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Everything posted by WantonLee

  1. Well, sometimes you just need to let go of your problem... even if it means it will get warmer then you intended to... . (If this is a solution to either of the problems... well... your choice. πŸ˜‰) * Continues to save some CO2 by riding a bike instead of a car *
  2. Unexpected Error: Question not found. WantonLee stopped working. Do you want to ask again? [Y]es [N]o [C]ancel πŸ˜‰
  3. King of my castle - I remember this one, but only with the visuals from the "Ghost in the Shell" anime. As for Gunship: I grew up in the 80's, too. πŸ˜„ So I leave this here... for all to hear... and remember: If you like this song/video, please read their description... I always get emotional when reading it - but positive - and I hope you will, too. πŸ™‚
  4. I am not quite sure if I can help you, but I do ride a bike, if that's what you mean. I'll try to answer your questions as bast as I can - but most of them don't even make sense to me. ^^ What do you ride? A bike. πŸ˜‰ Tell me, how your training is coming along. What training? o_0 Do you prefer the pain of the climb or the relaxation of the descent? Descent! πŸ˜„ What brands do you prefer, and what are the specs on your bike. I don't care and I don't know. It's grey and got two wheels, if this helps. ^^ Do you race or just ride for fun and relaxation? My bi
  5. Have a speedy recovery, Simpfan4 - or better: a profound one! πŸ™‚
  6. About to hug the pillow, so I will try briefness for a change. πŸ˜‰ You probably feel fine while hiking because your mind is busy doing other things and have no capacity available for ruminating...? Just a guess, but would be in accord to what spiritual teachers call "being in the now", which is often achieved while being in a flow. Try listening to this: Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher with German roots and I personally consider him one of the best exports of the nation I was born in. DISCLAIMER: If you - like me - have a problem with the word "God",
  7. I am not the most successful person in the dating-business, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Hmm, come to think of it: better with a BAG of salt! 1. Figure out what your absolute no-goes and your must-haves are. (These might turn out to be less important once you have to deal with them in reality, however.) 2. You are not going to find the perfect partner. (You and your partner will grow over time based on your individual traits, and how you both are affected by the traits of your respective partner. Do not judge; just notice this. A good relationship is where both partn
  8. We're not going anywhere, don't worry, Steve. πŸ˜‰ In regards to smarties... err.. smawt-foams... SMART-PHONES, darn it!... : I had to get one once I started GeoCaching, currently the main function I use it for is as a WalkMan (that statement dates me, hu? πŸ˜‰ Could have said "iPod", but I am WAY older :P) Mostly for podcasts, interviews, audio-plays or -books, but also music of course. Other then that: I browse news during lunch break or in the tram... and sometimes WhatsApp. Thats it. The only social media I partake in is You Tube, and I do that from home. For me the
  9. I have heard the same about the Shuttle, too. As for my English: I am learning it for... more then 35 years by now; I learned most of it from Video games and some TV-Series I watched first in German, and then in English (often at the same evening). And without Firefox's autocorrect my written English would be far worse. ^^ But SOME pun's I do get:
  10. Have to admit I did not got that one either and was to lazy to ask and/or google. Seems like my English is not quite as good as I make myself believe it is. ^^
  11. Mostly clear because more healthy for "every day use". When it comes to the fetish, yellow... because this is what pee is "supposed" to look like. πŸ˜‰
  12. Well, you can always try and confront the voice and "ask" it, what it wants. πŸ˜‰ Just use it like you would us any kind of critique: If it is helpful - by for instance showing me something I am normally not aware of - I usually consider it a friend. If it is just nagging I literally confront it and ask it if it has a point; it usually disappears then (although it might return later ^^). As for meditation: I have no idea what would work for you. Here is a playlist from Eckhart Tolle: And this is some interview of a monk Indian-English monk:
  13. Can you identify the voice in your head? The one that is hating you.. I assume it talks negative about certain things you do/think/don't do/whatever? By identifying I mean: where does this voice come from? Can you remember anyone in your life who talked to you in the same way? Usually someone in your childhood...? For me it is often my father talking bad about me. Well, not literally of course, but... lets say: my ego - while it was "under construction" during childhood - was to some extend formed by the experiences I had.. by the persons I interacted with... the more prese
  14. Nietzsche, Diogenes, Kant... in this order, maybe... πŸ˜‰
  15. Hmm, looks like it was censored after I posted it. I remember hearing it uncensored, and it was pee. πŸ˜‰
  16. The first one he reads.... I do not quite get why he says "NO!" ... twice.... πŸ™‚
  17. TWENTY! F*CKING! YEARS! TWENTY!!!!!!1!!!1!!111!!!one!!eleven!!!!! It feels like it was just 3 or 4 years ago.... thanks for reminding me.... now here is something for you to feel old as well... even if you are younger πŸ˜› Play this at my funeral.... for me this is the song to end all songs. o7
  18. God, I'm old.... I remember when this was new.... on MTV.... o_o
  19. Saltatio Mortis - Alive now (Official Music Video)
  20. I almost lost it at "hidden nuclear orgasm button" πŸ˜‰ Anyway, apart from my thinking that "Indiana Jones and the hunt for the G-Spot" would really have been a better 4th iteration of that beloved franchise, all I have left to say is that what I am going to focus on or hunt for, should be up to what ever floats the boat of the lady in question. πŸ™‚ (Considering that I am currently single, make of my take on this issue what ever you want. πŸ˜› ) Cheers! πŸ˜„
  21. I find myself on a slight disagreement with your black/white - yes/no-argument. The article you linked seems to be of the same opinion as I, if I am not mistaken; at least I do not interpret it as a hard "no". While not in the possession of the necessary... "hardware", I did read quite a lot about this topic. I think the most problematic aspect of the g-spot is, that Mr. GrΓ€fenberg (who first described this area) did not call it a spot, but rather a zone. This of course explains a lot of the resulting confusion. πŸ˜„ Furthermore, whether or not a lady is get
  22. For all the Furries out there (and those who want to become ones themself): It's from https://foxes-in-love.tumblr.com/ if soneone wants to know. πŸ™‚
  23. No. But then again, I am not that much into football to begin with, so I am not the kind of person who's oppinion about the world cup matters. Then again, again, considering that the main source of the Quatari legislation is the Sharia law... well.. let's say that my view of the world is not ... compatible enough to consider their justice system just.
  24. LACKADAISY - Jazz Cat Dance Loop (It's a sideproject from the Lackadaisy youtube channel where people are currently working on turning the prohibition timed webcomic of Tracy Butler into a 20 minute video. Yes, all characters are cats. Don't ask why. If you are a fan of Disneys 1973's Robin Hood you probably won't, anyway. -_-)
  25. Hi Snout, according to the -> site rules I doubt furries are forbidden here. IIRC some members here mentioned being into furry stuff, and the community is quite diverse actually (also when it comes to the fetish itself). Plus some members have something furry-like as their avatar/icon, so... yeah... make yourselves at home. πŸ˜‰ Myself, I am ~kinda~ into furry stuff, occasionally digging up pee-related material at e621 and similar sites. However, like most average people who have seen Disney's Robin Hood (yes, the one with all the "animals", ie Robin an
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