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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 2 hours ago, Intoxicatedluv4pee33 said:

    I do have this still sometimes . Not as much as I did when I was younger. Now if I wake up that horny I can usually scratch that itch with a nice fantasy and some self pleasure. 

    Doesn't happen very often to me now either but when it does, it's like I'm super horny and self pleasure or any kind of please just doesn't calm me down

  2. 2 hours ago, Sophie said:

    After a bit of a stressful week I went for a bike ride after work and overdid it a little... 

    I drove straight home after work, out of my uniform and into some grey joggers and a hoody. I went out on my hybrid so I didn't have any technology to distract me, no stress or pressure, I could just ride. There's a big hill near my house and for some reason I decided to tackle it in a higher gear than usual, and without really warming up, I had ridden maybe two miles. That was a big mistake. 

    If anyone saw an out of breath blonde woman throwing up in a bush in Lidl car park, I can only apologise! 

    Hope you're OK now hun

  3. My 500 mile challenge really has turned into a challenge. At 1 point it looked like I would smash it and potentially hit 600 miles, but this past week has been hard. The weather has bad, my wife ended up in hospital so I had to take time off work then man flu struck. I'm up to 460 miles so I'm close but really need this flu and rain to bugger off so I can finish my challenge. 

    • Hug 2
  4. 21 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Such a wonderful thought to imagine your nonchalant pee as you pedalled …and the wet trail you left. Lovely. 💚

    I've done it a few times now and it's a great feeling. Being already wet from the rain ment I didn't have to worry about people seeing a wet patch either so I felt relaxed afterwards too

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  5. Fun morning ride.

    Well as I was already wet from the rain, I couldn't be bothered to stop for a piss so I just let it go as I was pedalling along. It was a nice warm relief from the cold rain and looked fucking great as it ran down my thigh and splashed to the ground as I rode along. Got home and needed to pee again so dashed to the bathroom and just let myself go in my already piss & rain soak tights. 





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