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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Actually just realized we saw Good Luck to You, Leo Grande at the cinema the other week!
  2. Don't do yourself down. I've not watched a film for ages! (Apart from the latest Bond.)
  3. A good list 🙂. I'm a fan of the films of Mike Leigh and Pedro Almodovar too. Serious, brilliantly acted and in Almodovar's case, sexy. If you don't know his work you have a treat in store, and you can practise your Spanish too 🙂
  4. Ooh! I am surely not the only person looking at that picture and thinking "Those lovely tight high-waisted yellow jeans would show a wetting really, really well" 😉
  5. So a little like 'semaphore Polari (TM)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polari
  6. Ah well. And thinking about it, women tend not to wear visible hankies anyway.
  7. !!! Yes indeed. Perhaps the style police. "You can't wear that colour. You know what I'm saying? Take it off, or things could get nasty."
  8. Hmm - yes. Not a particularly fashionable colour ... and a difficult look to carry off with my eyes and hair colour! yellow isn't one of my 'Color Me Beautiful' colours lol
  9. That is exactly how to do it 🙂 Thanks. I reckon all PF members should try this out. Who will be the first person to spot a yellow hanky wearer and report back?
  10. 100% with your there Micky. It's a complete overreaction by some individuals, but worse, by 'the system'. I feel very sympathetic to the lady.
  11. Me neither ... but then I haven't been looking. Maybe I will now. There's the potential for huge embarrassment though with someone innocently sporting a yellow hanky! "What are you doing?! You've just peed all over my legs!" "Oh - I'm sorry, Innocent mistake, Complete misunderstanding."
  12. Hmm. I'm naturally a little sceptical, but this is an interesting article: https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2018/05/200347/lgbtq-secret-handkerchief-code-language
  13. The inimitable, funny, filthy and much-missed Jake Thackray
  14. I agree with you - sad but there it is.
  15. Haha! A diversion to Parker's Piece to help water the grass perhaps?
  16. I don't want to discourage anyone - not least our own inimitable, wonderful and amazing @puddyls - but K pointed me at this article the other day that demonstrates the consequences in the UK of being caught masturbating in public. The circumstances are not clear from the newspaper report, and there may be all sorts of reasons that are not "she just felt like it, and is an exhibitionist". You can make your own minds up! https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/woman-54-exposed-breasts-pleasured-24538076
  17. Fantastic Vixen! So beautifully described, and really hot! Also, nicely set up for an interesting continuation 🙂
  18. Thanks! I have a camera yes but I'm an enthusiastic amateur taker of pictures and not a photographer! But I was inspired to write this story for a friend who is 🙂.
  19. OMG! How have I not seen that video before? It's magnificent 😍
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