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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. On 3/11/2022 at 1:24 AM, Bacardi said:

    However, I also agree with that you've said lol. The ignore function can only do so much and I'd feel so much better if it were an actual block function. I would much rather some people not see my posts at all but as far as I can tell they still can.

    Yes, agreed. A few in particular spring to mind.

  2. Since I'm willing to wager that you have seen more women's streams than the average woman (you state yourself that you have seen many in photographs and videos), I'd say that you can most likely answer that question yourself. Have you ever seen a twist in a female stream? I have never seen them in my own.

    It's a common lament on this website that women won't discuss their streams. I'll tell you now: it isn't so much that women refuse to discuss them; it's that since most women either sit on the lavatory or squat down to relieve themselves, the majority of women cannot physically see their own streams. Test this for yourself; the next time you sit down on a lavatory, if you were to urinate this way would you be able to see the stream? Remember, no cheating by angling your manhood to see it. 

    It bears repeating, since it doesn't seem to be common knowledge, that most women cannot naturally see their own vulvae. Just in the same way that you cannot see the underside of your testicles and perennium; the angle is wrong. If you want to see your vulva in detail, you need to use a mirror. 

    I pee standing and I can obviously my own stream. I can't see my own vulva, though - I need a mirror for that. 

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  3. Well if you are up for some more challenges Goose...

    You say that you have a relative currently residing in Newcastle. Mr E and I were there a few months ago. My challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to pee into the same drain that I peed in behind the cathedral.


    You can see the drain there, between the white arrowheads. The next time you're up there, let us know how you get on.

    Remember whilst you do it, you're releasing your pee where Eliminature released hers. 

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