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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Hopefully the second, third and fourth, too. :) They say one should leave no stone unturned. In your case, I would say leave no wall unwatered.
  2. And here I thought you liked doing all those contortions. :wink: What's wrong with peeing when you're feeling kinky?
  3. Why, you're no fun! :tongue: I'd glad-ly :wink: give you mine.
  4. I consider peeing from a boat to be a most useful skill. I'm glad :wink: to see you taught your daughters well.
  5. We're talking volumes here. :) A while back Sephora asked the men on this site to post pictures of themselves peeing into a bottle, glass, jug or.... I thought I'd return the favor and ask the women to show what they can do. Even if you're shy, there's no need for any concern, as you don't have to reveal anything. Just give a number. Or, better yet, several. As they say, the more the merrier. How about every chance you can, you measure how much you pee and then report back here? Of course, points will be given out. So, if you're the competitive sort, here's your big chance. And, even if
  6. It's a remote possibility, but still one that needs investigating. We must begin to research this immediately.
  7. But, I would think they would call you out to melt things.
  8. Undoubtedly, you are a major contributor. :)
  9. Which may explain why there are often flash floods downstream along the St. Lawrence. :wink:
  10. Dr. Glad always knew he was carrying around that thermometer for a good reason. I'll be right over to take your temperature. :biggrin:
  11. I'm thinking someone already has. :biggrin: The sign is probably just something to let others know. :thumbsup:
  12. Haven't heard anyone use "tinkle" in a long time. Thanks for refreshing my memory. :) I used to hike with a woman who'd often say she was going to "make water".
  13. I can't wait until you get going on here, too. :wet:
  14. Crissy, you know me very well, or at least enough to know I enjoy splashy things, whether it's from a wave, being caught out in the rain or... :) , so long as it's a warm one.
  15. Not that I would have wanted to torture you, but I would have loved to have seen your dance.
  16. I'm not a (medical) doctor, but I've played one :biggrin: , and I do have a professorial demeanor. I'd like to think the reason why there is more quantity for you is that you have a large, well-trained bladder. :) Depending on the rate of flow (you can either force it out or slowly release in a trickle), I'd venture a (scientific) guess your full bladder may take anywhere from less than thirty seconds to much more than a minute to empty.
  17. In fact, Kevin, that was another challenge I'd sometimes make. We'd line up a row of candles and see how many we could extinguish in a single pee. :biggrin: As much fun as that is, I think Crissy is right and we need to return this thread to what it's supposed to be. Now, let's bring on those measuring cups! :)
  18. Of course, we can't blame the women in short dresses who eat their lunch sitting on the benches, now can we? :wink:
  19. That often takes practice, but I'm willing to give a woman all the help she needs. Perhaps the fastest way to good results is to make the lessons fun. One of the things I'd do would be to make a contest of it. Many evenings we'd head off to some secluded beach and set our empty cups in front of us in the sand. We'd stand and aim, the winner being the one whose cup was the fullest. While it's good to hold a lot in your bladder, it's even better to deliver as much of it as you can.
  20. I guess you'll have to not change your angle. :biggrin: That is, unless, like some, you want to see just how much mess you can make. Of course, if I were there, I'd be, er, glad to lend a hand.
  21. I think you girls are going to need more practice aiming for the cup. Of course, you might want to ask for lessons. :biggrin:
  22. You mean the next time I open the door I should use my penis rather than a hand?
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