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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. You wouldn't know if you are around me, so you better do it all of the time, just in case. 😉
  2. I definitely think that when I see a woman drinking an oversized beverage (like a giant beer or coffee or water bottle), thinking all that liquid will be coming out at a not so distant time.
  3. I still want to try peeing into one of those giant car washing sponges. I keep forgetting to do it when I have a clean, dry one.
  4. @DoeHaze You do an awesome job with what you have and your capacity is better than a lot of guys!
  5. Any reason for cut for sex why or just personal preference? Just curious.
  6. 🙂 Yes, it was close. I couldn't even be sure I was in actually control or just "locked up". I believe I did OK on the exam.
  7. I was taking a multi-hour college final exam in a big auditorium. I had drank too much iced tea before the exam, but the policy was that you could not return, once leaving to use the restroom. I was in a very long row of occupied seats far from the aisles. By half-way through the exam, I was bursting. With 20 minutes left in the exam, I was not finished, but my bladder was. I was sweating, nauseous, and my bladder was screaming in pain. My bladder was locked up in a spasm of pain and I wasn't sure I was even in control. I knew that I wouldn't be able to wait in the predicted queue to us
  8. Those are some really hissy and refreshing sounding pees. Can't believe they were so close together. I can't imagine if you have tried to hold all that until morning.
  9. Thanks for sharing! Although short, the sound is incredible.
  10. @Alygal1331, sorry to hear about your overactive bladder, but sounds like you are making the best of the situation on this trip. Please keep us updated on the rest of your trip and how the steps peeing for distance goes.
  11. Several years ago, I was attending an outdoor event that had a tent camping area for the attendees. The area was nothing more a big open field and the rows of tents were instructed to be set up back-to-back with only about 1.5 meters between the backs of the tents. It was so close that the rain fly stake lines actually crossed. In the middle of the night, both my GF I were awoken by the the sound of as strong female pee stream splattering uncomfortably close to our heads. One of the drunken women from a nearby tent was peeing in between the tents. My GF was quietly kicking me and we w
  12. The most common explanation I hear is cleaning the floors. It is far easier to mop the floor completely when there is a gap at the bottom of the doors and walls. Cleaning the floor along the partition wall (both sides of each) is slow and much more difficult when it contacts the floor. No a great situation for the user, but much easier (faster, inexpensive) to clean. (But that doesn't always mean they get cleaned well).
  13. I agree the toilet is a (relatively) new invention. The undressing and maintaining modesty in view of those of the opposite sex of was likely more problematic before that, not the actual peeing. Even today with people who are comfortable peeing outdoors near each other, but usually segregate by sex.
  14. How about: next to a car off the edge of a wall/porch into a washing machine onto laundry trash can/garbage bin (the crazier the design, the better) Some of these are more suggestions of how, but maybe you already covered those. No harm in trying again! 😉
  15. I enjoy seeing the stream run down the outside of the fabric as you let that giant pee out!
  16. Hmmmm. That is different and doesn't sound near as worrying, but I haven't had that experience.
  17. No, I have never had a low pressure scenario, but personallly, if it were me, I would get it checked out by a physician - might be something going on.
  18. No, hasn't happened to me, but I think it is an interesting topics and I am here for the comments.
  19. Me, male, prefer standing over sitting, because the flow is much less restricted. While sitting, I have to bend my cock at nearly a 90 degree angle to tuck it under the seat, which is almost like kinking a hose.
  20. Nice analysis. I am guessing there are many interested visitors that aren't willing to register. Have you ever looked at unique cookies or IP addresses in say, a month of people that return. Some people may accidentally visit until they get a better idea of the content, but those that keep returning for more than one session have some interest in pee.
  21. So, I caught myself unconsicously checking my bladderfullness and thought about it and I've been doing it my whole life. Let me explain - so, when my bladder is partially full, I don't have a good estimate of how full it really is, so if I will be going to a meeting or heading out of the house, I give my bladder (about 5 cm above the pubic bone) a gentle, quick press. If I don't feel much, then I have plenty of room left, if that push causes the "need to pee soon" feeling, then I know I will need to pee in the next hour or two. Anyone else do this or can everyone estimate their
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