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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. I know what you mean. It is hard to tell where my stomach hair ends and pubic hair starts.
  2. I am going to revise my prior post and say that I agree with @gldenwetgoose that the reistance is not really pressure, but probably the effort to displace the water.
  3. It doesn't add any extra arousal for me, but I definitely feel some "backpressure" against my stream when peeing with my cock underwater. It is also kind of creepy feeling because it is silent (no splash). Do you have your swimsuit covering your crotch? If you do, then maybe the water trapped inside of the suit gives more resistance too. The warmth definitely spreads right at the opening when under water, so maybe that is what is arousing you. Have you compared a soaked swimsuit in the shower (no bucket) with the feeling of underwater, to see if that has any effect?
  4. Bathmat. Lay it in front of the toilet or edge of tub and make like a fountain and give it a good soaking!
  5. I was hoping some members would volunteer to post their current pubic hair style: Their sex. Pattern/Design? and Length: natural, trimmed, short, or shaved? I'll start off: Male Natural pattern trimmed short.
  6. Oh, I guess I never thought of that. Thought it all got emptied at the same place and time and virtually nobody used them for #2. Guess I don't want the insert, if I want to avoid conversations about #2 with my guests. Thanks. If anyone else has any chamber pot info. (related to peeing) then please continue the thread.
  7. So, I went online to buy an antique chamber pot as decoration and possibly a conversation starter for guests to see if they are into pee. When I started looking online I found: plain chamber pots, chamber pots with lids, and chamber pots with lids and inserts? The inserts were matching shallow, disk-like porcelain bowls with one or multiple holes that looks to fit across the chamber pot opening and under the lid. OK, I get the lid (to keep smells and visuals of pee from view), but what is the "insert" used for? As a male, it seems like these inserts would make more splatter and spl
  8. My statement about the "Peeing from behind" thread was simply describing the possibility that the majority of women featured in that thread are "downward pee'ers" (because that posture naturally gives the best view from behind). And, women naturally (possibly unconciously) adopt a posture that fits their natural stream direction out of convienence or reducing the messiness. I certainly enjoy all types of female peeing. I am just making observations that others have also made.
  9. I see there is a picture topic of women "Peeing from behind", but it actually it looks like downward peeing women who direct their streams downward or rearward when outdoors. Is peeing to the rear a method of the downward pee'ers when outdoors and a woman who pees forward, tends to choose a posture that helps send her stream forward, those squatting and peeing to the front is chosen by naturally forward pee'ers.
  10. Beautiful example of a downward pee'er. Not a weak stream, either. Thank you!
  11. Thanks for sharing. It is very interesting that you are a forward pee'er when sitting or squating, but not when standing. Any idea why standing is so much different for you? My guess is that it is being deflected downwards only when standing. BTW, Everybody should be able to release freely. 🙂
  12. So a big selfie garage pee. Hope it is well received. It sure was great to let it all out. https://www.erome.com/a/gGx53mxX
  13. Looking up at the sky on a cold, crisp night and hearing the pee splatter.
  14. Welcome from a fellow New York State resident.
  15. Sounds like you have quite the bladder capacity. Must be useful for a construction worker, but then again you leave big puddles.
  16. I certainly enjoy watching and listening.
  17. So, at the very end of letting my bladder fill and finally losing control, I start feeling repeated spasms, finally leaks that repeat for a few minutes, then an uncontrollable moderate speed release of about 250 ml of urine (estimated), before I regain control. My bladder still contains 750 ml of urine (measured), but I am able to regain control and find a place to empty. I didn't call it losing control, since some people say that they keep leaking indefinitely small amounts until they can find a toilet and never fully "lose control." Other people completely "lose control" and stong
  18. Sounds like from the replies that both types are normal and it is likely genetic. We need more women weighing in with their "type" and observations.
  19. How full are you on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being leaking)? What's your plan for all that pee?
  20. Nice contrasting panties.
  21. You are not a "downer"! LOL, You are just a downward pee'er. I could see downward peeing being useful if trying to pee discreetly under a squirt or squatting outdoors, but also feet probably get splashed.
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