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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Slightly vanilla in comparison to everyone else's, but here goes nothing. For me, wandering around a European city centre with my attractive musician friend, visiting music shops. Him quaffing his favourite beverage (it's outing so I won't say what it is but he has an addiction to a certain beverage), maybe grabbing a beer too. After a while, he says in his sexy Eastern European accent: "It is no good, I really need to piss," or something similar. I'd say: "So do I. Don't worry, I'll find somewhere for us to go." I take him by the hand and we go somewhere private and secluded. An all
  2. If I'm ever in Sask and I happen to visit you, I'll save on your water by aiming a stream into it myself! ☺ I hope your wife enjoys using it and finds it helpful.
  3. Could Mrs Speedy use it for target practice? It might help her aim. Nice stream, by the way! I like that! I like drains/grates for a discreet piddle. The evidence is immediately sluiced away. I think I weed more down drains (whilst being held over them) than in the toilet as a kid.
  4. Good on you, Speedy. As long as the majority goes in the bowl, a few splashes outside of it is not the end of the world. I clean here, but my husband cooks and washes up, so it isn't completely one sided.
  5. I know I pee standing and habitually wear black, but no it wasn't me! 😉 No parks around here, unfortunately. Also, if a fellow urophile was peeing next to me, I wouldn't keep the bush between us. I'd make sure we had a good look at each other. I've never used a Shewee, but I am glad that they exist. For one thing, they have made women peeing standing a lot more acceptable than it used to be.
  6. Well, in my personal opinion, making a mess on the floor or the loo isn't the end of the world. As long as you are considerate and wipe it up instead of leaving it for the next person. Remember, women are (not always, but usually) the ones who mostly clean the bathroom anyway. At least that's the case in this house.
  7. Oh congratulations, Bacardi! I'm really happy for you! 🤗
  8. He told me. I was talking to him about how the local council have been stringent against public urination where we live. However at the same time, public lavatories and street urinals are all boarded up and not to be used. I went on to say that this was absurd, especially since everyone has to relieve themselves publicly at some point, I'm not innocent of it myself. He said nothing so I said that I didn't believe that he hadn't relieved himself publicly either. He replied that he had, but only in rural areas. Never in a built up area.
  9. Well no. What could I say? He was doing so many gigs at the time he may not even remember it now! 😀 I do happen to know that he has peed outdoors in rural areas, though.
  10. Oh love the photographs! And the GIFS. That stream is so sexy, to say nothing of the source from which it springs! I'm sure the tree/grass in the second image was grateful for being watered. I hope that my own photographs have made you hard at some point, because these have made me wet!
  11. Not sure if this really counts because I never actually saw him peeing and he isn't a girl, but I still think about this a lot. I once saw one of the members of the band I enjoy seeing (and who I have a crush on) exiting the lavatory at a venue where he was playing, just before the show began. The problem with that is that he was coming out of the ladies' room instead of the gents'. To be fair, the loos are poorly labelled there and I saw quite a few hapless men emerging from that room looking embarrassed before going in the correct door. As for my crush, he simply emerged from there with
  12. I wantto use that one now! You'd have to watch, though. Performing to myself, or non-pee enthusiasts is no fun! 😉 It can be fun, but a urophile watcher is always nice.
  13. Don't we all love using a tree? I'm sure it was grateful for being watered. Hot photos!
  14. The metal ones. I actually can't use the latter. The urinal itself is higher up than my crotch.
  15. I'd love to try both of those! 😀 I'd need an appreciative audience, such as yourselves, though. Just non pee enthusiasts wouldn't be quite the same.
  16. I'd love to use that one whilst seasoned members of this forum (including you, Alfresco) watch me! For me, the least private urinals I have seen and used are the public ones of Amsterdam. Though to be fair, you can't really see anything.
  17. I would have peed if I'd been there. Not sure how much I would have been able to produce, but I certainly wouldn't have wasted the attempt to let out a few drops in nature and feel the fresh air around my lady garden. Live maggots under the foreskin makes me feel a bit faint. Yes, I'm very squeamish! Not judging him for having that fetish. If it makes him happy, good for him. ☺
  18. Oh well, I guess this guy has kind of seen me peeing, then! 😂 Thank you for admitting this. I hope it didn't embarrass you. I don't mind tellibg you that I find this quite arousing. 👏🏻
  19. This might be of interest to some of us. I'm not big on watching television so I never saw this when it was first aired. There is also some footage of a man peeing in a wood which some of us might enjoy. I kind of want to meet this guy and have him watch me pee too! If I have posted this in the wrong topic, I'd be very grateful if the admins/moderators could put it in the correct place. I really wasn't sure where it should go!
  20. Nice! Very titillating! I like how you do a handsfree high squat at the end too.
  21. Not so much pissing contests as our angle of stream is completely different. We do compare streams, though.
  22. I (along with three others at least) peed in the canal this evening! Go check out my account of it, and of course the pictures.
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