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Everything posted by Havelock

  1. I've been playing around with ChatGPT AI and this may be the first ChatGPeeT story. It takes a bit of prompt engineering since its set up to deny many topics around peeing. Here was my prompt: ChatGTP, write me a funny story about squatting to pee in the woods while camping. "One time, I went camping with a group of friends, and after a long hike, we all needed to use the bathroom. But since we were in the middle of the woods, the only option was to squat and do our business. I found a spot behind a tree, squatted down, and just as I started to pee, I heard a rustling in the bus
  2. @Priscilla why would she be hesitant with your sisters? Do they pee outdoors? Is that the first time you all peed together?
  3. @Pristila_GezelQ why do you think she was so hesitant to pee outside? Did she not learn to pee outside growing up?
  4. I tend to also put on a poker face if I'm in a broadly social or professional context. I tend to put on poker face and engage in nonchalant conversation if peeing comes up in a social or professional context. However, there are some exceptions. I wrote about one here because I realized it deserves is own story link. https://peefans.com/topic/25724-wedding-bridesmaid-pee-and-play/ This is probably a terrible example because 99.9% of the conversations you are asking about never go this way. But I guess you never know where those conversations may go. Be careful out there and don’t p
  5. This memory was prompted by the thread asking if people talk to platonic friends about peeing. I tend to put on poker face and engage in nonchalant conversation if peeing comes up in a social or professional context. However, there are some exceptions... Years ago I was solo at a good friend's wedding. It was over a weekend at a huge estate with many of us staying on site for the weekend. At the rehearsal dinner I was talking to an attractive brunette girl who was one of the bridesmaid. We were doing the usual "where are you from?" and she said I'm from X (in the US) but I grew up partl
  6. Another thing that I find interesting is the lack of a Chinese language pee fetish forum site. I'm not sure if there is less pee fetish in Chinese society because open peeing is not as risque there or because the internet is extensively monitored by the government and people fear disclosing a fetish? Maybe there is one but it's very hidden? Perhaps @eee555 who is in neighboring Taiwan and is studying pee fetishes can share some ideas about their existence in China.
  7. I have been fortunate to both travel and have relationships with women from Asia (including China) who were open to discussing peeing or even participated in our fetish. My wife also has more extensive first hand experience in China (and other Asian countries). Without getting into my background I've had a fair bit of training in interviewing people on culture. @kitty and mimi and a couple of others brought up anthropological evidence from non-porn sites (such as the of cultural preference/admiration/idiom for forward streams). Finding and translating this material (I use Google translate in b
  8. I pee in the yard these days to save water. Growing up I did this in the EU all the time. Everyone did. Now it seems like an environmentally friendly thing to do now in the US regardless of being desperate or not. Last fall we were BBQing at a friend's house with a few families from our kids school . One of the of the kids said they had to pee and one of the mom's who is very into environmental issues, said, "You should pee outside. It saves water and there's a fertilizer shortage with the war." Another mom looked at her a bit strange and she added, "well don't pee in the same place every
  9. To be clear, starting a new thread was in no way an endorsement or support of language and characterization in the other thread. I’m personally very liberal and do not condone that. I also really like PeeFans because it has a higher quality culture and gender participation than any other pee site I have found and I thank the mods for that. I do find differences in peeing culture and norms fascinating and that’s the point of this topic. Most of the content on Peefans is very UK/US centric and there is whole world out there that has different norms and experiences. China is massive and the
  10. I agree with Goldenwetgoose's thoughtful response. Don't fear his interest in pee. In terms of how to get into it. I think surprising him by casually peeing in an atypical circumstance would be a great and memorable way to do it. Some ideas: * Just randomly pee in the shower. Act like its no big deal and you often do it. * Nonchalantly pee outside * Say you have to pee during sex. First thing in the morning sex could be ideal, so he knows you have not had your morning pee. Say you have to pee during that.
  11. Other interesting and relevant threads
  12. The topic of peeing in Chinese culture started in another thread but deserves its own. China has a unique and interesting culture around peeing and bathrooms that is often very different to the west. This thread is to discuss those dynamics including: * The origins of this culture * Chinese openness to public urination seeming from cultural traditions and societal conditions * Urination in popular culture, myths and media * Toilet and bathroom designs * Forward streams in the population and their interpretation * Cross cultural comparisons with the west and other Asian countri
  13. @kitty and mimi Thank you for sharing this fascinating Chinese cultural phenomenon. It's interesting that the bias to women squatting is so prevalent that multiple skits would be made about it. I wonder how aware young Chinese men are of women's pee habits? It's unclear to me if female pee in public frequently enough in China that their pee styles would be observable and known. Public peeing seems to be the norm in youth but I'm unclear if there is public peeing when people go out partying or have events like you would see in Spain or other parts of the EU.
  14. niceguy1 I have no cultural explanation for what you saw. Very strange. I'm not sure why you did not see anything in Madrid. In Malaga there may have been more foreign tourists than locals. As you mentioned, it was also not the season for being on the coast.
  15. Done. Please share your academic research here when you are done.
  16. I don't spend nearly as much time in Spain now as I did growing up but what you described sounds totally plausible. I have personally witnessed public peeing like this around hot spots within the last decade. It is also interesting that Spaniards often don't mind peeing on hard/built surfaces like the storefronts or entry ways you mention. Given what I experienced with nannies encouraging me to pee in places like that, I guess it just continues into adulthood. Some of the Spanish public peeing videos also show this brazen peeing. I believe the culture still supports peeing in public in u
  17. @Johnny20You should go to Dolores Park and see if the outdoor urinal still exists. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-open-air-urinal-san-francisco-20160128-story.html
  18. These were not designated nude beaches. I don't really remember ages but I think without a suit until maybe 8 or 9 for both genders. Topless for females was all ages. Its not quite as frequent any more but you still see this attitude in Spanish and French beaches. There was/is also a lax attitude towards changing in public that went even older. If we were going to a fancy beach club with food, drinks and service we would change in their changing rooms. Otherwise we would often change in the open on the beach or beside the car with no attempt to hide with towels etc. like you see in the US.
  19. @sophie I think its great that you drop a Kleenex. I'm curious, would you do that out of convenience even if you were not trying to mark the puddle? Did you learn to use and drop a kleenex from someone growing up or pick up the habit from your involvement here? I think the tissue thing is really interesting and culturally dependent. I've noticed in the US where girls peeing in public is less accepted and expected girls don't often carry kleenex to wipe because they don't plan for peeing outside. In EU (France, Spain and Germany) where outdoor peeing is more normalized, so is carrying tiss
  20. I love to leave a puddle. I've loved this since I was young and the nannies would help me pee in the city on a wall, sidewalk, car park etc. As I got older I remember having some choice about where I would pee and saying I needed to pee somewhere where they would probably let me leave an interesting puddle. I always loved that in the France and Spain they had no problems with leaving pee puddles wherever I choose even if it was a somewhat fancy surface like a marble storefront. Somewhat related to this my female cousins would have pee races growing up. They often choose to pee on an incli
  21. It's interesting you mention swim suits in your youth. Just like I have mentioned witnessing different cultures around peeing in the US vs. EU when I was growing up, I also noticed different cultures around dressing and nudity. In the 70s ad 80s in France and Spain I remember many kids going nude at the beach or to swim. Nudity for older people also seemed accepted. Many moms even went topless. This was a stark contrast to many places in the US.
  22. Another dimension to this topic is forward streams. I dated a Japanese girl who had a very forward stream. She complained that western public toilets were gross and did not make sense compared to Japanese squat toilets. Western toilets are designed for sitting but no one wants to sit on a public one, so they try to hover. When she hovered her stream often went forward over the front onto the floor. With a Japanese squat toilet she did not have to awkwardly hover or risk touching anything and they are designed to catch a forward stream.
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