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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. My favourite sport to watch is Formula 1, have been watching it since I was little. My favourite to participate in is cycling, I take part in triathlons and the cycling part is my favourite. Both could be played naked but I don't recommend F1 without the suits. Cycling definitely has been done naked!
  2. Don't ask me how because I don't even know myself, but somehow, SOMEHOW I managed to hold on until I had some alone time. Completely and utterly drenched my jeans, it was amazing.
  3. Was hoping to wait until my daughter goes to bed but I don't think that's going to happen, that will be another 2 hours
  4. I'm wearing some tight jeans today (and light blue panties) that are a nightmare to get out of. The button is tight, always hurts my thumb, the zip likes to get stuck. Everytime I get out of them to pee it's a whole ordeal... so I'm just not going to do it. I'm starting to need to pee right now and whenever my bladder does empty, my jeans will get all of it.
  5. Not really what I'm after but thanks nonetheless.
  6. Sophie


    Absolutely beautiful puddyls
  7. Absolutely not to all of the above. As far as I'm concerned if it cannot be scientifically proven it doesn't exist. I'm not religious, I'm not superstitious, I'll only believe in Aliens when ET is hiding in my closet, I believe star signs and astrology are a crock of shit. Ask 10 different people your horoscope and you will get 10 different answers. The sun's position in relation to star constellations at the time you were born has to impact on your personality. Your upbringing does.
  8. A few things really annoy me (the staff room contains a couple of rants from me) but what irritates me the most? People who join just to advertise. I'm not even talking about spambots, but genuine users who hardly contribute to the forum but will happily plug their own website, or their chatroom etc.
  9. I've never been peed on by, or peed on another lady. It's something I'd be willing to try but I'm not really into Golden showers that much. I wouldn't vote. I think they are all as bad as each other and I trust them as far as I can throw them. He would accept it, it's happened! He is perfect okay with it as long as he knows about it. I have answered this before 🙂
  10. Before the end of the year I want to pee alongside a bunch of women I don't know, complete strangers united by a common need. Something like this
  11. These never get many replies but I thought I would try one last time. Ask me anything, absolutely anything at all.
  12. Incredibly hot story and ever so beautifully written. I put myself right in the story and very easily imagined I really was desperate at the meeting,l! Thank you so much x
  13. My husband and a small handful of women.
  14. That was beautiful to read. Thank you.
  15. In my experience, most pay toilets have a turnstile or barrier.
  16. I really enjoy real, believable scenarios. Things where I can really put myself there in the story. I'm probably not going to have a golden shower with 5 people at a hotel, but I might have a sneaky wee behind a club.
  17. ********* This is based on "Sibling Rivalry" by @gldenwetgoose ********* Dear Wet Carpet, I’m Pippa, long time reader, first time writer. I have a sister and like all siblings I know just how to push her buttons and wind her up like nobody else. I like to tease her, a lot, but I do it with love. I love her to bits but I take great pleasure in pushing her just enough to make her crack and lose it. I like to call her Weeze, it came from our young cousins trying to pronounce “Louise” and stuck ever since. But when I am feeling particularly devilish I will call her “Wee-wees”.
  18. Oh my! Just... Wow ! You have such a beautiful way with words painting such a vivid image in my mind. I could put myself right there the whole time. Getting out of bed, waiting in the car park, the quiet drive alone and wetting, pippa peeing too... Amazing ! Now if you'll excuse me I have a little something that needs taking care of...
  19. Do you have a source for this or are you talking out of your arse? In my experience pornhub is a great sex positive company who do many amazing things. For example, free premium for those in isolation. Not only that, they do a large amount of charity work. dirtiest porn ever - helping tackle ocean plastic Beesexual - a campaign to save the bees They've offered college scholarships, they've sponsored football teams. And much more https://www.pornhub.com/cares If they act like you are claiming, they would be shut down already. I think they are a fantasti
  20. Very beautiful puddyls
  21. I'm like the third row on the left
  22. I actually prefer the one minute videos, they are all killer,no filler.
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