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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 42 minutes ago, MaxWasTaken said:

    And again i don't know shit and it might not even be applicable to your situation. But if it helped me, it might help others. 

    This is why I wanted to do this. Reading others comments might just give you an idea that you haven't tried, or just make you realise you are not allowed and everyone of us has struggles. You might even find just writing down yours on here helps you get things out that you've been keeping hidden.

    I commend all those that have aired their thoughts and give thanks ( @Kupar @gldenwetgoose @Sophie) to those how have thanked me for starting this thread.

    Hopefully it'll grow and help more of us on here

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  2. On 5/5/2022 at 4:25 PM, Alfresco said:

    I wonder how many men pee on the ladies' anatomy rather than into the bowl.   I know I would.  Although, splashback could be an issue.

    Hopefully the tits are squeezable lol

    • Like 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Thank you for making this. 

    Exercise is my biggest way of escaping from everything. No matter what happens when I'm out, no matter how bad things are when I leave, I always get back in a much better mood. I find myself struggling the most late at night, especially when everyone is asleep so I'm alone with nobody to talk to. I think my energy levels play a big part in it, I tend to have more episodes when I'm tired but my mind is racing so I can't sleep. 

    Work really helps a lot too. It is super stressful at times but it is a different kind of stress, my job distracts me from whatever is going on at home and gives me something to focus on. 

    As for how I'm doing? I'll be honest, I'm struggling a little. I'm doing better than I was last year but I have a lot going on at the moment out of my control and it is really taking its toll. The amazing people on here have helped tremendously. 

    Thank you for sharing and I truly hope things get better. I'm the same with exercise, it has helped me a lot lately too. It's been very stressful with my wife's health but things will get better.

    Oddly, this site has helped too, it's been good to open up about things and everyone has been very nice about it. This site is great, far more to it than just looking at pictures and videos. Some very friendly people here.

    Sorry, I linked this onto you because I'm the same with exercise, I always come home in a better mood too.

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  4. Reading what sizes other men are is actually making me think differently about my size and hearing what the other women like @Peewee123 and @Bacardi are saying is also helpful. Size really doesn't matter.

    Strange how we all think we have something wrong with our bodies, whether it's the size of our dicks, breasts, bottoms or bellies, it really doesn't matter. We're all lovely just as we are.

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  5. It's more a body confidence thing for me. I only have an issue after being picked on about it as a child. I know how to use my cock and never had any complaints, it helps I've got a long tongue and I know how to use that lol

  6. 14 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    My ex had a ten inch penis and it did absolutely nothing for me lol. Just hurt me going in and coming out because he wasn't all that good at sex and insisted he couldn't use lube or condoms. 

    Current partner is about 9 in. It's okay. I'm not really one to enjoy traditional penis-in-vagina sex so I put up with it when he wants it and just wait for the next time he wants to use his mouth 😝 

    So, IMO, no, size doesn't matter. And even if it did there is no reason to be shamed or feel shameful about having a smaller dick. I love all men no matter what size they are! There are other ways to turn us girls on and make us cum than by just using your dick. If you can get creative with sex then you are my hero no matter what size you are!

    i prefer playing than dick-in-pussy sex, it's far more fun and exciting. The size thing is more about how I look naked, I just feel a bit dropped off.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Loller said:

    I talked with you in the penis size topic. Looking at these pictures, I'd say your cock is a good size and a very nice one overall 🙂 You said you were a grower but it doesn't seem like that, more like a shower in my opinion.

    Thank you

    I'm definitely not a shower, like I said, it's all about the camera angel lol

  8. 22 minutes ago, Loller said:

    6 inches is definitely not small, it's longer than average. I'm around 6 inches too and my girlfriend tells me she loves how long my cock is.

    But I definitely understand that a lot of average and even above average guys feel small. Small penises are constantly made fun of in films, TV etc. and it makes it seem like a man's worth is based on his penis size. The cruel thing is that nobody can decide how big their penis is and then they get made fun of for their size which they have absolutely no control over. I've definitely struggled with confidence issues regarding my size, mostly the girth.

    Women have the same issues with body/boob size. We can't help what we've been given and have to live with it but once someone has put doubt in your head, it's very difficult to overcome that.

    I've no idea what the average size is

  9. Not happy about my size as I was picked on as a kid and got told it was small and that's stuck with me ever since. I'm a grower too so small when soft, as such I know where you're coming from. I'm probably around 6in in length, no idea how wide as I've never measured it like that.

    I have had some nice comments on here from photos I've posted (the right camera angel helps lol) which does help with confidence.

  10. 7 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Video games are my escape. Especially ones that simulate life like Animal Crossing. As a middle schooler i was bullied relentlessly and for a while my little virtual villagers were my only friends. 

    I also agree with physical activity. I enjoy walking, and if I'm wound up, stressed, or anxious I will literally pace my hallways with some music in my ear and mellow out. 

    On a less healthy note, when shit really hits the fan I have one self destructive behavior for when I'm stressed beyond words, and that's hair pulling. I have literally put bald spots on my head before and its so bad. That's why I'm happy to have my other outlets when I need them. I haven't pulled my hair out so bad in such a long time. 

    Music can be very relaxing, I prefer having music on when I'm doing things.

    I'm glad your outlets help a little and hope things improve for you. It's good to have some ways to let stress out, even if it's in a virtual world. Every little helps

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  11. 7 hours ago, Kupar said:

    Thanks for this. If my correspondents on here are anything to go by I would say there are many of us who have to deal with various issues around our mental health - some relatively minor (and I would count myself among those) and some more difficult to cope with. One of the great things about the PeeFans community is how many kind and understanding people there are - and that sense of community and the the friendships it can create are a support to me and I think to some others.

    I agree with you about physical activity - and also long walks in the countryside. They always help me.

    I thought I'd try something as we all know people who struggle, whether they are on here or at home. I just wanted to do something to help, even if it's just giving people ideas of how to cope.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Good man. I hope your wife is OK and feeling better.

    Long road to recovery but she'll get there. Need to keep my mental state level so I can help her, exercise definitely helps that

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