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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Good luck to you today @harry_jones_1975 - and I hope your running companion is feeling OK to run with you. You'll have the PF Sports Club cheering you on (virtually). And good luck to anyone else doing sport today 🙂
  2. Stay calm Harry! If she can't run tomorrow, work out your pace for the time you want to aim for and start off at that pace. There's always a tendency to go off too quickly, so be ruthless about not doing that. Then after a mile or two check in with your body and see how you're feeling. That way you've got time to adjust the pace - down if you're feeling like it's a struggle, or keep to it if you're feeling OK. For me, it always takes a mile or two to settle into a rhythm so not worth panicking until then! In any event, doing the run at all, at any pace, is an achievement - good luck!
  3. Spot on Goose. Steve, you're a great guy with the right instincts. Your humanity shines through.
  4. Steve - your contributions to the site speak for themselves, but I do hear you. In fact, I have been going through a few weeks of worry about my engagement too (and having the 'outsider looking in' feeling) - though perhaps coming from a different starting place. I think there's a big element of waxing and waning of interest for me - and maybe for you too. I know exactly what you mean about the anxiety you feel when commenting on posts in what could be considered a flirtatious way: it's not easy, especially perhaps for us men of a certain age with the experience and background we have. It can
  5. Wow! That sounds like it was fantastic Goose! Thanks for describing and showing us!
  6. Excellent! Keep looking at that juice. No need to drink it yet maybe.
  7. Five minutes of jiggling now ... how's it going? Ten more minutes? Top of the hour?
  8. Hang on in there - it'll come in waves - you know that.
  9. Good luck! That does sound like you'll be pushing it ... but hey, that's where the fun is, isn't it?
  10. Have fun holding! I will check in on your from time to time ... any guesses what time you're aiming for?
  11. Wow! Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you have enjoyed the thread 🙂. I'll try to keep making new stuff when the mood strikes me ❤️
  12. Favourite drink? It's really hard to choose because I drink many different things at different times, and they are all favourites (if that's allowed). Real ale in pubs (I've been a Camra member for 20+ years) and will try and enjoy a big range of styles but I suppose if I could only choose one it would be a well-balanced English bitter - something like Timothy Taylor Landlord or Adnams Broadside or Marston's Pedigree. But a lovely chilled Czech (Budvar, Staropramen), German (pilsner or Weissbier), Italian, Dutch, Belgian (!!!!), French or Spanish lager goes down well too, especially on a
  13. Wonderful! And for once you had words ready at the right moment 🙂
  14. Good work! You are getting the miles in!
  15. Oh Pauly! Only you could combine Horlicks and bed wetting in a story ❤️❤️❤️
  16. Recently refurbished beer cask urinals in the wonderful Baltic Fleet pub in Liverpool.
  17. I think a shewee is an excellent present idea 😊 ... As much s present for me as for K. Good job our birthdays are within a few days of each other 🙂. Thank you for the suggestion!
  18. OK ... you need to persuade her to take on a couple of bottles at that water stop stage 🙂
  19. I haven’t posted for a while in the series of occasional wet fun accounts from myself and K. But today was my lucky day as she was in a happy mood … and it was my turn to choose a date-night-style activity 😊 The weather’s been pretty good today, so after giving K advance warning that she might like to fill up during the afternoon with a view to letting a lot of pee out later, we went outside into the garden with post-work G&Ts and I asked her to take off her shorts and sit on my lap, facing me, on a garden chair. She was getting reasonably desperate, but I’d told her that she couldn’t
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