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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. Yes she would be able to distinguish where your tongue is - just as you would be able to distinguish if hers was on your urethra or frenelum. If you hadn't paid any attention to her clitoris beforehand, she might think that you didn't know where her clitoris was. Unless you tell her that you were going to tease her by licking all around first and then lick the clitoris. 

    What about saying "I'll lick your urethra as well as your clit. I've read that it feels nice for a girl."

  2. 13 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:

    The toilet is such an inconvenient place to pee:-

    1. You have to go to the toilet.
    2. You have to clean the toilet.
    3. You have to undress.

    all of that before you pee, then...

    1. You have to dress again.
    2. You have to wash your hands.
    3. You have to return to what you were doing.

    I find that all of this inconvenience is best avoided as it is so much more convenient to just wet myself when I go out. When I get the tingle I just have to consider "Can I get away with wetting myself here?" The answer is almost always "Yes!" so I just relax and let my pee go. Even when the answer is "No" it is always easier to find somewhere I can wet myself than find a toilet.

    Yes, similar thought process here. 

    Though in ny case, I prefer to aim a stream against a tree or wall. I wouldn't like to to wet my clothes. ☺

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  3. 4 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Even if he knows your interests, and even assuming he did go for a pee during your session - it doesn't mean that he was trying to put on a personal show for you. There are of course still the tutor-pupil relationship and respect to be maintained, and he of course knows you are married.

    Yes. All of this. We are good friends as well as tutor-pupil and as tantalising as this was, I would never want to jeopardise that. 

    As a urophile, would I like to see him pee? In a fantasy world, yes. However, in reality I don't really want to see him pee because (presumably) he doesn't want me to. And I would guess that Mr Eliminature wouldn't be especially happy if I saw another attractive man peeing either*. I'd rather have my loving husband and supportive teacher/friend than any amount of fulfilled fantasy.

    *Despite being different nationalities and different ethnicities, my husband and my friend are very similar in both style and personality. As far as attraction to men goes, I certainly have a "type," and they both fall into that type. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Sexismygod said:

    He was probably just reading a message on his phone but the surreptitious peeing scenario is far more interesting and exciting.  😎

    He definitely wasn't reading a message on his phone. We use the Zoom app on our phones. He had put his phone down on something and muted the call. Why would he mute the call if he was just getting a cola or something? Or indeed reading a message on his phone? And why would he go in another room for that? 

    Maybe he wasn't pissing, but that's what it looked like. Indeed what else could he have been doing? 

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  5. Thank you! I don't think I could have asked him right there, but I might be able to say to him at some point "You've pissed when you've been on a zoom call with me, haven't you?" Sort of joking around. If I'm wrong about this (which I accept I could be), he wouldn't be offended. He's very laid back. 

    And no! It wasn't Handel's Water Music. It was a Musique d'Ameublement piece by a Parisian composer who probably frequented the pissoirs quite often himself. 

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  6. On 8/5/2021 at 12:20 AM, pussylover said:

    How is peeing in front of someone not making a pass at them?  A woman you know has pulled down her pants and bent over in front of you.  She's spraying pheromones everywhere, letting you know she's fertile, and her elegant thin stream suggests she hasn't given birth and is eager to prepare a baby.  When she's done, she shakes her buttocks, suggesting her crotch is wet.  


    I'm not sure that I like this comment. It sails too close to the "she was asking for it" territory for my liking. 

    When a woman pees in front of a man, either she is desperate enough to damn the consequences - in which case, it's strictly utilitarian. Or she wants him to see it because it turns HER on. It is titillating and arousing for her. Unless he is a sexual partner (or future sexual partner) in a consensual and mutually respectful relationship, it is - as a rule - done for her benefit, not his.

    Either way, for a woman to urinate in front of a man is a huge gesture of trust. To say that she is "making a pass" at him or simular is untrue and exploitative. A popped squat or an arc sprayed against a wall is not and never will be an invitation for a grope, a playful slap, an unwanted grasp, a lewd comment (you can look, but don't touch) or, heaven forbid, a violated genital or anal orifice. Not on either sex or any gender.

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  7. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Day Three in the Goose house…. And a morning of painting exterior walls before it gets too hot. 

    I haven’t forgotten about the challenges - they’re still on the agenda. But, work to do!

    Being hot here I’ve been sensible, working in the shade and drinking lots. In fact I’ve just noticed the near empty 1.5l water bottle, and I’m on my second filter coffee of the morning now - those normally go straight through me. 

    Would be a terrible nuisance wouldn’t it to break off work to use the toilet - I sense a Pee Challenge #6 coming later. 


    Just pee on the floor/grass. In the heat of the Iberian Peninsula, it probably needs watering. Be careful you don't get paint on your manhood, though. 

    As an aside, I hope you're wearing plenty of sun screen. Safety first! 

  8. 45 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Marianne sounds like a proper Honky Tonk Woman,  hope their fun carried on beyond that bath - in fact, really hope you're not going to tell me It's All Over Now?

    Maybe Mick will suggest "Let's Spend the Night Together. Now I need you more than ever..." 

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  9. I hope this won't be too long. Based on a bit of um... "role-playing" that Mr E and I came up with. 

    Mick laid down in the bath, stark naked. "You gonna pour a little bit of that golden satisfaction on me, baby?" 

    Marianne stood over him and sent a long, powerful stream over his chest. It dribbled into the bath, sounding like a drum roll from Charlie. Mick moaned in pleasure as the warm, golden liquid caressed his nipples. Marianne steered the stream between Mick's legs and the warmth and pressure tickled his balls and erect cock. She pissed on and on, until the stream dwindled to a few drops, each one flying from her to ooze down Mick's cock. "Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah!!" 

    "Remember the deal," Marianne whispered, climbing into the bath and straddling Mick's face. "Yeah, gimme some brown sugar, Marianne baby!" he cried out before applying his famed lips and tongue to the wet tissues, swollen with arousal, between her legs.


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  10. Perhaps, in my own case, I risk being humiliated when I post photographs of myself online doing what is essentially a private act - urinating. Maybe this is at the core of it? 

    People here tend to praise me for it, which is highly arousing. There's nothing like being praised for peeing, but I could just as easily be ridiculed for it. 

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  11. This article, a few years old but still fairly recent, goes some way to explaining. Apparently, at its foundation, urophilia is related to sadomasochism. Though if this is true, it's probably subconscious in most of us.

    The sexologist in question also states what the men of this website lament about a lot - the discrepancy between men and women. Kinks and fetishes are overwhelmingly more common in men, it seems. 


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  12. 31 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    As mentioned in chat, last Saturday I was photographing at a wedding, my only one for this year.

    Photographing weddings are a little fraught, one of those 'all or nothing' things. Many parts are very time critical and high pressure - pretty much the part from leaving my house to get to the empty church and photographing it in an empty state, racing against the clock before guests arrive to make it untidy. From that point it's full on stress and action until the time the party have all sat down to dine mid afternoon.

    In this weekend's case, that meant leaving the house at 10:30am for an 11am at church, then back to the Bride and Groom's farmhouse for photographs and the afternoon reception.  Hence about 3pm I found myself with some down-time.

    The farmhouse is right next to a fairly quiet country road, and I'd parked on the grass verge opposite. At the side of the house in the garden, sheltered by trees and hedge was their marquee.  As I sat on the tailgate of my car enjoying the fresh air, a sandwich and a diet coke I realised it was probably about 5 hours since I'd had a pee. That thought occurred to me as I suddenly realised I could do with one!  That was easily taken care of standing on the far side of my car on the grass verge.

    Once I'd finished I decided I could move my car onto the 'official' car park, the field behind the house.  There was conveniently a space right by the gateway leading around to the marquee. A perfect spot for me as during the rest of the day I knew I'd be making many trips to my car - walking from the marquee, up the steps to the patio, past the portaloos they'd hired in and then around a couple of outbuildings making a left-right-left to my car.  The last bit of that zig-zag took me past a hedge with my car immediately on the other side of it.

    Later on, maybe about 6pm I found myself back at my car with a bit more down time. All was quiet, the guests all milling about in the marquee and garden. At this point I had been offered a drink by the happy couple and hence had downed one pint of beer which had worked its way through my slightly dehydrated and underfed system. Looking out into the field with my passenger door open, I decided 'what the hell' and with the hedge behind me, car to one side and open car door in front, decided there was as good a place as any.

    Just after I got unzipped and started to unleash a gentle stream of pee, trying not to splatter too loudly from a standing position, I heard two female voices and footsteps on the gravel path getting closer.  I clamped off and clenched my muscles for a minute whilst zipping up, by which time the two guests appeared and walked to a car.  I smiled and said hi to them, casually browsed my phone, hoping I gave the impression that's what I'd been doing all along.

    As they walked back behind the hedge, I heard their conversation die down although evidently they hadn't walked all the way back to the marquee. I could still hear their distant chat as I unzipped and completed my fresh air pee in the field.

    All in all, it's the small things that make these events (like photographing weddings) a little more bearable...



    I would have peed next to you and playfully crossed streams if it had been me. 

    I hope you felt relieved after. 

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