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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. 18 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

    I saw some requests in some earlier posts. Do you entertain stuff like that? I find myself wondering if you do any "naughty" pees - indoors where you shouldn't out of convenience, such as under the bartop in a pub, or outdoors where you shouldn't, such as pissing on a parked car or into a mailbox or phone box or something like that. I know that not everybody is into this, so no problems if you aren't, but do you do/enjoy doing "naughty" pees? If so, has peeing standing opened any doors for your in that regard?

    The short but possibly unsatisfying answer is no. 

    I'm not into peeing all over things that other people then have to touch and handle. I just do what I do, which tends to be standing to pee in the open. Lockdown notwithstanding, I will use urinals when I get the chance. 

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  2. I've done it. Not a deluge straight from my bladder. Just a few drops in a cup, watered down. 

    On 12/30/2020 at 1:52 PM, Eliminature said:

    I like to keep houseplants. They brighten the place up, look pretty, freshen the air and they are good for your mental health. During the summer heatwave, I pruned the long tendrils of one plant that was trailing onto the floor. I'd done this before and it had simply grown back. This time though, it didn't like that very much. Also, it wasn't too keen of the heat. Many of its leaves turned yellow or brown. I thought I'd killed the poor thing and I was quite upset. 

    Thankfully, I managed to revive my beloved plant by adding a few drops of my pee to its drinking water. I let out a few drops into a small cup (let the rest out into the sink), water it down with tap water then give this to the plant. The leaves have turned green once again and it seems to be healthy and growing new leaves. The secret is the ammonia and protien in the urine, so I am told. It now gets this special medicine from its plant mum once a week! 

    This method is also good for helping my pelvic floor - which I need to keep in good shape if I want to continue to pee standing. Peeing a few drops then stopping and starting again in the sink is beneficial for my muscles. 

    A word of warning, peeing directly into a potted plant too often might not be goid for it, but this is fine in a rural area. 


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  3. Yes. As everyone else has said, it's probably for the best that you say nothing. For one thing, you would embarrass the client in question and for another, it could cause a rift between your two families. Or G-d forbid, you and Mrs Alfresco. You know that you didn't go looking for the images in question but it's probably not a good idea to bring it up. Some partners might see this as you being "psychology unfaithful" to them if you get what I'm saying. I know from the way you occasionally discuss Mrs Alfresco that you love her very much. No doubt at all about that. 

    Nothing to stop you enjoying those images (if you wish to do so) in the privacy of your own mind, of course. 

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  4. This Bumble Ad with Helena Bonham Carter features a girl quickly darting behind a tree - presumably for a wee. Not much is seen except for her uncomfortable expression, but I'm sure our imagination can fill in the blanks.

    What a pity, it doesn't look like the guy is a urophile. Helena denounces it as "awkward." 

    Forgot to say, it's around the 40 second mark. 

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  5. On 1/15/2021 at 9:39 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Just for info - as great a thread as this is - and it is great to read all the positivity and encouragement, our friend JMY will not be joining us to read the responses.  JMY is no longer a member of this fine establishment.

    That's a huge shame. 

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