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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. 2 hours ago, JesseP said:

    I would be interested in meeting up with other piss fans. I could co-ordinate things if there is enough interest. I am South Yorks based but happy to travel an hour or so which leaves plenty of scope.

    My suggestion is that we meet one afternoon mid week in a pub or similar so we can have a chat and a drink. That way we can see if people are getting on, and if anyone is interested in some pissing we could maybe drive somewhere a bit discreet and see what happens.

    I would prefer a mixed group obviously. I appreciate ladies are a bit nervous about meeting strangers so somewhere fairly public is important, and one of the conditions would be that if anyone is uncomfortable they can just get up and walk away.

    Hi JesseP.  I'm in the Lincolnshire area so not too far from you.  I'd certainly be interested in meeting people socially for coffee, lunch or a drink and seeing how things developed but with no pressure for anyone to 'perform' or do anything they weren't comfortable with.   

  2. 2 hours ago, JesseP said:

    I would be interested in meeting up with other piss fans. I could co-ordinate things if there is enough interest. I am South Yorks based but happy to travel an hour or so which leaves plenty of scope.

    My suggestion is that we meet one afternoon mid week in a pub or similar so we can have a chat and a drink. That way we can see if people are getting on, and if anyone is interested in some pissing we could maybe drive somewhere a bit discreet and see what happens.

    I would prefer a mixed group obviously. I appreciate ladies are a bit nervous about meeting strangers so somewhere fairly public is important, and one of the conditions would be that if anyone is uncomfortable they can just get up and walk away.

    Hi JesseP.  I'm in the Lincolnshire area so not too far from you.  I'd certainly be interested in meeting people socially for coffee, lunch or a drink and seeing how things developed but with no pressure for anyone to 'perform' or do anything they weren't comfortable with.   

  3. Hi and welcome, tommcan.  Thanks for sharing with us your experience of catheter play.  Please be very careful though because unless strict hygiene is followed, catheters can be a quick - and not very pleasant - way of introducing infection into the urethra and/or bladder.  

  4. Hi and welcome, Harley.  You've come to a great place and I'm sure you'll meet some amazing people here with similar interests.  I look forward to seeing you around.  

  5. (This is a new story which I've just written and shared elsewhere too.  I hope you enjoy it.)

    Anne pulled out of Boston Hospital carpark and on to Spilsby Road.  She’d been to visit Brian whose prostate operation had taken place the previous day.  Being a typical man, he’d taken it like a baby and, whilst he really needed to rest, Anne knew that if she didn’t visit she’d never hear the last of it.  Luckily his ward allowed visiting from 11am to 12.30pm so she’d been able see him whilst still making sure he’d get the nap after lunch which she was sure he needed.  It was a fair drive from their home over in Cambridgeshire but there wasn’t a local urology unit that could offer surgery within the urgent time frame recommended by the consultant.  Thus it was that he’d ended up in Boston.  

    Their encounter was still fresh in her mind as was the look of mild disappointment when she’d handed the bottle of Lucozade and punnet of grapes over.  

    “Couldn’t you make it a bottle of scotch next time, love?  I could really use a drop of the hard stuff.”

    “No Brian.  Remember what the doctor said.  You must cut back on the alcohol and eat more fruit.”

    “Okay Miss.  Point taken.  Annie, I know this will make your day, but I wet the damned bed last night.  I’m sure the nurse on duty thought I’d done it on purpose but it just happened.  I’ve not had an accident since….”

    “Last month?”

    Anne smiled sweetly at him.  

    “Brian, it’s perfectly okay.  Everyone has accidents.  I’m sure that nurse didn’t think for a moment you’d pissed the bed on purpose.  It’s not as though they’ve not got mattress protectors and I’m sure they assume everyone wets the bed who comes in here and think they’re in luck if it doesn’t happen.  Here, I’ve got some clean pyjamas.  I’ll put them in your locker.”

    “Anne, the doctor’s been round and he says I can come home the day after tomorrow, all things being equal.  If it’s not inconvenient, could you pick me up after lunch – around two to two thirty.”

    “It’s bloody inconvenient.  It’s my regular afternoon for checking watersports forums!  No of course I’ll pick you up.  I’ve got you a supply of adult nappies so you don’t have to worry about accidents on the way home or anywhere else.”

    “You’ve got what!”

    “Calm down Brian.  You’ve just had surgery.  Look, they’re really comfy and you’ll hardly notice that you’ve got them on.  They’ll make it harder for you to play with yourself whilst things heal up down there.  Here, how about a kiss?”

    Anne reached over and kissed Brian on the cheek.  As she did so, a silent but deadly fart escaped from her bottom.  Brian noticed immediately.

    “Annie, you haven’t been this morning, have you?”

    “What do you mean Brian?”

    “A number two.”

    “Brian, you’ve got more important things to worry about like getting better.  If you must know I haven’t been for number one either.  I was later up than I planned on being and it was a mad rush to get here.”

    “I’d say you were holding it on purpose if I didn’t know better.”

    “Brian, that will do!  See you tomorrow – and don’t worry – everything’s going to be fine.  Love you.”

    That was the conversation as she’d remembered it.  Brian had been half right – he generally was.  Waking up late and simply not having time to ‘attend to business’ had been rather convenient for the holding enthusiast that she was.

    Now on Spilsby Road and heading for John Adams Way, Anne looked forward to relief at the Central Park toilets or else those at the Stump.  Although the newly refurbished ones on Wide Bargate were more convenient, she knew they were temporarily closed for repairs so out of bounds.

    Anne’s bladder had felt full all morning but she was increasingly conscious of a need for #2 not being all that far away and another rank fart escaped her bottom.  As she approached John Adams Way she saw a sign indicating road works and the traffic gradually came to a standstill.  Great, this was all she needed!  On a Wednesday market day too – the busiest day of the week in this little town which so badly needed a bypass.  She’d read something about a ‘distributor road’ being proposed but right now it didn’t help at all.   

    Anne could feel stomach cramps starting to kick in and knew that if she didn’t find a toilet soon she’d been in a mess.  There was no way she’d make it to the Market Place to use the Stump loos.  Her best chance was the Bargate Green Carpark.  If she could find a space there she might be able to sprint to the Central Park toilets and just about make it.  

    Although it was market day, she did spot one space available – right at the far end of the car park.  Damn.  Still, she decided to go for it.  By now the stomach cramps were seemingly getting worse  - despite the farts which were involuntarily escaping.  Her bladder ached like crazy too.  Getting out of the car Anne made her way to the parking meter, her desperation increasing with every step.  She didn’t quite have the right change but was quite confident that the borough council wouldn’t object to getting an extra fifty pence off her.  Ticket in hand, she made her way back to the car, and it was then as disaster struck.  As she leant over to place the ticket on her dashboard, Anne lost control of her bowels and began to fill her jeans with the smelly poo which had been brewing since the weekend.  Her bladder then followed suit and she froze to the spot as the wetness spread down her legs.  Although she was no stranger to accidents, usually it was one thing or the other.  Anne couldn’t remember when she’d last had a double accident and done both on such a large scale.  The warmth, wetness and squishiness weren’t unpleasant though and, if the truth were told, she rather liked it.  There was no point in rushing to the toilets now – although she would go for a clean up operation – and see if there were some cheap replacement jeans to be had on the market.     
    THE END         

    • Like 1
  6. Toilet peeing is what I tend to do most for practical reasons.  However I also enjoy peeing outdoors in the garden and I always pee whilst showering in an evening.  Occasionally I've stood in the bath and peed a pair of pants.  My fantasy is to pee a pair of flyless pants/trousers whilst out in public but not summed up the courage yet.  My loo is upstairs and when I'm working downstairs and need to pee I'll often use a vase or measuring jug.  That's probably the one really hot thing that I get to enjoy on a regular basis.  

  7. Hi Brutus

    Thanks for that.  I too am a member of Literotica where I'm Adrian69702006.  Please feel free to check out my stories there, some of which overlap with ones here.  


  8. I too wonder what happens to the many people who sign up here, post for a while, and then disappear.  It's not peculiar to this forum either as I've noticed it on many others.  I know from my own experience that 'life' often gets in the way of what I'd like to do online and it's not always possible to contribute to the various forums of which I'm a member in the way that I'd like - and probably should.  I try to come here when I can though - and sometimes cum afterwards!

    • Haha 1
  9. Hi and welcome, Mark.  I think it's probably true that most of us enjoy peeing in unusual places.  I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you around.  

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