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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. For anyone that's interested in my 500 mile challenge here's an update. 

    As of my commute home last night which marked the halfway point of the month, I am ahead of schedule. I had covered 283 miles so I'm well ahead. Hope the weather doesn't get too bad so I can keep riding and hit my target

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  2. After chatting with a fellow PF, I think I've cracked this......well I hope I have lol

    Sometimes you've just gotta hit the reset switch in your head and crack on with things.

    Thank you

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Takashi96 said:

    Based on my own personal observation, there seems to be basically two kinds of sexual partners. Kinky and Vanilla. And kinkiness seems to be a on a spectrum. Some kinky people are basically vanilla, except for one specific thing. Others are just  generally kinky with a few specific preferences, but basically, they're down to experiment. And they want to know what your thing is. If she's kinky, you'll probably find out early in the relationship. If she's vanilla, keep your fetish to yourself. There's no way to get her into it. And it's unlikely she'll ever view it as anything other than your disorder. 

    I agree with some bits of that, however, we probably all start out vanilla then we see/hear something that sparks the kink and then you're hook. It could be the same for our partners and they may find they enjoy a kink or 2 themselves once they experience that spark.. but how do you know? How do you say something without the fear of them not agreeing and they then think you're odd or disgusting 

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