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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. I entered one just after a couple of teen-aged boys had peed inside and on the heater itself and ran out. The steam room smelled so bad that the resort eventually had to shut it down later that day for a couple days until they could have a restoration service deep clean it. I assume it was due to the heat.
  2. I would guess it would be quite common (at least 50%), especially where there are shared toilets that are far away or in use a lot of the time.
  3. Contents of that cup should get your bladder primed. 🙂
  4. I woke up and had to pee moderately badly. Decided to piss into a plastic 2 liter bowl and measure it. Only 900 ml, so not a great amount, but it was a good flow and the sound of the thick stream in the bowl is good. (Sorry about the breathing my phone mic picks it up well and I had to hold my breath to get started. LOL). https://www.erome.com/a/tyEtqO6A
  5. Just saw the topic and curious why you asked, and if you do or were thinking about it.
  6. You edited your reply to say "less mess", so maybe sinks, floor drains, or various cups/containers.
  7. Whereever you want! - Just kidding. Sinks, buckets, plants, random containers, cups, glasses, measuring jugs, clothes baskets, towels, the floor, carpet all seem popular. Depends on how much mess you are willing to clean up. Please tell us where you decide to try.
  8. That is very impressive @Peewee123! Thanks for measuring and sharing! Hopefully more members will take your lead and accept your challenge. 🙂
  9. Nice pic! Thanks for sharing. Just curious if that is you are a look alike pic? I would call that style "shaved clean." LOL
  10. Obviously women who go braless seem to care less about nipple outlines showing, but even then a lot wear paisties or thick clothing. Currently, most bras a padded or are designed to prevent the outline of the nipple from being visible. There are very few unlined bras out there. It appears very socially acceptable (at least in the U.S.) to show cleavage and even somewhat socially acceptable to show "sideboob" and "underboob." However, even the outline of a nipple under clothing seems to be taboo? Just curious from the women on their thoughts and what types of bras do they choose to
  11. I am always curious why women enjoy showing all parts of the their boobs, but the outline (or shadow) of the nipples are not socially allowed even under clothes. I find it ironic since the nipple is the part that both sexes share. Comments and feelings why nipples are so taboo, but showing the rest of breasts is OK? I personally think the smooth outlines of padded bras under clothes look abnormal without the nipple.
  12. Yep, as a guy, I have witnessed this too. The woman I observed did not spread her labia, but quickly swiped a finger between them before starting peeing. I laugingly asked if that was some sort of quick, single swipe masturbation and she told me it was to make sure that they weren't stuck together before peeing.
  13. Yes, the smelly pee happens to everyone, but some people don't have the ability to smell it. So, they may think their pee doesn't smell, but probably it does and they can't smell it.
  14. Watching women do fountain pees is incredible.
  15. I am sure this has happened to everyone here. You are at a festival or outdoor event and your bladder is bursting, so you duck off to place you think would be perfect and private to relieve your bladder, but . . . . when you get there there are already people peeing all around. To make it worse, most are of the opposite gender. What do you do or feel? I personally wouldn't have a problem of standing nearby, pulling my cock out toward a wall or bush and relieve myself, but what does everyone here think. If you are already peeing, does it bother you if someone of the opposite
  16. I went outdoors and tried to do some marking, the only problem is that the temperature was about -5 F. I decided to pee against the old roof on outhouse (privy) that had collapsed years ago. I only pulled the the tip of my cock out of my pants due to the cold. The pee actually started to freeze and ice over as it ran down the tar coated roof paper. https://www.erome.com/a/QoOCuN9p Enjoy!
  17. LOL Not sure everone would call it a "pleasure Reservoir" especially if someone is bursting and no socially acceptable place to empty it. How about pee reservoir?
  18. Once or twice a day. I have to keep from building up too much otherwise I get too many inappropriate, embarassing erections, or sticky pajamas.
  19. I'll offer to buy her a "non-cooking" measuring cup or pitcher. They are so cheap and useful for watering plants and other chores.
  20. Any more stories about her peeing or not making it? Sounds like the theory of occupation/bladder size holds up.
  21. Nope for me, unless I happen to get a little sprayed into my mouth accidentally. It is mostly water, but it does have salts and any drug metabolites like birth control pills.
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