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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. It's kind of a chicken and egg scenario isn't it? If there were no taboo would we have even developed our fetishes in the first place? I am relatively certain my fetish would never have emerged if not for the taboo around urination (though I have no evidence to support this hypothesis). I think you've described a pretty ideal scenario. I like the idea of keeping the taboo or kink, but exorcising the creepy aura that surrounds us.
  2. I sort of blended two different example groups together. Both behavior that I've observed in women overall and that which I've seen among my own friends and acquaintances. I've been in countless situations where women in long bathroom lines enter in groups of two or more. I still don't understand how this saves time? Are they executing the toilet, tub, sink combo? In fact, the phenomenon of women and girls peeing in front of each other is a common enough occurrence that it happens with some regularity in movies and TV shows. If you've ever witnessed public piss footage from music festivals or
  3. In that case then yes, women are less pee shy than men. Women will face one another and carry on conversations while one is on the toilet. And there have been many occasions where I've peed outside while conversing with women whom I'd never spoken with before that moment. Once I was sitting in the backyard of a house party talking with a friend when a random girl approached and said "no offense guys, but I'm gonna pee here." Then proceeded to squat a few feet in front of us and release her flood. She faced us and made small talk (we were sitting cross legged on the grass) while peeing. I assum
  4. I'm not clear on the "facing each other" thing? Is that a requirement to count as peeing together? I mean, unless it's a really small bathroom, it's not likely that you'll be directly in front of the person using the toilet. Though I have been in that situation once, in a half-bath about the size of a closet. And the girl, who I'd never met before had smiley faces on her knees. They were not tattoos. The reason the women went in with me was because they were at the ass end of the line and it was my turn. By asking if they could pee with me, they jumped ahead of everybody else ahead of t
  5. It wasn't a conclusion, it was an observation, and an unscientific one at that. I have witnessed countless situations where a woman went into a bathroom with at least one other female companion, where there is no stall available. Thus, one can logically conclude that they peed casually in one another's company. My most frequent observation of this phenomenon has been at house parties, where two or more women enter the bathroom together. I have never observed this behavior in men. There have also been a handful of times when after enduring a long line and finally entering the bathroom to pee al
  6. In my totally unscientific observations, women seem to be less pee shy than men. I've never heard a guy say "I have to pee, guys come with me."
  7. I strongly relate to this. But in my case, dealing with urinals adds another dimension to the problem. I don't like people to hear me either, but if I use a stall it's even louder. If I aim my stream away from the water to mute the noise then it sounds like I'm up to some sketchy antics in there. The weird thing is, I wasn't like this until my teens. My pee shyness entered the building around the same time as masturbation (which was late for a male). But if I'm intoxicated, all bets are off and I'll pee anywhere and with anyone.
  8. And just like that you have demonstrated by conundrum. Because I disagree with your explanation, but I connect with your sentiment. Agree feels misleading, when I don't align with the users preference (for example wetting) but do relate to the tone of their emotional response. I guess this is just a "me thing?"
  9. I suppose a "welcome" doesn't make much sense when you've been here way longer than me. However, I am so happy that you're here. Your testimonial was extremely relatable and moving. This fetish can feel like an arch nemesis of the soul. And the masking can be exhausting. I also know what it's like to be kink shamed by partners and others. For me, this is the first place in the digital world (or even the physical world) where I've ever felt welcome or normal. Once again, I'm so happy that you found yourself here!
  10. Agree, from my perspective, implies being aligned with an opinion, statement, feeling, etc. This isn't about agreeing with the post or comment, it's about understanding it. Meaning I've been made to feel an emotional connection to the users experience through their description.
  11. I would guess many, if not most directors leave it up to the actress to pretend pee in whatever way she's accustomed. Unless there's a problem with her technique being too revealing (or else she has an unorthodox method like standing or getting completely naked from the waist down). In the rare situations where the actress actually pees, I wonder if the director encourages her to be more revealing, so the audience knows it's real?
  12. Welcome! You have come to the right place.
  13. Unlike males, females have varied positions when peeing outdoors. So when an actress has to pee outside in a movie scene, are we seeing how she does it in her personal life? Or do you think the director makes suggestions for how the character should pee? "Sorry dear, but I believe Greta would squat much higher than what you're doing!" And how uncomfortable must it be for an actress to have a male director telling her how to pee outside as a woman?
  14. My issue is with lack of consent. Surgical procedures performed with no compelling medical necessity are a legitimate human rights violation. Which sounds like hyperbole until you see the corruption behind the scenes and learn how the majority of North American ended up being circumcised. Unsurprisingly, circumcised women frequently express the same gratitude as their male counterparts. Did you know they also show less transmission of HIV? It was one of the less reported findings from one those African Aids studies. You're confusing oversensitive with informed. The numbers are indeed th
  15. Welcome aboard, sir! We are all similarly imprinted as well.
  16. I've noticed these outdated, deeply flawed, studies used frequently as coping mechanisms for cut guys who had no consent in the matter. By the way, I believe the last westerner to get AIDS from a woman was Magic Johnson and he's still here. However you are correct that cut guys have a slightly better chance of not catching AIDS during unprotected sex in the developing world. So you're in a safer position than the uncut gentleman who exchanged a goat for sexual favors.
  17. This is a topic in which I have done a great deal of research, and I'm afraid your studies are nowhere near as compelling as you think they are. One of them used Kenyan long haul truck drivers as a sample group. Let that marinate for awhile citizen of the first world.
  18. Welcome, Olliver (with two lls)! I think you will enjoy it here!
  19. We need an emoji for relatable/I feel you. A lot of times I don't like a post or a comment. Nor do I find it hot, nor am I particularly thankful for it. Yet I do feel where the user is coming from. Like I'm not into wetting. Like at all. But sometimes when a user describes how a good wetting made them feel...I just gotta be like. Yeah, homie. I feel you.
  20. I was locked in the back of a decommissioned police car, in a traffic jam, during a riot, and there was also a brief gun fight. It happened during the hottest night of the summer. When I had foolishly downed almost 2 liters of water before we hit the traffic jam. We eventually made it to a "safe enough" alley where I proceeded to pee for over two straight minutes. I know for a fact that it was at least that long because a small crowd gathered, and one the spectators began timing me. It was simultaneously the worst I have ever had to pee, and the longest pee I have ever taken in my life.
  21. My example had nothing to do with hymens. I was referring to female genital mutilation. While western media usually portrays it as an African practice, it's a problem that persists in the first world also. An intact woman is one who has not had parts of her genitalia forcibly removed or otherwise mutilated. In some cases it involves full or partial excision of the visible clitoral glans.
  22. The persistently misogynistic tone of porn. I mean come on it's 2022. The industry moved beyond being a product of strip club owners and pimps a long time ago. Do we really need video titles like "dumb blonde whore pisses for the camera?" Have some respect! I feel tremendous gratitude towards the women who willingly risk their anonymity for our pleasure. They deserve nothing short of our praise!
  23. I'm using the same configuration as well. Except I'm fairly close to the source of the WiFi. I haven't had any issues on my desktop, but I use it far less often. My current strategy is trying to stick to the desktop for stories or long answers. I'm starting to suspect my issues are rooted in this discount tablet.
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