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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Wonderful story! It sounded like a lot of fun and very lovely. A big thank you to both of you for sharing 🙂
  2. I came off my bicycle yesterday. I wasn't seriously injured, just a few cuts and bruises but I spent the rest of the day feeling a little low and sorry for myself. My husband was looking after me, lots of cuddles on the sofa and my mug was kept filled with hot chocolate, it really helped cheer me up. What goes in must come out and after a little while, and two large mugs of hot chocolate I was starting to feel rather desperate for a wee. I gave Mark a little kiss and said "Babe, I really need a wee." He smiled and stood up, holding out his hand for me. "Let me help you with that." We both knew
  3. Hi Sophie - could you tell us one or two of these? Whoops! I had meant to write "non-pee" fantasies! I do have a couple of non sexual ones though so I shall write about both. A non sexual fantasy of mine is going out for a meal with my husband, going somewhere really nice and fancy so I am able to wear a nice dress and I guess show off a little. I'm not usually an attention seeker but I sometimes fantasise about having all eyes on me, wearing something that really stands out but still looks classy. I want people to look at me and wish they were my husband, wish they were the one
  4. Sounds interesting and definitely plausible What do you mean by a leader column? I'm happy to help but I'm having a blonde moment right now lol
  5. I went for a walk with my husband on Wednesday. It was the first bit of nice weather we had here this year and I wanted to make the most of it, and what's a better way than peeing outside? I had finished work so I got changed into a loose flowy dress that reached my knees and a white thong underneath. I also put on some heels, Mark really enjoys the sound they make when I walk and I was more than happy to indulge him! I left the house feeling rather full and I made it my personal mission to relieve myself somewhere other than the toilet, and I definitely wasn't allowed to return home with a fu
  6. There's a couple of scenarios that I tend to go to if I'm thinking about that sort of thing while masturbating. The first is rather tame, I like to fantasise about a friend and I using the ladies toilets. Yes, really. The little details usually change but the general idea is we're both out somewhere and need to pee, so we find some toilets. I fantasise about it in great detail, all the different sounds, hearing the clothes being pulled down, the tinkle of pee hitting water, the little sighs. The other fantasy is a friend trying wetting for the first time, and wanting to do it with me. Bot
  7. Good evening! I have peed in the mens bathroom before but it never has been out of desperation. It's very rare I get desperate enough to need to make an emergency visit and since I don't go to clubs, cinemas etc that often I don't usually have to stand in long queues either. I also don't mind peeing outside so if I was in that situation I'd probably find somewhere else. I haven't read the story so I cannot comment on it.
  8. Hi! Many times. I usually pee in the water but there has been a few times I've found somewhere quiet or discrete and pulled down my bikini to pee. Or if it's already wet I'll just pee through it.
  9. Sophie


    It's not me I'm afraid, I'm far, far too shy to post something like that!
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