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Everything posted by TylerHasFun

  1. She did a little bro. Wanted to see it hard she said. Thought she was gonna do something, she got down on the ground and faced it. Then she just got up and left. I was up for it bro, whatever she wanted to do.
  2. Wasnt a urinal but at a party one time in college, Was out back smoking with my friend and this drunk girl walks to me and tries to flirt with me. My buddy chris looks at me and is laughing cause he knows I'm gay and not interested in girls but I play along. She says if I wanted to go upstairs, and I tell her I dont fuck girls. She laugs about it, says sorry if it made me uncomfortable and i was like nah its cool. I take a few steps away, she asks why and I said I gotta piss. So I whip it out and start going and she comes right up to me and she asks if she can hold it. I said sure. She
  3. Id say some of the bext times i seen someone take a piss is when it was police officers. I caught them pissing around my apartment building few times. One time I remember I was pulling up to my place and I see this really good looking cop taking a piss along the side of the building. He's like late 20s or 30s, he sees me noticing him and he just nods his head at me, saying whats up. I had to piss too so I walk over near the lot and take a piss too. We see each other pissing, he just laughs and goes back to his piss. Lol, not like he can say nothing to me about it.
  4. Me and my friends were hangingout, talking about old times and I remembered this story. thought youd like it. So I was 20, it was in the college library. I was feeling real ballsy and I hate to piss real bad. I always liked the 3rd floor as it was more quiet and lots of corners to hide doing stuff, ya know what I mean? I look over to these rows of desks and there is one other guy sitting there studying. Next to him is this big potted tree, dont know what kind. Seems pretty to himself like he wouldn't try to be confrontation to me for doing nothing, so I took my chances. I walked ov
  5. Fuck yeah bro. Aint been too many times in hotels but I definitely piss lots a places, both in and out the room. I shared a room with my friend. We got drunk, he was laying on the bed, and I start circling the entire room with piss. He's laughing, and moaning saying stop its gonna smell like shit in here. Lol.
  6. The bedrooms the best one to fuck up bro. They gonna sleep there and aint never get rid of that smell. Just breath it in
  7. Fuck yeah bro. You hostin a party, gotta expect it to happen. Next time aim for the bed dude
  8. I know man. Even when we was in the car, one of looks over at me and says you got some balls doing that in traffic like that and the other one laughed. Fuckers shoulda let me go if they thought it so funny. Yeah my uncle saved my ass, lol and beat it too later on, lol
  9. For me bro, aint no big deal. I've stood in my friends when they pissin and same to me. Some of em at first was bit squemish or hop away. But now, none of us hardly notice it. They stand in my piss and then we go back inside there place. Dont think guys care that much bout it, or maybe we just dont care
  10. Yeah bro, had it all the way inside, And nice on you trying bro, takes practice. Keep at it
  11. Fuck bro. Love that. Cops and me usually cool. Most the time they laugh and tell me to zip up, some dont say shit. One time I got in real big trouble, lucky my uncle is high rank saergant so it got plead down.
  12. When its pouring, its hella alot easier to piss outside. Aint see your puddle or stream to clear I was leaving the store with my friend today. The shopping center was busy as fuck. We left the store, told my buddy I gotta piss dude. And I take my dick out , keeping it sorta hidden, poking it through my fly and from the store to my car I'm walking and pissing. People were all around me. Don't think a single person noticed what I was doing. Cars passing me, people running around me and I'm just strolling along pissing. Lol, good times.
  13. Just imagine thomas in his room, cyring about the fact he can't escape it. All these dudes just pising on his things, bed, clothes. Fuck yeah dude
  14. Fuck yeah he dont care. Why should he care. Yeah dude, loved the plumbers not giving a fuck neither. Real men right there bro
  15. Fuck yeah, That's whats up bro. No respoect for that poor fucker. And that man trashed those books. He still gotta use em everyday, soaked in piss. I love it bro.
  16. Lol, nah man. Probably 12 feet from him. He was cute too bro.
  17. My kind of place. I see cops taking a piss once in awhile too. I was coming home, saw a cop pissing against the side of the building. He saw me, I said what's up man? Walked up to the tree in the parking lot and started pissing too. He sees me and laughs. I mean he cant say shit about it right?
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