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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. That was a cold ride this morning. I literally had frost forming on myself and my bike as I was riding alone. Computer said the average was 0'c with lows of -3'c. Yes I am a tad mental lol
  2. I think I would go back in time to when I was seeing a very horny, beautiful girl who was up for anything. I am sure she is the only person I have been with that would give pee play a try.
  3. As my wife isn't into it, I have to find ways to enjoy it myself. 1 of my favourite things is to get a full bladder when I'm horny. I will then cup my hand over the tip of my hard cock, piss into it and use my piss as a lube while stroking myself. It feels so much better than any shop brought lubes
  4. @NaughtyLena I'm not usually into bedwetting or hotel pee so I was surprised how excited reading this. You definitely made it sound hot and amazing and I now can't wait to read about any more experiences you have
  5. I would definitely use this ability when I'm stuck in traffic.......id project it into the bladder of the idiot who caused the problem in the first place lol
  6. My usual state while looking at this site
  7. To keep it simple, man or woman and still the gender they were born
  8. Wouldn't know where to look, and I'm married so probably shouldn't
  9. I am not into reading but on the odd occasion I will give it a try. The last book I read was called 'A Man Called Ove' and I loved it. It has since been made into a film starring Tom Hanks but I haven't seen it yet as I don't want it to take away from the book. The main character, Ove, I found really relatable and can see myself I'm him, just younger.
  10. I totally understand all of this, even gaining weight. I've had a shit year so I have been comfort eating a lot. I record all my runs, rides and walks. I have weekly and monthly targets I want to hit a d I even have a goal for the year and I get grumpy if I can't go out and end up missing them. Because of this, I find new ways of enjoying going out, like planning new routes or adding in pee stops. Race At Your Pace is a good thing I do sometimes, that's good for motivation. It's like Audax. How about a riding buddy or joining a group and turn it into a social thing too, that
  11. Not really bothered, either will do at the mo
  12. @Sophie Those are basically the same as me. I was going to do a half marathon this year to try and better my previous time but I haven't run since my accident. Hopefully I'll be at it again soon. I also want to be back to doing 100milers and 1 goal is sub 6 hrs for it. (I'm not quick, I just enjoy it). I also want to do a C2C 200 mile ride which I was going to start training for this year but that has been pushed back too. Its great that you have got things to aim for as I believe that helps with motivation and gives you a reason to get out. Just remember to enjoy it
  13. Good. You'll love it. It's great to have goals. What sort of events will you be doing? Now I'm back riding, all my goals I wanted to do this year I will be aiming to do next year instead.
  14. Nice. I'm sure I won't be as fortunate as I don't seem to have much luck when it comes to fantasies
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