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Everything posted by Chrissy89

  1. Just like the wonderful @Bacardi’s post, I feel like this could become massively enjoyable very quickly. Sorry guys! Once again your habits are going to become amusing… 🤣
  2. Lmao I’ve now got a great mental image - thank you 🤣
  3. Ohhhh @Sophiethis is one of my biggest fantasies to be able to hold a guy and you’ve just described it perfectly what I’d have imagined it to be like. Thank you for posting! You’re a lucky lady having Mark so open to this. My N would never let me near him 🤣 That’s a great Sunday! Xx
  4. Myself and Bacardi have kid humour! We laugh at kids TV! We sent each other silly recordings of our voices and I was in stitches. 🤣 she’s special ❤️
  5. As I began my run I was alone with my thoughts. It was great! I love the smell of the forest when it’s raining, the sound of the water hitting the gravel path that stretched out before me. About half way I stopped for a stretch, a drink of water and a check of the progress on my watch. With it being hectic Friday at work; people rushing their projects through me for the weekly sign off, I hadn’t seen looked at my phone all afternoon. I noticed I had a missed notification from the wonderful @Bacardi (she’s my sister from a totally different mister by the way, incase you didn’t know) ❤️
  6. Noooo!!! We love you and your music choices Sophie!
  7. It’s Friyaaaay peeps. Woke up this morning conflicted. Ten year old Chrissy would have been screaming at the thought of S Club 7 going back on tour. 33 year old Chrissy wants to go but fears that they’ll be rubbish and the tickets will be expensive. Anyways my thoughts this morning ….
  8. This mix here instantly sums up today….. Euphoric! i stumbled across the mix on TikTok and the addition of Hans Zimmer in there really pulls it together ❤️ credit where it’s due
  9. This mix here instantly sums up today….. Euphoric! i stumbled across the mix on TikTok and the addition of Hans Zimmer in there really pulls it together ❤️ credit where it’s due
  10. Well I have a man of my own to kick out before your arrival and I don’t wanna do that if you’re not coming….
  11. I’ve not done peeing on the floor, unless it’s like a wet room shower and I know I’m all alone 😆.
  12. I’d love to have the confidence to pee on the floor at a party. I know a girl who does have the confidence to do brave things like this. She’s not done the floor but she’s done plant pots and the garden.
  13. I’m fine hun. Just a hard day sweetie 🥰
  14. I certainly think there is a place for AI in our very busy lives, as long as we remember that we are the ones that’s in control and to continue to teach our children the basic fundamentals of proper handwriting, language and grammar. I saw a CV today from a young lad who’s looking for an internship and he used the word “Lol” and it has emojis in it… like seriously! AI would have written a far better CV than him. 🤣
  15. Well after the day I’ve had at work they both may be handy. Can I drop E off with you so I can have large one ?
  16. Aww I’ve just seen this. Sorry! If she’s like me then chocolates are defo a good thing. I’m not one for cards or flowers though. My N got me a lovely bottle of Gin and a coffee cup that suits me right down to a tee 🙂 xx
  17. Fell in love with this local band during my uni days. ❤️
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