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Everything posted by Emilaze

  1. I find this so wholesome idk why 😭😂 See now I want to draw a heart as well
  2. I dont understand how its a skill to pee out of the car? Like you literally sit at the edge of the seat facing the outdoors tho. And I get what youre thinking but a bystander (there werent that many cars around) would have just seen a car stop, a door opening and someone sitting by facing the outdoors. I am sneaky af, so. 😌
  3. A private bathroom? Noooo haha, just got lucky that day since the other 2 women in our team weren't in that day. And making a mess probably is fine but I get spooked easily :")
  4. The "where is this coming from" always gets me lmaoo. Like, I understand I keep myself hydrated but this is too much haha
  5. I mean I dont want to sit on a wet car seat :") Sink pisses are always fun haha. But yeah when you feel like you have pee a gallon but end up peeing barely anything, it feels so weird 😂😭
  6. Have you had one of those days where all the water that you drink goes straight to your bladder in a matter of minutes? Yes? Well thats what happened to me last Friday. -> Woke up early for my morning run. Peed before leaving the house. Took occasional sips of water during my run and after 45 mins, felt like I'll pee myself if I dont find a spot soon. So I found myself a curb to sit on, pushed my shorts aside and let out a torrent of pee with a loud hiss, idk how. Fortunately there werent anyone around since it was quite early in the morning. -> Came back home. Got r
  7. If the restroom is secluded, then thats all the more reason to pee on the floor haha. And if its crowded then maybe I'll "try" not to miss the toilet, but no promises tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. My "politeness" varies directly with my level of desperation. So ye..
  9. Hi, sorry I'm a month late haha since I was busy with things. Anyway do ask your question, I'll try my best to answer it
  10. I suppose as I became older and grew 2 more brain cells, I simply stopped caring about the sounds lmaoo. The very explosive ones are really rare for me. It happens only when I've been holding for HOURS and had wayyyyyy too much water or drinks
  11. I used to be so conscious of this in my early teenage years, that I actually used to avoid crowded restrooms lol. Glad I got over it haha
  12. Yeah ofcourse! If the place is dimly lit and either has a carpeted floor or an outdoor setting, then peeing under the table is way easier. There are times when I dont even bother going to the toilet and just go under the table as and when the need arises haha.
  13. 1. One stream only 2. Absolutely 3. It depends on how bad I have to go, so yeah I do know which direction itll be in. 4. Forward / straight down depending on how I'm squatting. 5. On most occasions it doesnt. 6. It is but only when I'm moderately to extremely desperate. Other than that, its normal. 7. Nope 8. Yes 8.1 Depends on how badly I have to go. If its too bad then its hard. If not, then nope. 8.2 Ehh, for a couple of seconds or maybe hours at times? Again depending on how desperate I am. 8.3 Cant reduce power, no. 9. Ah well, it ra
  14. I wouldn't really call it a kink but I've wet myself quit a few times before (as in peed through my panties), but that was to avoid drawing any attention to myself
  15. Hot chocolate and any iced tea. If its either of these two then I'll be peeing every half an hour for sure and if I somehow end up drinking more than 3 glasses then I'll be gushing in no time. Also, ofcourse beer. If beer is involved then my stream is always hard lol.
  16. If you want to be absolutely safe then braving the waters is the way to go. However, the way I do is by sitting at the end of the towel with my legs drawn up and letting go VERY slowly into the sand because being sneaky is fun. The key is to never let yourself get to the point of bursting as you would want to have complete control over your stream.
  17. Intentionally? No and thats because I get self conscious quite easily. But if I'm in dire need to pee then you best belief that I'll find a spot, evenif that happens to be infront of people.
  18. So that it isnt obvious as to what I'm upto?
  19. I'm about 180 cm tall or 181 cm, idk. Anyway yeah I think I have an average ish bladder because I cant always hold upto 1.2 to 1.5L . Its only somedays that I manage to surprise myself haha but approximately I can hold upto 750 ml or so
  20. I prefer to stand when I'm outdoors as doing so keeps my shoes dry lmaooo. The only times I squat is when I'm peeing while pretending to do something else
  21. I'm tall so I feel that thats an average to largish bladder haha, though I maybe wrong
  22. I suppose its average to large ish because I can hold upto 1.2 L to 1.5 L when I'm full af.
  23. Aaaaaaaaah I always envy anyone who can walk and pee. I can never. My brain can either focus on walking or on peeing, never both !
  24. I would say that I have peed in house parties a few times now? Picking a corner of a room that isnt in use and going at it isnt as difficult specially when everyone is hammered, since no one is really paying attention to what others are upto. But yes its way more convenient in clubs.
  25. I know a few parks in and around my area which dont have bathrooms and even if they do, the bathrooms arent within easy walkable distances. So whenever I'm in those parks and theres a crowd, I either find a bush / hedge to pee into, like so many others. But the park's is almost empty then peeing right where I'm sitting - grass or the bench, is also an option.
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