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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. I've never done this as it's too dangerous. It doesn't matter how safe you think you are, it's still not a good idea in my opinion. That said, I do have a fantasy of going on a non-stop drive somewhere while wearing some tight trousers and just pissing myself while driving. I would cover my seat in puppy pads and towels and put some in the footwell too. 

  2. Another indoor session tonight. Taking it 1 session at a time to help build myself back up. Physio next week too so hopefully I'll get my fitness back soon. Gonna try and get outdoor for a little bit at the weekend too

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Lennys_wet_now said:

    I must confess, there has been many times when taking a piss in one of the portable street urinals, knowing my cock is out in public totally arouses me, then having to cover a hard thick cock with micro material really does show it off.


    If I get hard out in public, I usually try to hide it incase there's kids about. If I'm in a pub, on my bike or out for a run and get hard after a piss, I tend not to shy away from it..especially on my bike. I rather enjoy cycling when hard and if anyone notices it, I'm usually gone by the time they figure out what they saw

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  4. 1 hour ago, Lennys_wet_now said:

    Thanks LTW.

    Would you feel embarrassed sometimes though?

    I would feel embarrassed if I was somewhat hard at the time otherwise no.

    Like @Kupar I have been for a run in tight lycra and plenty of bike rides in lycra as well as going the the pub in tight jeans and it's never bothered me, but then again I don't have a lot too show. 

    And I think you're right, women braless or showing camel toe seems less throwned upto. Maybe that's because it doesn't show arousal like a boner does! 

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  5. @SophieThat is actually what I've done in the past when I've fallen off and it's what I did the last time I was knocked off too but this time I just couldn't do it.

    @KuparI did manage to sit on it in my garden but that's as far as I got. I'll have a look at your link later. 

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  6. It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it

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  7. On 7/7/2023 at 1:51 AM, Bacardi said:

    Today I did some work with my physical therapist for an injury I sustained in my neck and pain in my back. She told me she can tell I've lost weight since the last time I saw her (October-January). It made me feel really great, and I feel even better because I've added 2 lb hand weights to my treadmill routine. 

    My mom got me a tiny treadmill for Christmas and in Jan/Feb I started walking on it to reach 10k steps a day at least 5 days a week, but I go for 7 if I can. I don't use a scale to measure weight loss as I am a woman who gets a regular menstrual cycle that cause me to gain/retain/lose weight on a daily basis. But from pictures and the way my clothes are fitting i can tell I've lost weight and I can't wait to see how my body reacts to using the weights when I walk as well! 

    That's great. Keep up the good work. 

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