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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 13 hours ago, Kupar said:

    First run for me for four weeks (!) and I am so pleased I went out, even if it was a very gentle 4 miles of running, plus 0.1 mile walking between each mile. Glorious weather here this afternoon: really warm sunshine and a southerly breeze, so vest off after a mile. 🙂 Felt really good to be back out there.

    Fantastic. I should do the same but I've been too busy

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  2. 1 hour ago, oliver2 said:

    Oh, man. I’d do that more if I wasn’t too timid. I’ve got off outdoors a few times but not often, always put off by what-if-someone-sees-me-doing-it

    (That, and I have better orgasms when I’m lying on something soft and can roll around with muscles stretching without falling over)


    It's the only time I have done it, I usually just enjoy wetting when I'm out for a ride

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  3. Whilst I was on a bike ride dressed in lycra, I was desperate for a piss so I stopped by a wood and nipped in. I enjoy wetting my lycra shorts so I started off by pissing in my shorts then half way through, I pulled out my dick and pissed all ocer my hands, this got me horny as hell so I decided to have a play too. It felt so good playing with myself in the open right after peeing that my knees started shaking and legs went to jelly. This was the best cum shot I've ever had. 

    The only problem was I had to try and ride home after that with my legs still like jelly lol

    Peeing and cumming in the wild is awesome 

    • Hot 2
  4. 1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    You all know about the Live Action thread right - a place on this forum where much of what’s being talked about can take place.

    Ive had some amazing times there which have pretty much been a one-2-one. Don’t rule it out. 

    When I've looked on there is usually been quiet for hrs. Guess that's a problem when we're spread all over the globe

  5. On 9/22/2022 at 2:39 PM, Bacardi said:

    I have a few friends that I play with both on and off the site. Video chat sometimes, but mostly just the exchanging videos and audio for fun 🤭 it really is a blessing for someone like me who doesn't have an outlet in real life to express the fetish, so I know how you feel. 

    For us it's just chatting, filling up with water and discussing where we should pee. I'm shy af and have never sent anyone videos of where I've peed, but no one has complained about the audio and pictures 😅 in the end, we all do what we can. I'm thankful for what my friends have shared with me. 

    That sounds great, that's something I would love to experience but wouldn't dare to even try

  6. I probably pee in laybys every day while I'm at work. I do have a 50ft truck to hide me so I don't care about peeing in broad daylight. 

    I have had to run to the hedge before while I was in my car. I was stuck in a traffic jam because of an accident and when I ran up the embankment, I was meet with a chorus of "we know what your doing" from all the other car drivers that were stuck. I was too desperate to care and just peed in front of them all but kept my back to them

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  7. Great! My 1st half marathon is tomorrow and my knee currently hurts......oh boy

    Gonna tape it up tomorrow, slow down my pace and hope for the best because I'm a scrooge and don't want to loose my entrance fee 😅😅 by pulling out

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  8. 6 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm going to show my age with this question - and there's a real risk I haven't aged well.

    Remember when bands used to play musical instruments - like guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and the like...   not just midi tracks and samples...

    If you were assembling together a band to perform a favourite song for you, and you could pick up the phone to call in any vocalist and musician from anywhere around the world - who would your band consist of?  And what song would they perform?

    Great question. I would love to answer but it's Sophies thread lol

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