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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. On 11/25/2021 at 7:19 AM, pussylover said:

    Do some women prefer their men cut?  Strange - I know some men feel violated they lost a body part without their permission.  

    I don't know, actually. I can only speak for myself. It's not something that I give much thought to. I certainly never actively sought out a circumcised partner. 

    Mr E is circumcised, but this is rare for British men (outside of Jewish and Muslim communities, of course). I guess the opposite it feels a bit "exotic" when you're used to the other so you can be a bit fascinated by and admiring of it. I wouldn't say there was a preference either way, though.

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  2. On 12/24/2021 at 9:52 PM, Alfresco said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pee in that alcove was from ladies.  I have seen girls pee in similar alcoves and shop doorways right next to bar entrances when they have people in front of them and even sometimes when they are completely visible.   If they are in the queue and need to pee but there is no obvious hiding place close by, then girls can be willing to squat in full view of passers by, so if they can get a bit of cover then they would certainly be ok with that kind of alcove.

    I've definitely relieved myself against the wall in an alcove such as that one. Standing, of course.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, pussylover said:

    Did she do it from front or behind?  "Hover" in North American English generally means behind - same as in UK?  

    She was popping a high squat, facing away from the trough.

    But please remember, she would have been about six years old at the time. A minor.

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  4. On 10/31/2021 at 11:15 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm not sure of your US ones @Bacardi - are they completely enclosed or are they sort of a phone on a post with a little shield around?

    The beauty of the red phone box is they were a completely enclosed space, and although having glass panels often not very transparent (especially if they'd been previously splashed a lot)


    Is that photograph of a row of phone boxes in Birmingham City Centre? If so, I know where that is. I did want to pee there, but it was broad daylight and too many people knocking about. 

    Maybe undercover of the night. 


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  5. Not a Christian, but I am a synagogue attending Jew (not Orthodox). Do I feel guilty from a religious point of view? Nope. As long as you don't commit adultery, rape, or deliberately sexually abuse someone, not much is off limits in Judaism with regards to sex. It was actually a Jewish man, Ernst Graffenberg, who first described what is now known as the G spot and came up woth an early type of coil so that married couples could have sex without risking pregnancy. Needless to say, being a German Jew in the 30s, most of his work was suppressed. 

    Do I feel guilty from a moral point of view? Sometimes. Causing a big mess for someone to clean up doesn't arouse me whatsoever. Neither does peeing on furniture or carpet - possibly due to getting a good smack when I did that as a child. Peeing outside feels liberating and freeing, though. As does peeing standing up. Sometimes I think to myself "Why am I like this? Why can't I just be turned on by normal things? Being fascinated by peeing is childish, am I still at an emotionally immature stage?" But there are much worse things to be turned on by. Peeing outside, being watched and watching others is harmless in the grand scheme of things. 

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  6. I for one would love to see Mick Jagger piss. I heard that he pissed into Duchamp's Fountain - though that may be just a rumour. I'd happily spread my thighs so he could aim a jet at my clitoris! 

    Another one I'd love to see would be Martin L Gore of Depeche Mode. 

    Lastly, Idris Elba. There seems to be comparatively few images of men or women of African/West Indian descent urinating. 

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