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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. Woke up early as it's Monday and work was calling. I put on my lovely tight lycra cycling cloths ready for my morning commute and all the way there all I could think about was letting myself go and pissing myself. I just had the urge to feel my shorts getting wetter and wetter from the warmth of my piss. I just wanted to feel it pouring down my thigh as I ride along but because I couldn't as I was riding to work, the more I wanted to do it, to be naughty and not care. Sadly i'm not that brave so just stopped and pissed at the side of the road. I guess we all get urges like this that cannot be fulfilled and leave us wanting.

    1 day I will get to piss in my cycling shorts again, but not today

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    That's a really interesting list. Thanks for sharing. I feel there are stories behind it, but I don't want you to explain 🤗

    I think you're right, it's a once bitten twice shy kinda thing

  3. I went out for a little bike ride this morning with every intention of having a little bit of fun while I was out, but sadly as I woke up late I knew by the time I got home everybody else would be up. This ment I had to limit my fun to just some outdoor peeing rather than a nice good wetting. I still enjoyed it as you may notice from the photo lol


    Here's some videos too: https://www.erome.com/a/6psI9Z33


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  4. 1 minute ago, James_erased said:

    Nice! How was it? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan to gradually increase mileage in prep for the half. 

    Mine is on 10th Sept, so a similar time-frame away from the sounds of it!

    I felt good. I kept the pace slow at first and managed to ramp up the pace for the last 2 miles. Just gotta keep up the efforts now.


    How's your training going?

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  5. On a day to day basis, my family make me happy and today was nice as it's father's day and the cards and presents I got were very nice.

    Other things that make me happy (which others may find sad and boring) are cleaning my bikes, drawing and finding some quiet time to myself.

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  6. I haven't had much time lately for some fun so I took the opportunity when I could this morning. Lycra is so great for wetting, love it.

    Sadly I can't upload the video as Erome won't let me sign into my account so there's only a few pictures today.




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  7. 17 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Good luck hun, kick ass! 

    Training is going well thanks, confident me and my daughter will be able to complete the half marathon on the 26th. We have done a few 15k runs now but would like to do a 20k to see how we cope with the extra distance. Going out later today for a run and will have another this weekend. 

    I'm excited! 

    Have a good run later 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Going well thanks. Ran 6 mile last night at negative splits and felt good. Got my 10k run on Sunday and I'm hoping for 53mins. Still pondering about a half. Biking is going well too, soon be back to 50/60 miles on a Sunday.


    Good luck with your half, I'm sure you'll hit your target...glad your enjoyed your garden pee. I can't do that in my garden, the neighbours might complain lol

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  9. 2 hours ago, Kupar said:

    Hotel pee fun

    I was so bad last Friday evening.

    I was staying away on my own in a hotel. About 6:30pm I went out to try out three of the pubs in the village I am staying at. I had a pint of beer in each with a very nice pulled-brisket burger and chips in the last one. By the time I walked back to my hotel I was starting to feel the first pint making its presence known, but I carried on drinking – a little water, and a little more beer from a can I’d brought with me.

    I knew I wanted to be naughty – how often does one get the chance? – and I knew the bathroom was fair game because I would clean up after myself (I can’t bear the idea that someone else has to do it if I have made a big wet mess).

    So part one for the evening was to stand in the bath tub and spray down the toilet and floor and some of the bathroom walls. Wow – it felt *so* good to release that recycled beer – I really needed to go! And it was such fun to see my pee spraying everywhere. I knew there would be more to come, so I just left everything dripping, and splashed back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I tried to make a video of it, but capturing pee against white bathroom tiles is not easy and it was rubbish.

    Thirty minutes later, and half way through the can, the second pint was definitely wanting to make a reappearance. By this time, I was chatting and messaging on this site, and generally starting to feel mellow and naughty all at the same time. So I peed on the mirror that was screwed to the bathroom door – how much fun is it to pee against a mirror?! Amazing! You get to see your stream from two angles, and experience the splash back as well as the delightful relief – it’s all wonderful 😊



    More chatting, messaging and drinking and the final pee before bedtime – one of my PF friends demanded that I just walk up to the bathroom and pee on the floor … so that’s what I did. It felt so wicked knowing that this wasn’t where I was supposed to empty my pee, and that I had been instructed to do it, when there is a perfectly good toilet just for that purpose!



    And afterwards, because I have to, I cleaned up – sacrificing my tee shirt, mopping up and wringing out what seemed like pints of dilute, near-odourless pee from the floor, then wiping down every affected surface with clean water on a towel and leaving the bathroom clean for the morning.

    Was I tempted to just pee on the bathroom floor if I wake in the night? Or first thing in the morning? Yes of course! But I didn’t. So enjoy the pics and videos (if that’s your thing) - and apologies for the poor quality this time.

    Looks fun, and I would clean up after myself too as it wouldn't feel right leaving it for somebody else.

    We can see you enjoyed it, glad you had fun

    • Thanks 1
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