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Posts posted by LovesToWet

  1. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    I had a sexy thought about a friend earlier, and I just had to take care of myself.

    I don't know why it popped into my head but I couldn't stop imaginging her in the passenger seat of her boyfriends car absolutely bursting for a wee, literally holding herself as they drive home, begging him to hurry up because she needs to pee. Squeezing her legs together, grabbing her crotch, doing everything in her power to hold back the flood. Then when she gets home, rushing up the stairs to the toilet, barely getting her tight black trousers down in time before sitting on the toilet, unleashing the torrent.

    After that thought I went upstairs and had a little "me-time". I went from undressing to orgasm in less than 5 minutes!

    I can see why you had to take care of yourself, that sexy thought got me aroused too. The pee dance is just as sexy as the release

  2. 16 minutes ago, peecurious94 said:

    It felt so nice 🙂 I didn't release too much, though. I peed outside not too long ago, and I intend to again before bed 😉 

    Love to see you pee on that

  3. 1, I have never acted my age as age is nothing but a number. My mind still thinks I'm 18, my body knows I'm not!

    People think I'm younger than I am, think all the exercise helps that, which helps me feel younger than I am.


    2, My favourite age would be 18 to early 20's. No worries in life, my money was my own and I had the best friends I've ever had. I was also engaged to the most beautiful person I know. Sadly, I fucked that 1 up.


    3, No I'm not worried. Don't see the point in worrying about something that you have no control over. I'm more worried that I will have to work till I drop than I am about my age.


    4, Cycling and running definitely helps, and not eating too much crap.


    5, I hope my pee kink will stay, but I guess with age it may slow down just like most people's sexy life.


    6, I'm hoping I will be more financially stable so I can enjoy life a bit more and spend more time with my wife and my hobbies instead of working stupid hours.



    • Love 2
  4. On 11/27/2022 at 10:25 AM, Chrissy89 said:

    Getting my first experience out felt great, although by comparison, despite still feeling slightly rough (and grateful for my boyfriend who’s making me breakfast in bed) it was nothing.

    I met up with my bestie yesterday, who’s been in my life for over 20 years. We went through school together and have helped each other through lots.  We decided after some shopping to go out for some food and make the most of our other halves watching the kids.  There was a lot of great chat and drinking. 

    We both went to the toilet at multiple times during the evening however this next time was different. 

    At the end of the night, half drunk, I called our taxi to come and get us and as we were waiting to be picked up we decided to go for a pee before the journey home. 

    We walked into the ladies and it was full. My friend spotted an empty cubicle and took me by the arm. In all our years of being friends we had never been in the same cubicle together, surely this wasn’t going to happen….

    I quickly closed the door behind us unsure of what to do. My friend had already slid her dress up and was starting to sit. My heart was pounding.  As she sat on the toilet and started to pee, my eyes began to note some differences. There was my bestie sitting on the toilet, hissing away quietly, knees and thighs slightly apart with a scrunch of toilet roll in her hands that were gently clasped together on top of her thighs. As she finished she quickly stood up and gave herself a few dabs and threw the used paper into the bowl. 

    It was my turn next. I’d never done this before. My heart was going faster than ever, I was starting to sweat.  We swapped position and I faced her and smiled.  I lifted up my dress, pulled my pants and leggings down to the middle of my thighs and sat down.  As I sat, I looked at my own legs and saw that my thighs were together- had I always sat this way or was I acutely aware of the differences in positions so wanted to be different? One of the millions of thoughts in my head at this minute. Pee started to come. It splashed into the water beneath me. I had a quick decision to make: Do I alter myself to make it quiet or do I keep going?  I kept it going. My pee felt like an eternity compared to hers.  As mid stream approached I could hear that it was changing. Again, I opted to keep it loud. 

    She looked down at me, I just smiled through my heavy breathing. 

    As the stream slowed down and the last was coming out I reached round for the toilet paper.  I took a small piece, parted my legs a little, leaned forward and wiped front to back in one smooth go. 

    As I stood up I quickly pulled up my pants and leggings. 

    I turned around, smiling uncontrollably as I flushed the toilet and felt a feeling of excitement that was new to me.  She opened up the door and we went to wash our hands, myself in follow trying to compose myself. In my pocket I felt the rhythmic vibrations of my phone going off, a realisation setting in knowing that in a few moments this would be over and that our taxi home was just outside. 

    As we shared the journey home, we continued our conversations like nothing had happened. 

    Best. Night. Ever.  !!! 

    Fantastic, what a great write up. Thanks for sharing

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