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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. 36 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I have a few so I will probably post more later but... 

    People who put on their seatbelt while driving. Spend 10-15 minutes in a busy car park and you will see it so many times. Just put it on before you move off, it's not going to cost you much time! 

    Yes. And could save your own or someone else's life. 

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  2. People who glare at you when you are going too slowly for their liking. 

    I cannot drive at 50MPH when the speed limit is 30! And yes, those are L plates; there's no need to give me a dirty look. Did you manage to get behind the wheel and drive perfectly the first ever time you attempted it? 

    Not strictly complaining, but does anyone know how to change gear properly when driving uphill? Every time I take my foot off the accelerator and press the clutch, I start rolling backwards and have to brake - which of course takes me back to first gear. The only other option is to drive uphill in first gear all the way with the gearbox and engine squealing in protest.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I got Gryffindor - somewhat surprised as I thought I'd be more likely Ravenclaw, but there you go.   



    It's been on my list to do for several years.  I really must get round to it.  My daughter and wife are not interested though, so it will probably end up being a trip for me on my own and as I never seem to get much time for solo jaunts, that is probably why I still haven't been.

    I'll bet the Hogwarts Express holds plenty of interest for you! 😀

    Mr E is Hufflepuff, in case anyone was wondering. 

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  4. I'd love to visit Los Angeles for The Doors connection. My husband and I have discussed this as a "holiday of a lifetime" type thing. Attending a meet and greet with Robby Kreiger, that sort of thing. 

    Not being able to relieve ourselves is slightly worrying, though I'm certain that we would somehow manage. Neither of us are prone to getting desperate and we could both make use of an alleyway should the need arise. 

    It would be nice to find somewhere to water in that iconic city... 

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  5. On 8/9/2021 at 4:03 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Possibly the last in this little series from my week long trip to the sun, I'm just killing an hour before the drive to the airport to start the journey home.

    Last night I made a point of eating at a restaurant I regularly dine at whilst in town. The guy that owns it is really nice, the food is great and it's a good place to visit. Plus it's only a short walk down the hill to get there.  Being the latin country, it was actually nearly 10pm before I went and I'd had a can of beer (or is it tin of beer) beforehand, then had two half-litre beers whilst eating.

    Of course beer is one of those drinks where the need to go can hit instantly for me.  I had already been aiming to be full on the return walk, but knew I couldn't hold long enough to finish eating, pay and make farewell chat, so I did visit the restaurant bathroom.  I managed to release just a little and then clamped my  muscles closed until the need subsided again, and then finished my beer to let add to the three quarter full bladder.  Before I left, Fernando the owner had plied me with a local spirit of some kind, very sweet tasting after the lager style beer but good and probably very strong.

    As I stepped out from the courtyard of the restaurant to cross the deserted road and follow the pathway back, my bladder was at exactly the right level. For once in my life I'd timed to perfection.  It was still warm, slight goosbumps on my arms weren't due to any chill in the air.  As I walked steadily back up the hill, I debated what to do...  I was at that full stage where the need to pee would cycle a little from comfortable and cosy fullness to having to clench, and was cycling up and down fairly quickly. It felt great and I knew I had maybe ten minutes of that nice, horny level of need feeling.  The streets seemed deserted, but at the same time I was approaching the junction to the road my house is on.  It's not unusual for someone to be outside the front of their house - so I was a little cautious.  Also I had jeans on that I'm wearing to fly home in and I didn't want to have to wash them.

    I was contemplating an outdoor pee somewhere around the entrance to my house, when I suddenly realised - when I was out the other day I'd wondered about a derelict property and I was about to walk past one.  On the corner of my street is a large, modern styled two storey property. Large enough to be a bar or restaurant, but with a tiny patio I'm assuming a residential house.  Now the thing is, it's never been lived in. The paint is faded, so windows are broken and the outside is largely overgrown.  This time around I noticed one of the metal gates is wide open.

    As I rounded the corner, I checked carefully and couldn't see a sign of anyone. Instantly my mind was made up. I quickly ducked in the gate as quietly as I could, and down the side of the property.  The actual 'front' of the building is on the side away from the road, facing onto fields with a series of full height glass doors. One lay smashed on the ground allowing unrestricted access. I'd just stepped in when a blue light flashed around the walls, from a passing police car (here they have steadily lit blue roof lights when on routine business).  In a panic I waited just to make sure it wasn't stopping, and it didn't.

    Now by this  point I was pretty desperate and maybe with the drink was feeling bold - I stood near an internal pillar, dropped my shorts to knee level and aiming with one hand released a steady stream which ran down the masonry, I guess pooling in the floor in darkness.  Once I was done, I left hopefully as quietly as I'd walked in.  In the distance I could see two ladies walking up the hill - I'm guessing they didn't see or care, and anyway I reached my door and let myself in quickly enough.

    I have to say, inside the house I was just a little excited at the thought of what I'd just done.  I made myself a Godfather cocktail (whisky, Amaretto and this time pure ice) and sat on the upstairs terrace at the back of my house.  It overlooks the rear yard where I'd stood and pee'd earlier.  As that drink soaked in, I realised I needed to pee again.  This time, again feeling braver, I did strip completely, then stood on the upstairs terrace right by the balcony wall.  Standing slightly on tiptoes, and pushing my pee in a slight upward arc I was able to pee over the parapet, splashing into the bushes on the ground a storey below. A silver arc was just visible, sparkling in the night sky.

    With that moment over, I decided it would be a good idea to get to bed.  Sleep was intermittent though, dozing at times and deeper sleep at others. Whilst semi-conscious  I had delicious thoughts of ladies and gents standing peeing together off the balcony of an open air bar amongst other things. Opening a bar with a row of male and female urinals outside and unscreened...  Naked on top of the sheets I kept dozing through the night, with thoughts like that keeping me in a constant state of arousal through my more alert moments, until finally this morning I showered and took care of some long overdue personal relaxation.


    - - - - - - -

    I hope you've enjoyed my slightly long winded accounts of my recent trip.  Maybe even inspired a bit of sun, pee and sex ?  Hope I have.

    xxx Goose 

    I hope you weren't hungover after mixing your drinks! I always am if I don't stick to one beverage.

    I must admit, seeing the cops pass through when I was about to covertly piss might just make me have an accident on the floor! Glad you were able to regain your composure and pee - again, with your trousers down and bottom on display. Very liberating, I imagine. 

    The naked pee off the balcony sounds so daring and horny. I can imagine your arc of piss, glinting in the moonlight as it trickled down to water the bushes below. I'm certain that the bushes enjoyed being sprinkled with your own essence. 

    Maybe a write up of your fantasies into a separate thread some time would be good. I for one am keen to visit (in fantasy) this imaginary bar which features male and female urinals! 😉 I have to admit, I would probably use the male ones. Every time I see a photograph of a female urinal - I've bever encountered one in real life - it doesn't seem obvious how you would use it standing up. They mainly seem to be designed for squatting and I refuse to squat. I can imagine giving up on them and going to use the male urinals instead, at least I know how to use those. Though I nust warn you, if I were wearing trousers, I'd need to drop them to knee level - though I keep my underwear on. 

    Welcome back to England, I hope you enjoyed your time away - and not just for peeing. Please don't forget that the English greenery needs watering too! 😉

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  6. On 8/8/2021 at 1:04 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    I think I owe @Eliminature a few pints of her favourite bitter...  not just for the visual imagery of a lady standing to pee in my garden here, but more for the suggestion that I should do so...

    I'd had a black coffee earlier and a can of coke, then several glasses of fresh water.  No alcohol (so not sure where I got brave from).

    I have a front garden which isn't at all private, but a rear yard at the house which is a little more secluded.  And it was fairly quiet, I hoped.  The need to piss had grown to the point where I was getting up from browsing to pace about, then my neighbour (who's helping with a little business) popped over with some forms to sign.  Once he'd gone I knew it was time to go.

    So...  By special request....  Goose watering the flowers, hands free.  Not completely naked granted, but shorts and pants pulled low enough to definitely allow for a little bit (or two) to swing freely in the warm breeze. 

    Hope you like it - I can't guarantee a repeat performance - as lovely as it would be to cross streams.


    Oh yeah! I'd love to cross streams with you - though Alfresco may get jealous! 

    Water the flowers - I'm sure they're very grateful for your attention! 

    Whilst I know it isn't the done thing, I think it's very daring when a grown man pulls down his trousers to pee. Of course, female garments being what they are, I have to do this every time I pee when I wear jeans/trousers. Peeing handsfree is an added bonus. I can't do that - well I could, but it wouldn't shoot forward. I need to use my hands for that. 

    Great performance and a nice stream! 

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