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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. If it was a big budget, I'd buy myself a log cabin over looking a lake by some woods. There would be nobody else around for miles and I could just walk or bike around the woods and wet my nice tight cycling shorts whenever I wanted and not have to hide it. 


    If it was a small budget, I probably spend it on more tight lycra or jeans that I could enjoy wetting.


    I also like the idea of hiring @gldenwetgoose new photo studio and get some decent photos to put up on this lovely site for all to enjoy

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  2. 14 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

    You have not said how big the budget is, but if it were big enough I think I might commission a soap opera where there is almost continuous nonchalant wetting to help promote the wonders of the nonchalant wetting lifestyle. I am sure that way our numbers would grow an I would find myself in a community of more than one!

    Can I join your community 

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  3. On 10/10/2022 at 11:24 AM, Kupar said:

    Wow! Go for it! If you want the deranged ramblings of someone who relatively recently made that step up from 10k to half, you only have to ask 🙂 But if you have an inspirational person, that's pretty much all you'll need 🙂 

    That's what I've done this year. 5k to 10k to half. Might try a full next year. I think if I had something to aim for it'll get me motivated again. 

    I have walking plans to aim for, just not a running 1 yet

  4. I'm apparently get worse for things like this.... according to my wife.

    I love drawing and I have multiple sets of coloured pencils, all of which are kept in their original boxes but what makes its odd is I have numbered each pencil so that when I use multiple pencils at a time, I can put them back in their correct place. My wife jokes that she'll mess them up and that freaks me out, they CANNOT be out of order. It's the same with my graphite pencils too, there have to be in grade order - 9h to 9b

    I have to make sure the pan or kettle is centred on the hob, all cutlery has to face the right way in the draw. Our knives on the magnetic holder have to be in line. 

    I hate things that are not in symmetry...random patterns are a no for me.

    I recently freaked out by a sticker on a van not being straight. It's not hard to take a bit more time to get it put on correctly!

    I cannot walk into a room at night without turning on the light first. That comes from my childhood where I thought turning the light on would scare away any monsters.

    There's probably loads more that I don't realise I do as it's just the norm for me but others will think it's odd. I guess we all have things like that.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Peenicks said:

    I used to be really into Lego building, I'd like to get back into it but shit's expensive. My hobbies nowadays are collecting playing cards and bowling

    I still love that, I've managed to get few good sets over the past few years and my wife has got me a great set for Xmas (it's sat on top of my wardrobe teasing me at the mo). I would love to  uy more as there's some lovely sets out there but it's far to expensive to be a main hobby. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, Kupar said:

    I sing in choirs, and make wine, for fun. Other things I really enjoy doing might be considered chores, like cooking ( I am very happy in the kitchen 🙂) or keeping on top of the garden. I walk in the countryside and I run.

    I don't find cooking a chore, I always do it at the weekends and if I'm home in time during the week. Gardening on the other hand is a chore, I don't really enjoy that.

    Walking is nice, I too enjoy that and my youngest is starting to like it too. She wants to hike up Snowden next year so that's our challenge

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  7. 6 hours ago, JesseP said:

    Interesting question.

    My lifelong interest has been model aeroplanes

    I used to build planes when I was a teenager. It was a nice hobby.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Kupar said:

    Yep. Same here. I have managed to get out twice in the last week, but that was after a few weeks of being lazy. I think it's the season. Hope you get your exercise mojo back! Do you have a race you can sign up for this autumn? A 10k maybe?

    No, nothing and nothing has peaked my interest either. I'm sure it'll come back to me soon enough 

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  9. I've recently began painting and drawing again, which is something I used to do a lot. It's really nice and I find it can be very relaxing. 

    My others hobbies are more energetic as I enjoy walking, running and cycling. 


    What do you like doing to relax, what's your passions and hobbies? 

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  10. Struggling to get motivated at the moment, I havent been for a run since my half marathon and I've only done less than half the miles I normally do on my bike. Maybe it's the change in the weather or something. 

    Anyone else having the same issues? 

  11. I have times when I get bored of it, it just seems to be the same threads over n over again that I have little to no interest in so I think, 'why bother' then I see a new thread that captures my interest. 

    I'm not lucky enough to have the time to spend on here like some others do so I haven't made any real connections like a lot you guys have. I have tried the chat rooms and also received some nice messages and sent a few too put neither ever became of it so I don't have an emotional connection to the site. 

    It has help me understand that I'm not weird for liking what I like and I have enjoyed sharing with you all, but I am considering logging out for a while. 

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