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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. This is a day dream that keeps coming back

    Male and female masterbation plus female wetting


    There she was, sitting on a chair in front of me. Wearing her favourite black lace bra underneath a black see through top and a pair of tight black leather trousers. She'd been drinking all morning and still hadn't been, her bladder was now aching it was so full. She loved the feeling, the feeling of not knowing how much longer she will last. She desperate sense that she could explode any minute always made her pussy tingle with excitement. She looked across at me, knowing that I loved to watch, too know how much I'd loved seeing her squirm and wiggle as the need to release got bigger n bigger. 

    The pressure was intense, her bulging bladder was almost going to explode so she stood up and started to undo the bottoms on those tight shiny leather trousers, she needed some relief from the pressure. She slide her jeans down, struggling with how tight they were and not being able to bend over properly. She finally managed to get them off, revealing her black lace panties which had a slight damp patch from her excited pussy. She sat back down, looked at me and asked if I liked what I saw. 

    'oh yes' I replied with an obvious bulge in my tight lycra boxers. I could help but start rubbing my crotch as I watched her. 

    She was almost ready to burst, so to help things along she started gently pressing on her bladder, making her release small amounts of pee with each push. She moaned with delight as every little squirt easied her bladder and left her black lace panties wetter and wetter. 

    My strokes got faster and faster from the pleasure of her show, I too was almost at bursting point. 

    She couldn't do it anymore, she clamped her pussy with her hand as she let out 1 loud pleasure moan as she bladder finally gave in and let out all her warm golden necture, eight through her already wet panties and flowed through her fingers before splashing on the ground between her feet. The look OK relief on her face was orgasmic, her breathing fast and body shaking with delight. She looked across at me and smiled just as I shoot a load of my hot cum in her direction. We just sat for a while with large smiles on our faces. I finally stood up, walked across to her and gently patted her piss soaked panties, leaned over to her ear and whispered 'Good girl' 

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  2. Just got back from a little ride. My wife has challenged me to hit 500miles this month. She knows I like a challenge and this is a good 1 for me. 6 days in and 97 miles complete already. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I know the friend mentioned in the first post by Gldenwetgoose, and she has come over to visit this weekend. She said to me "Sophie! I must show you something!" and excitedly opened her tablet, scrolling through the page. She handed it to me with this image and a big smile on her face. "Look! Isn't she beautiful!"  She REALLY loves this photo.

    She has asked me to say thank you for this topic and everyone who has contriubted to it. ❤️

    Natural beauty is the best, and she looks so natural. It makes her so beautiful. (Thats what I think)

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  4. Well after cycling to work all week in my favourite material to wet, lycra, I finally got around to having some fun it in. 

    My gear gets washed every night when I get home but last night I purposely left in it the bathroom.. I had plans. 

    I'm always the first 1 up in my house, (dam body clock won't let me sleep in) so when I got up early again I decided I'll finally have some fun. I woke up with the usual need to pee but held it instead and made myself a large coffee. I went upstairs to my man cave, turned on my laptop and logged into here while I waited for the coffee to work its magic. This didn't take long as I haven't been gifted with the biggest of bladders 😢 So off I went to the bathroom where my cycling gear had been left. I got out of my PJs and put on my tight base layer followed by my cycling shorts. I stood in the bath for ease of cleaning and after setting up my phone I started to play a little. It wasnt long before I feft my bladder letting go and soaking my shorts, the feeling of warm piss running down my shorts and soaking my thigh was lovely. I then pulled out my cock, leaned back a little and let more piss out onto my tight top. Letting my piss wet my stomach was just as nice as my thigh. I still had a little pee left so it put my cock back into my shorts and let out that last little bit of pee, rubbing it into my shorts with my hand.

    Oh the long wait all week was so worth it. My shorts were nice and wet and I was nice and happy. I then stripped off and started the clean up before uploaded the video and writing it up for you guys to hopefully enjoy. 






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  5. Well it's been a fun few days and some wet sticky days too lately. 

    I wish I could share some of the videos I've made but they've either got my tattoos on show (they give me away too easy) or they've got my company's logo on them. Think I'd get the sack if they saw it lol

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    That must be very difficult for you. Is there any chance to reduce your hours? It sounds like it might be the root cause of problems? I really sympathise. It can't be easy, but we're here for you any time you need someone to talk to ❤️

    Thank you 

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