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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Try the shower if you are brand new to things like this. It's easy, there's no clean up but it still feels really naughty, especially if you don't do it with the water on! Then you can just rinse it out afterwards. Easy peasy.
  2. This song helped me through some of my darkest times, and while i'm in a better place now, I still enjoy listening to it.
  3. Reduce the image size and / or quality. Avatars are small so you don't really need a 1620 × 2160 image.
  4. Oral Quickie I was feeling really horny on Monday and I had the idea of an “oral quickie” with my husband, Mark. Just something to get us off, no foreplay, no teasing, no long mind blowing sex. I just wanted him to eat my pussy, and I would suck his cock. Of course, with my two daughters in the room I couldn’t just blurt it out! “Ooh I’ve just remembered. Babe? Can you help me with something upstairs, please?” I winked to let him know I had something planned. We went upstairs to the bedroom and I flicked the light on as we walked in, giving Mark a quick kiss as I immediately started
  5. I have previously mentioned I want to pee at a festival with a group of women I've never met before. Just squatting in the trees or behind the wall, or wherever has been decided to be the unofficial ladies loo. Just a bunch of other women all there for one reason, to empty their bladders and dodge the long line for the actual toilets. Just squat, pee and go. But my favorite pee fantasy? I want to do this. I want to take part in an art event and wet myself with 20 or so other women, stood in a line and just soaking my jeans once receiving the go ahead from the director. Getting increasin
  6. If a cow laughs, does milk come out of her nose?
  7. That's exactly what I thought! I had just adjusted my brakes to fix the squealing so I thought they were possibly rubbing, but lifting up the wheel it span freely. The whole ride felt like my brakes were on, or I was in too high of a gear. Even small hills I barely even notice felt like a struggle.
  8. Today was not a good day for cycling. I did 20 miles but it wasn't a fun time. Not only was I absolutely freezing but my legs just weren't cooperating. I was cycling on the flats in the same gearing I would use for the hills! I actually stopped twice to check my bike because I thought I had a mechanical problem. I was tempted to phone my husband and ask him to come pick me up because I wasn't a happy girl at all but I soldiered on and eventually made it home. 2/10, would not recommend.
  9. Charlotte from Wetting Her Panties, without a doubt. She is absolutely gorgeous, and incredibly cute with her little giggles. Obviously I only know her from what I see in videos but she seems to have this really genuine and friendly personality. She seems to be someone who would be a great friend to you and you could have a laugh with her. She's very beautiful but in a natural way, she's someone I could expect to see in the supermarket for example.
  10. Thank you for the awesome reply! I am very familiar with Quinn! I have watched so many of her videos. They are my often go-to while I am in bed before I sleep. I do like the idea of a concave centre on one end and making it reversible but I don't actually know how I would machine that! I know drills don't produce flat bottomed holes but surely there's more to it than just drilling a small hole on one end? I am not following (heh) what you mean by putting a concave centre in the back of the tap follower. So I would have the tailstock, then my follower supported by that centre, then m
  11. You are completely correct with your edit! It's basically so I don't have to use three hands. One to turn the chuck, one to hold the tap stationary (or block it with a piece of wood or something) and another to turn the tailstock at the same time.
  12. I believe this counts as a geeky nerdy project? Please honk at me @gldenwetgoose if it doesn't! I am planning on buying a mini lathe in the near future, once I have somewhere suitable to put it really, but I have already started designing parts for it! The very first thing I have designed (and likely needs some tweaking) is a tap follower. For those who do not know, one end of this device goes into the back of the lathe and the pointy bit is spring loaded and goes into the little hole at the back of a tap. This allows me to keep the tap perfectly straight while cutting threads, and the sp
  13. Sophie


    I don't know of the list you are talking about but https://www.reddit.com/r/Pee/ still works fine so I assume the other subreddits are still active too. Edit - https://www.reddit.com/r/PeeList/ ? All the subs mentioned in the sticky are showing as active using RES and the ones I tried work fine. I think it is your end.
  14. That's awesome! On my Linux setup I think I have it set to automatically mute the speakers and lower the headphone volume to 50% when I plug in my headphones, but I don't believe I have a way to have different things through different devices.
  15. Can you choose what media comes through which device?
  16. A man playing on a new golf course got confused as to what hole he was on. He saw a lady playing ahead of him, so he walked up to her and asked if she knew what hole he was playing... She replied, “I’m on the 7th hole and you’re a hole behind me, so you must be on the 6th hole.” He thanked her and went back to his golf. On the back nine, the same thing happened and he approached the lady, again with the same request. She said, “I’m on the 14th, you are a hole behind me, so you must be on the 13th.” Once again, he thanked her. He finished his round, went into the club h
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