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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Sophie


    In my opinion, that is as uncomfortable as it looks. I would not want to be like that for any amount of time.
  2. If you mean in old threads (or the start of old threads that may have recent posts) it is a glitch from when the site moved to a new forum software many years ago. I delete the duplicate images when I see them but obviously I'm not going to go through every single thread trying to find them. If you send me a link of any threads that have this issue I'll be happy to remove the duplicate images.
  3. She reminds me of Sheridan Smith
  4. @muffinhuntr I have merged your story with this thread
  5. I wouldn't get your hopes up but I'd love to be proven wrong.
  6. One last song before I go to bed. This has been Sophie FM
  7. My favourite pianist again. And a new song for me to learn! Already purchased her arangement.
  8. Funnily enough, Marmite is also my favourite filling. I love the stuff! For as long as I can remember I've not gone more than a week without a Marmite sandwich or Marmite on toast. Had Marmite in a sausage sandwich the other night. When I was at school I had a Marmite sandwich every day for my dinner. So that's 5 sandwiches a week, every week, for 16 years. Assuming 200 school days a year that is 3200 sandwiches. Yum! 🥪 Fantastic question 😀
  9. I don't think I have ever rolled backwards while changing gear so I'm a little confused (or I'm having a blonde moment, who knows) are you moving off from a hill start and then shifting into second? Maybe you are shifting too early so you don't have enough speed to keep you going or possibly you are taking too long with the gear change and losing all your momentum. On some steep hills it is fine and or necessary to stay in first for a while. Feel free to PM me if you would like, or ignore me if I am completely wrong 🙃
  10. I have a few so I will probably post more later but... People who put on their seatbelt while driving. Spend 10-15 minutes in a busy car park and you will see it so many times. Just put it on before you move off, it's not going to cost you much time!
  11. My favourite pianist uploaded this an hour ago.
  12. I'm going to ask you what I ask everyone : Would you rather fight a horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?
  13. Have a Berocca and it will look like you are peeing a highlighter!
  14. As some of you will know, I'm quite a shy person and absolutely hate large crowds, it's my idea of hell. But... This song...this song actually makes me want to go to a club, like.. a lot.
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