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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Linsey Dawn is one of my favourites and that pic certainly is.  

    On a separate, but not entirely unrelated note, I picked up a copy of the Weekend Sport.  On page 9 there was an article headed "Piss Morning."  In that article it was claimed that Holly Willoughby, one of This Morning's presenters, had often been close to weeing herself on the show.  A few years ago she and co-host Philip Schofield, interviewed Jonah Falcon, supposed owner of the world's biggest penis on the show.  Unfortunately rules about censorship, taste and decency meant that he wasn't able to get it out, much less do a wee on the set.   




  2. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    Scarlet rushed to her own knees laughing, and reached to her friend's panties with her own hands, scoffing them herself while Others were giggling, and when she freed Anne's pussy from the fabric, the girl couldn't hold it in and kept peeing, drenching Scarlet's finger and releasing a hot deluge on the already hot sand, as the Group exploded in a cheerful laughter

    Jenny, giggling, admitted it was all too much and she was now bursting for a wee too.

  3. Hi and welcome, mate.  I've never wet the bed on purpose, not because I have any ideological objection, but because the thought of the clean up is just too much.  I did wet my pyjamas once about twelve years ago when I was in my mid forties but it was an isolated, stress-related, incident. 

  4. Hi and welcome.  I'm glad you've finally plucked up the courage to post and I look forward to hearing about your experiences.  In the meantime, have a great time.



  5. Twitter is pretty good and I have a special account on there for that sort of thing, as distinct from a more general one.  I have a Facebook account (don't ask me why!) but even were such things allowed, I'd not be keen on sharing my pee interests there.   However there is something called Similarworlds which is like a succesor to Experience Project and that has a lot of good pee groups on.   

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  6. On 4/21/2018 at 10:58 AM, fannywatcher said:

    Purely in the interests of science,yeah right,id love to hold a measuring jug under each of these Japanese girlies.Everytime i watch the vid of this,i wonder how much they are passing.


    That sounds like a tough job but I guess someone's got to do it!  

    I've just done a wee in a measuring jug and it came to 400ml which is pretty average for me.  


  7. I hate things that are clearly staged/faked.  Recently I saw a video on another site where a woman got up in the morning and, holding herself, frantically tried what was supposed to be a locked bathroom door before appearing to piss herself on the landing.  If it was real pee (which I doubt) there was a ridiculous amount of it and it was far too clear to be a genuine early morning 'first wee of the day' which I think is what it was meant to be a portrayal of.  

  8. 4 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    thank you but I was not into reading it, what I wanted to say is that it was a sincere place where people could share their Whole life, I'm sad it stopped working as the thing in tiself, if you see what I mean

    It was indeed an amazing place.  I suspect one of the reasons for its demise was the lack of effective moderation either for want of resources or the will to undertake it - or a mixture of both.  I'm a great advocate of free speech but some things are against the law of the land and, on a site of that size and complexity, making sure that everything posted on it was legal and decent must have been all but impossible.  You can contribute to discussions at similarworlds though.   

    • Thanks 1
  9. Marie.  Maybe the best thing would be to get him to just do it.  I would advise against it being an early morning 'first wee of the day' though as they tend to be very concentrated.  Far better to do it later in the day after he's had plenty of fluids such as tea, coffee and/or good old fashioned water and he's been to the toilet a time or two.  

  10. Hi and welcome.  You've got some fantastic pics.  I'm not a fan of drinking but I certainly enjoy wetting and naughty peeing as well as the desperation that precedes it.  When it comes to DVDs some commercial ones are better than others.  I received some last week and two of them left me losing the will to live as they were basically about ladies showing off, pleasuring themselves and generally messing about.  Any peeing that took place only happened after a lot of other stuff.  A third, however, was much better - it was a succession of ladies enjoying straight alfresco wees in a variety of places and then moving on without any of the messing about.  

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