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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Have you had a strange/interesting dream? (Not pee!) Wish to discuss it? Here is the place. Sorry if this is a bit all over the place, I'm trying to quickly write it down while I still remember it. I had a dream today where I was at the supermarket checkout and the small thing I had purchased cost more than I expected. £16 or something like that. I opened my purse and asked again for the price before finding only £3 and some change. The kind woman next to me agreed to go half on the price which I kindly agreed (despite not having £8!) and at that point I remembered I had my debit car
  2. Just had to remove another two posts because they were misogynistic and inappropriate. I am going to say this once and once only, play nice. If you cannot play nice, I will simply close the topic. I am tired of visiting this topic and seeing misogynistic comments about double standards and "You've seen mine so show me yours"
  3. Rachel Riley's VPL
  4. In the future can you please hit the report button instead of replying? Thanks!
  5. I don't think these are safe for work, or meeting the criteria stated in the very first post. Did you mean to post these to Random Sexy Girls instead?
  6. When the whole fantasy football team stuff started, I thought it meant you were supposed to have fantasy characters in the team. I had Superman as a striker, and Gandalf on defence.
  7. That's also a sexy thought, maybe 2 minutes prior to this photo being taken she was frantically trying to get her clothes down quick enough before she wet herself. Maybe she had just been in a very long meeting and finally got the opportunity to empty her poor aching bladder. Maybe she didn't quite make it so her underwear is a little wet. Sorry, it's going off topic so I shall leave it there.
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