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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 11 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    it's minus 5C and misty here right now 😟

    The temperature doesn't bother me too much as I have plenty of layers to put on but it's the road conditions that have put a stop to it. My council is crap and they haven't been out gritting. Don't fancy face planting the road just for a few extra miles so I've been busy sorting out my spare bike and the turbo trainer so I can have a go at Zwift instead. Gotta get rid of the Xmas excess somehow lol

    • Hug 2
  2. Well, this bloody weather is not helping me. I'm not even half way to my running goal and I haven't been able to get out this weekend because the paths are too icy and the roads are just as bad so it looks like I won't be able to go for my usual Sunday ride. That'll be 2 Sundays in a row were the weather has hampered me. Grrrr

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  3. 1 hour ago, Kupar said:

    Over half way through the month, and just about up with the running targets (21.6 miles done) after 5.3 miles this afternoon. But I've not been good on the the strength and mobility sessions. However, I have decided to try and do 2800 push-ups in February (100 a day) - a charity thing. My chest and arms are not the strongest, so this will be a challenge.

    Good luck with the rest of the month and with the push ups

    • Thanks 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    I'm sure you'll achieve your goal. And I might too ... but fuck, my quads are tight today after that run at the w/e after 6 weeks off. that'll teach me to not bother stretching.

    I usually forget to cool down after a run which I then know about the next day, usually in my thighs

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  5. Well done @Kupar you're doing better than me. I've managed 1 commute and 1 run so far but I've been busy with my tiny cute 1st grandchild so I've got a good excuse lol

    I'll get some miles in on my bike tomorrow morning so it won't be a total loss this week

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