and upload it all over the net. Yes I agree it does mean it's more expensive to build up a good collection of vidoes. I am sure you agree with me on this. In the past I have even seen passwords for Rebekah Dee given out and then people have ripped that enitre site. People who do this ruin good sites. So I fully agree with people who decide to do non membership based sites. I apologise if you think I am having a go at you because that's not my intention at all, I am merely stating my opinion. I do like your review site though so thank you for creating it and taking the time to review sites it's appreciated by me for one. So keep up the good work :)
  2. I was walking back from going out to a resturant and saw the two girls who I think had been drinking. The road I was walking on had some sort of construction going on, on it but on the opposite side to where I was walking. I saw one of the girls put a hand on a construction barrier squat down and take a pee. I couldn't see the pee coming out since I was on the opposite side and didn't want to make it obvious that I was watching. However I did imagine the girl peeing and hearing the pee hit the ground. I hope you enjoyed this story and in time there will be more to come in time. :)

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  3. hi all lovestoseepee here yes I know my username only has one e for see but I was a bit quick off the mark and my fingers mistyped. I didn't notice it until it was too late, I blame my dyslexia.

    I really enjoy seeing ladies peeing especially if they are desperate and losing control because they can't hold any longer. I look forward to becoming part of this community and making new friends.

    Any questions you might have feel free to ask.

    Take care and I look forward to contributing more.

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