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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. I've made a start to my month's challenges. It wasn't what I had planned but it's a start so it's still good. 

    My plan for to go on my bike for a few hours, got myself ready and when I took my bike out I realised I forgot to charge my lights. I crazy for biking but not crazy to go out without lights so I put it away and went for a run instead.

    2.5 miles knocked off my running target, 12.5 to go. 

    We've got this ☺️

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  2. I had a bit of time to myself last night so I decided to relax and have a little bit of fun. I had had a few glasses of juice and I could feel myself getting a bit desperate which made me started to feel horny. A plan formed so I checked the washing machine, it was half full and had some towels in. Perfect, I thought. I can put the towels on the floor and have a little 'accident' then throw everything into the machine and all evidence will be washed by morning. I could feel my bladder really starting to ache now so I had to get everything out ready. I just got my trainers off when the pee dance started. I was standing, pacing and grabbing my crotch, doing the best I could to hold on so. The more desperate I am, the better the pleasure of release. It didn't take much longer before my little bladder failed and my sweet warm golden necture started to soak my boxers and tight blue jeans. It was so so fucking nice to feel my crotch get wet before my pee started soaking down the inside of my thigh. When I had finished, I got my now hard cock out and had a little play before putting it back into my soaked boxers. About a minute later I could feel I still had some pee left, so I pulled out my still hard cock and pissed onto the floor a little before putting it back and empting it all into my already soaked boxers. Well I was really horny now so there was only 1 thing left to do.... I'll let you guess the rest



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  3. 1 hour ago, Kupar said:

    1 Jan: start as we mean to go on, eh? Just a little 2.7 mile run this morning to prove to myself I haven't forgotten how to put one foot in front of the other. It counts.

    Well done mate, keep it up

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  4. I started the year by doing a run so I thought I'd finished the year with a run. Only a short 1 but better than nothing, and it will help me get ready for the challenges starting... tomorrow.... Yikes!

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  5. 3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    No that sounds uncomfortable tho! I'm not trying to be squeezed into oblivion while running lol. At least in the comfort of my own home my boobs can fly freely. 

    Wear whatever will be comfortable and whatever you feel comfortable in. You won't want to go out if you don't feel at easy. 

    Good luck hun, you'll be fine

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  6. 9 hours ago, Kupar said:

    OK. I have finally had a chance to think about this. Here's what I'll be aiming for to kick the year off, and I am asking for your help in pushing me to do it.


    • Run twice a week
    • 35 miles run in the month in total
    • 2 x 30-minute strength / flexibility exercise sessions per week


    • Run three time a week
    • 45 miles run in the month in total
    • 2 x 40-minute strength / flexibility exercise sessions per week

    Let's see if I can do it. I have a spreadsheet 😉 

    That looks great. Good luck and of course we'll help keep you motivated. 

    I spreadsheet is a great idea to help keep frack of things, I've been using them for years for my riding. 


    You've got this mate

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