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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. I know you seem to prefer peeing handsfree, Sexy Andre. How would you feel about having a female hand hold and aim your enormous cock whilst you had a good piss? I'd enjoy being able to do that! Then of course shaking off the drops - repeatedly shaking, for quite some time. Perhaps cleaning it by putting it in my mouth and swallowing any excess fluid - you get the idea...

    I would of course let you stand behind me and part my labia so I could add to your shimmering golden lake. Once your bladder waa refilled, I'd need you to help keep my lady garden healthy and lubricated by aiming your forceful stream onto my swollen clitoris. 

    Doing our bit for Anglo-Swedish relations...

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  2. UK seems to be somewhere in the middle with regards to peeing in public. On the one hand, I've seen newspaper reports of women getting taken to court after being caught peeing on camera. Yet on the other, I have walked down a crowded street in one of England's major cities and seen two men pissing through a gate, grinning sexily and mischievously as they did it, whilst an on duty policeman stood with his back to them, paying them no attention. 

    Mixed bag, certainly. Also, the idea that men get in trouble for ot and women do not is untrue. Anyone can get in trouble for, or get away with, a public piss. 

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  3. I forgot about the wine! We only drink it as a treat on special occasions. We have a Kosher red wine for the Jewish holidays Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Chanukah. For the Christian holidays Christmas and Easter, we like a nice Eastern European white. Usually German, but my piano teacher introduced me to a very specific Hungarian white that's the finest I've ever drank. It's expensive, though so we only drink it on New Year's Day.

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  4. That's lovely to read about, @ukpeegirl86. Peeing into a urinal feels so empowering, doesn't it? Almost "F-ck you, Patriarchy! You can't stop me relieving my full female bladder into a device designed for men to pee quickly and easily!" 

    I hope you'll try it again and enjoy the sensation of your pee gleefully escaping your sensitive urethra into a device that was never intended to provide relief for women. Either squatting or standing - piss on the patriarchy. Tip: parting your labia helps. 

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  5. It will mean different things to different people. For me, urophilia isn't bizarre at all. It's just normal by my standards. 

    Call me strange, but I can't imagine calling kind of sex play "bizarre," as long as it's consensual. Like all creatures, humans have mating rituals - that's all there is to it. Some animals even appear to have fetishes, just like us; including urophilia. The male giraffe will sometimes sip the female's urine prior to mating. Also hamsters have been known to pee on each other before the male mounts the female.

    Discovering that forms of fetish - including urophilia - exist in the animal kingdom was a great source of comfort to me. It normalises it, in a way. 

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  6. Not sure if this should go in the Pee Talk section or here (maybethe admins could move it if thry feel this is the wrong place?). It is loosely to do with peeing, but not really. 

    My question is: what liquid do you like to imbibe to create our beloved streams? In other words, what's your favourite drink? 

    For me, though I mainly drink water to stay hydrated throughout the day, I love tea. I'll have at least one mug every day. Both Mr E and I have epilepsy so can't drink coffee - though I personally never developed the taste for it anyway. We will have several jars of tea leaves in the cupboard at any one time. As well as the traditional English breakfast tea, I can't get enough of Earl Grey! 

    As for soft drinks, I used to drink cola, but I've had to stop because it was giving me grand mal seizures. Not good. I'll usually make do with some apple based drink nowadays, such as appletizer. I love fruit juice. 

    Now for the alcohol, I'm an ale drinker! Have been for roughly a decade. I am quite fussy about this, though. I won't touch mass produced stuff. Only real ale, also known as cask beer or craft beer, will do! Some are a bit mainstream nowadays, such as Abbot Ale and Doom Bar - but I enjoy them just the same. I like dark, malty beers. In keeping with my dark image, I can never resist Hobgoblin: the unofficial beer of Halloween! The only difficulty with being a real ale fan is that some of the most delicious beers are also the hardest to find. Sneck Lifter by Jennings, Complete Muppetry by Two Towers and Snowflake by Sarah Hughes are all great ales, but good luck getting hold of them! Indeed, I think Sneck Lifter might be discontinued now. And yes, they do have highly entertaining names - that's all part of the charm! 🍺

    What about you? What do you like to drink? Both on a day to day basis and as a treat. 

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  7. On 8/20/2022 at 5:01 AM, morty98 said:

    A pair of boxers got legs. A slip doesn't. That's the difference. Anyways, both exist for male-style clothing!

    Oh, briefs, as opposed to boxers? I see. A slip is an underskirt in British English - a ladies' undergarment, though they aren't worn as much nowadays. 

    I just wear plain briefs and hold up/thigh high stockings. I can't be bothered with a bra, though I occasionally wear a camisole. I haven't worn a bra since my school days and even then I only wore them because of peer pressure. 

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  8. On 8/2/2022 at 6:31 AM, Keri said:

    Thank you. You are very nice. I also read your entries and look at your photos. I am impressed with your standing pissing skills. I can't do that.

    Thank you! Maybe one day you can learn? It's easier than it looks, honest. 

    Also your English speaking is very good. xx

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