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About pwpj

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  • Birthday 09/18/1988

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  1. sd91, just stopping by to say thanks again for such a well worded and vivid picture you've painted!
  2. Thank you BB, as ever, for the account and I look forward to reading how the rest of your night went.
  3. Glad to hear you were able to get a couple of sightings, my summer has been similarly bad too!
  4. It's great to hear you back, BB. Take care.
  5. I was going to say that a pair of 20s would be better than 37s, but I see somebody else got there before me!
  6. welcome, there are a few of us uk guys here!
  7. Absolutely lovely story - thank you very much for posting it!
  8. This story came into my head a few weeks ago and I thought I'd pen it down. I hope it's of interest to someone! Sarah was looking cute as ever, black dress, pink knickers (she often sits cross legged which I do tend to appreciate!). We were sitting amongst a group of friends having a drink in the park back in May of this year. Shes quite a skinny frame, long blonde hair, her boobs aren't out of proportion - maybe 32B? Just before 9, Sarah asked if anyone else knew where the toilets were and if anyone needed to go as well. I needed no persuasion, we walked off in the dire
  9. An excellent account and glad you were able to get some sightings A.
  10. Exactly. There's a world of difference between hanging around and clearly watching and making someone uncomfortable, and just happening to see the right thing and not being a pest.
  11. I echo Alfresco's comments. Parks, areas with nightclubs, all popular. The way back from large festivals or events too, where people who've had a drink or two may need to queue to get on the tube or a bus. For parks, alleys etc you can judge the popularity by any tissues... Please do be mindful and respectful, don't loiter around too much or you will arouse suspicions, don't act inappropriately or make anyone feel uncomfortable, remember there's cctv in many places, keep on moving.
  12. Here are a few sightings I've had in the past which I don't think I've posted before... thought some on here may like! Went out on Wednesday this week for a walk in the evening. Just one sighting, a blonde girl in a black flowery dress who got up from a picnic group and headed towards some bushes. Blatantly obvious!! She ducked behind the first tree trunk inside the bushes, I entered shortly after and she had her dress scrunched up around her waist, and white knickers with pink lining at her knees, weeing all over the ground in a strong stream. "Ah sorry, I really needed a wee!" sh
  13. And we must all remember that whilst we undoubtedly have good intentions, some men don't, and a lady is likely to be wary of a strange man being over-familiar. The striking of the balance is difficult, but nobody should feel uncomfortable.
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