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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. On 9/4/2022 at 5:47 PM, Kupar said:

    I got round the half marathon. Phew. I wasn't feeling right, and after 10k I switched off my running watch, and half-walked, half-ran the rest of the distance. I finished in just under 2:13. To put that into context, a couple of years ago I ran the distance in under 1:42. But, as I say, I got round. And I'm happy with that 🙂

    Oh ... And at about 11k, a guy running about 200m in front of me stopped for a slash in the hedge. No attempt to hide. 😊

    How do you feel now mate

  2. 23 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    People have busy lives anyway so you have to be understanding of that, as well as different timezones. Which, for me, is the worst bit! 😭

    That certainly doesn't help.


    Finding the time to build up a good friendship is difficult too, even when you're in the same time zone. We all lead busy lives so fitting in time on here can be hard. 

    And yes, there are some great people on here and a few I'd love to get to know better just on a friendship level but sadly I don't think it will happen

    • Hug 1
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  3. 17 hours ago, Eliminature said:


    🤦‍♀️so, I don't care what anyone says: double leather will always be a look! 

    There's nothing wrong with double leather, I think it looks great. 

    Also, I too have deleted more photos than I've kept because I thought they were rubbish. I've also deleted some others because I thought I've already posted enough on here only to regret deleting them later on

    • Like 2
  4. On 6/28/2022 at 4:56 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Stranger Things.  First series came across initially as a kids series, or movie like Goonies - but stick with it into series two. Much more grown up.

    I've finally gotten around to watching Stranger Things, season 1 and 2 episodes in and so far it's looking promising. 

    I've also been watching The Boys, that's pretty good too

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  5. 10 hours ago, Kupar said:

    I got round the half marathon. Phew. I wasn't feeling right, and after 10k I switched off my running watch, and half-walked, half-ran the rest of the distance. I finished in just under 2:13. To put that into context, a couple of years ago I ran the distance in under 1:42. But, as I say, I got round. And I'm happy with that 🙂

    Oh ... And at about 11k, a guy running about 200m in front of me stopped for a slash in the hedge. No attempt to hide. 😊

    Glad you got round it and I hope you feel better. Must be something in the air cos I had a bad training run on Saturday and ended up run/walk just to get home. 

    Least you had a highlight to the run and had a view, even if it was just a flash. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

    That sounds dystopian - what is wrong with carpet! I would miss the carpet.

    There would be carpet all around the rest of the pub for people who like peeing on carpets. I was just thinking you could pee at the bar while ordering your next round

    • Haha 1
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  7. In my parallel world, this PeeFans site would be an actually site where we could all visit and pee freely. 

    There would be carpet on all footpaths, toilets out in the open, people would be wetting themsel es as they walk down the street. All the gutters/drains would collect the pee and pipe it to the town center where there would be a large fountain the flowed with the pee from the drains. 

    There would be special bench for people to sit who wanted a golden showers and anyone passing by could willing give them one. 

    Free water for everyone so we could keep our bladders topped up. 

    Loads of trees, posts, walls etc for people to pee up. 

    Hotels didn't care where you went and pubs would have urinals at the bar. 

    Oh the things we could do there would be fantastic 

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