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Everything posted by TylerHasFun

  1. Try it bro. Ain't all of em got cameras, u will find one. You'll love it man. One time at my buddy's house, we were all real drunk and at like midnight I walk outside in my boxers, go to his neighbors door and I pissed in his mail slot. That sound splashing around on their floor, and bro I pissed a long time.
  2. Something I got real good at doing is pissing while walking. Ever since college, I lot a times walk to my car while taking a piss. The security dude has gotten so used to seeing me do it he ain't never stopped me or said nothing anymore. It's easiest when it's raining outside, no one can really tell. One time it was pouring outside, people were everywhere, some running, some taking shelter, and I just unzip it and start pissing while walking. Walking fast that day cause it was really raining, lol. At my building, I lot a times walk inside, then unzip and start pissing as I'm walking up
  3. Fucking right he does. That's what we do bro. You do it too at his place?
  4. Thanks bro. Dude anybody leaves something outside there door and I piss all over em. My friends neighbor had a package outside their door and I soaked it.
  5. Yeah bro. All my friends always be gettin an eye full of me.
  6. Lol, bro that's me too. Urinal or while outside taking a piss ,I always rip em. Will groan and exagerate when other people are around. Farts are funny as hell dude. I fart around everyone, all the time
  7. I personally prefer outside. Hadn't splahed anyone but definitely had people step in my piss stream. Sometimes they hop around trying not to step in it, or I hear them cussing bout it. Lol, love to see it bro
  8. Not really. Didn't really even think about it. Don't always think these things through when I'm pissin. I saw, thought it'd be funny to do, and I did it.
  9. If I needed a piss, and saw u had bunch stuff outside ur door, I definitely would bro
  10. Fuck yeah it is. My friends neighbor got a nice big package outside there apartment door, I definitely soaked that fucker
  11. Nice little pun for ya. I work at a pizza place, I'm an assistant manager. My manager, Jimmy and are pretty much friends at this point. He puts up with my antics because I'm the best assistant manager he had and he tells me that. It started small with just taking a piss outside in the back parking lot when I take a smoke break. At first all I'd hear was dude not cool, or what the hell, shit like that. Finally it got to where I'd be pissing and he'd just walk up to me and talk about other things or would take a hit off my cigarettes. I started pissing in a way he could see my dick, h
  12. Fuck bro. Not gonna lie, but you inspire me. I only just recently pissed inside a store for the first time. Dude I love your stories. Real fucking man
  13. Dude I never really thought about it, but yeah you right. I do the same.
  14. Bro whenever I'm pissin, any sort of thing to aim at, then I'm aiming for it. Christmas party at my friends, at night time I walked outside in my boxers to hsi neighbors front door and pissed through their mail slot. My neighbor sometimes leave their shoes outside theri door, I flood them bad boys. Someone leaves their car window open, I'm aiming for the insides. It's more fun that way bro. That's probably why they done it like that.
  15. Aww yeah, gonna be good. Can't wait for part 2 bro
  16. Hell ya bro. I pissed in college shit ton a times. you'll like this one. Me and my friend Chris were in the library in college. We had to piss real bad. Went to the bathroom and saw all three bathroom stalls were busy. So we decide to fuck with em. We stand right in front the stalls and we start pissin on the ground. We pissed for a long time too. The guys in the stalls were shouting shit at us like what the fuck, or dude stop it, please, disgusting, or I'm gonna kick your ass. We were laughing our asses off and kept pissing. Watched them pick up their feet off the ground, one guy wa
  17. Fuck yeah man. Pissing with friends a good time for sure.
  18. Message me cause I got some stories for u dude about that
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