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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. I've been horny for ages now and not being able to be intimate with my wife really isn't helping. Masterbation just isn't calming me down either and neither are cold showers lol

    Ain't life great! 

    • Hug 1
  2. Run yesterday and a nice 2hr bike ride today followed by a small walk with my daughter. My legs have now disowned me lol


    @Sophie What a nice way to make memories, I have loads of those when I've gone biking with my other daughter... O, and bugs are just extra protein lol

    • Love 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Go for it!

    1st run done. Just a short 2 miles at a steady pace to see how it goes. Felt good and enjoyed it. Now for the hard part, asking my wife if I can enter it lol

    • Haha 2
  4. I'm thinking about doing a half in September, I did it last year and it nearly killed me. I haven't run since February so I'm a bit nervous about doing it. I'm not as fit as I was last year and finding time to train can be hard but it's still tempting to try. I want to beat it and not have it beat me again lol 

    • Hug 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Kupar said:

    First 10k race of the season this morning. I achieved my three modest goals: to get round, to beat my age in minutes and to get under 55 minutes so I'm happy. Ten minutes slower than my PB but I'm never seeing those sorts of times again 🙁. Still, I'm happy 🙂 

    Well done mate 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Sophie said:

    Rain stopped! Oh man I absolutely love riding on a Sunday evening when everywhere is quiet. Just me, my daughter and a few dog walkers.

    Anyone else love data?


    Well done for getting out. 

    I too am a data geek, I enjoy seeing how I've done compared to other rides in the same route etc. 

    • Love 1
  7. It's been raining all morning where I am but as I was actually in the mood to go out for a ride, I thought 'sod it' and went anyway. Got soaked to the bone, my shoes filled with water but I really enjoyed getting out. I even stopped for a pee, pulled myself out, started peeing and thought, 'what's the point I'm already wet' so half way through, I tucked myself away and finished off my pee. 

    That's probably why I enjoyed my ride lol

    • Love 2
  8. Things in my personal life have been rather stressful of late so any thought of naughtiness that did come to mind disappeared rather quickly until this week. I had been rather horny over the weekend and into the beginning of the week and all I wanted to do was fill up my bladder and soak myself, so when u finally got the chance I did.

    The 1st time I stood kitchen and let my bladder go, soaking my favourite lycra boxers, the second time I sat on the floor in the kitchen wearing just my lycra boxers and watched a bit of porn. I got rather hard then let my bladder explode. I 1st started to soak my boxers before pulling my cock out and pissing all over the floor. I then put my hand in my nice big puddle, splashed around a bit before having a wanking. I shot my load into my piss puddle and just sat there with a grin on my face. I went to bed rather happy after that.

    I did try making a video but u forgot to press play on my 1st wetting and the second time it was too dark. 

    I've also been enjoying pissing in laybys and leaving big puddles behind. 

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