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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 4 hours ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

    11.52k in 1 hour 13 minutes 19 seconds. It's already 21 degrees at 9am and the sun was relentless. Since April my only other run was a 5k on Monday so content with that. 

    21 Days until my official 10k run which is at 4pm in the afternoon. If the hot weather keeps up everyone will be drinking so much water that it could turn into a massive peefest. 

    That could be a good run to join

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  2. Well done @Kupar for getting out and I like your way of distracting yourself, it's good to know we all came to mind to help you. And I know how you feel, I try not to get hard while I'm out too, but its difficult not not when your mind keeps wondering on how nice it would be to have a little accident or you think of some lovely sexy photos on here of some very sexy people (too many to mention) 

    It's not always about the time and PBs, just getting out in the first place is good. I'm just hope I'll be ready for my half.

    Thank you for your support @Sophie, I'm sure I'll be OK on the day

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  3. 3 hours ago, LovesToWet said:

    I have not had much chance to have some fun lately but I am just about to go out for a bike ride, so fingers crossed I'll enjoy myself and have to stop for a pee or 2.....or I might just piss myself while I'm still riding

    I was enjoying the ride too much to stop for fun, oh well, maybe next time

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  4. My list isn't too exciting:

    Laybys while I'm at work

    Behind parked trucks while I'm at work


    Shop entrance

    Top deck of a bus


    Bath, shower & sink


    Behind hedges while out running or biking

    In the sea

    Swimming pools

    My cycling shorts

    My running shorts

    My jeans

    My boxers

    My work trousers

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  5. On 7/27/2022 at 12:35 PM, Kupar said:

    'Nonchalant' garden wetting

    Encouraged by a conversation with the lovely @lillefisse in the chatroom this morning, I had a little fun in the garden 'accidentally / nonchalantly' wetting a pair of jeans - realising what had happened, having a little play, and wetting some more. Hope you like.



    Garden fun 1.jpg

    Garden fun 2.jpg



    I really need to do this too, it's been a while since I had the chance to soak my jeans

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